[Stargate: Drabble] "Compatibility of Souls: Prologue: Seek the Joining" [1/12] [John/Rodney, G]

Oct 17, 2014 01:50

Title: Prologue: Seek the Joining
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #052 ‘destiny’
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: “This device was created for the purpose of measuring the compatibility of souls, by accessing their previous corporeal energy signatures.”

Prologue: Seek the Joining

P3X-9917, Pegasus Galaxy
The Present

The outpost on P3X-9117 lit up sluggishly, lights flickering, as the team entered.

“It looks like everything in here is gene-activated,” said Rodney, sounding half-annoyed and half-impressed.

John nodded. “Ronon, Teyla, why don’t you go check the perimeter? Radio every fifteen minutes.”

“Of course,” said Teyla. She was more patient at exploring than Ronon was, but she was sometimes still a bit uncomfortable reconciling her people’s ‘ancestors’ to actual Ancients. “We will also contact you if we find any more technology.”

“And don’t touch any of it!” Rodney called after them, as they left. Then, he frowned. “Sheppard, come over here and touch this.”

Rodney was standing by a half-lit console, set in a little alcove apart from the others. It had two weakly-glowing square pads on the front, clearly designed to fit a human hand, that looked like they were made of the same stuff as the arm rests on the control chair. Rodney pressed his palm flat to one of the pads, and a hologram flickered to life above the console, the still image of a female Ancient, from the shoulders up. She looked sort of middle-aged, with short gray hair and crow’s feet at her eyes. Her mouth was moving, but there was no sound to go with the image.

“I think she’s saying something,” said Rodney. “C’mon, Sheppard, make that mutant gene good for something.”

John shot him a dirty look, but placed his hand on the other pad.

The hologram came to life again, this time in motion. “Hello, my children,” she said. “Have you come to seek the joining?”

“Joining?” Rodney repeated.

“The union of souls,” the woman replied. “This device was created for the purpose of measuring the compatibility of souls, by accessing their previous corporeal energy signatures.”

“Wait,” said John. “This thing can look at our… our past lives?”

“Correct,” said the hologram. “Do you wish to proceed?”

“Of course we-” Rodney began, but John interrupted, “Will we leave this room? Will the machine harm us or change us in any way?”

“You will not be harmed,” said the woman. “Your bodies will remain here, and any changes will be to your innermost selves and cannot be predicted.”

“Okay,” said John. “Let’s go.”

For a long moment, nothing happened. Then, the lights on the console began to flash. The hologram vanished, replaced with a swirl of color- then everything went dark.

Chapter One

Current Mood:


drabble, john/rodney, mcsheplets, compatibility_of_souls, stargate atlantis

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