Hey, Fic-Writing Friends

Oct 15, 2014 23:37

Someone just brought to my attention that there's a site called http://fanfic-journal.com/ that is stealing other people's stories and re-posting them with no author credit, claiming them as their own (usually fanfic, but a few people have reported personal journals being re-posted, too). This is, of course, completely illegal, but the person running the site refuses to believe any and all evidence or, you know, law that confirms this.

So, just in case, check it out (the link is above) and/or just complain here: http://fanfic-journal.com/complain-here/ (and, seriously, if they have their own page to complain about having your story stolen, they have to know it's wrong).

An intrepid LJ user is on this (they gave me the heads up) and they have a bit more information http://ladydragon76.livejournal.com/226071.html. So, thanks, ladydragon76!

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people suck, journal

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