[Stargate: Drabble] "Compatibility of Souls: Epilogue: Prosperous Union" [12/12] [John/Rodney, G]

Oct 27, 2014 22:19

Title: Epilogue: Prosperous Union
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 500
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #052 ‘destiny’
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: The results are pretty conclusive.

Epilogue: Prosperous Union

P3X-9917, Pegasus Galaxy
The Present

John woke with a start, and sat up, feeling unused to his own body.

“Rodney,” he said, and was answered by a low groan. “Rodney?”

“I’m okay. What the hell was that?”

The hologram flickered back to life. “Your souls are compatible,” she said, solemnly. “All statistics indicate that you would have a long and prosperous union.”

“Union?” asked Rodney.

“She said ‘joining’ earlier,” said John. “I think this is supposed to be some sort of pre-wedding compatibility test. I mean, they were all trying to Ascend, right? They probably wanted to know if they should really spend all of eternity together.”

Rodney frowned. “So, it’s some kind of… soul-mate detector? Of all the-”

“Your union should be entered into the official records in your region of residence,” the hologram interrupted. “Blessings for your future together.”

Then, if flickered off.

Rodney continued frowning. “This is obviously some sort of hallucination-generating…” he began, peering at the controls. “There wasn’t anything in the database… well, that’s not new. The Ancients were terrible note-keepers, it’s a wonder any of them bothered to write anything down at all…”

John caught his arm. “Hey,” he said, gently. “Are we going to talk about this?”

“Do we have to?” Rodney asked, not quite looking at him. “Because if it was my hallucination, then I’m sorry for whatever you saw in there, and can we please never speak about this again?”

“I don’t think so,” said John. He put both hands on Rodney’s shoulders. “And I was really hoping it was my hallucination. I kind of liked that one where I was a wild west sheriff.”

Rodney really did have a terrible poker face- John watched his blue eyes widened as he realized what that meant, then clear as he came to the right conclusion. He smiled, and slid his fingers around John’s wrist. “I don’t know. I kind of liked the one where you were a Chinese princess.”

John grinned back, then asked, “And what about the one where I’m an Air Force colonel?”

“I think that might be my favorite,” said Rodney, and pulled John in for a kiss.

“John?” said Teyla’s voice, over his radio.

“Sheppard here,” he replied, reluctantly pulling back, but he left his other hand on Rodney’s hip. “Are you and Ronon okay?”

“Of course, John,” said Teyla. “We are merely checking in, and we have found nothing. Did you and Rodney have any success with the device?”

“Yeah,” said John. “Yeah, we did. But we should probably have a science team look at it anyway. We’ll tell you the whole story when you get back.”

“I look forward to it. Teyla out.”

John smiled. “Now, where were we?”

Rodney took a deep breath- and a step away. “Back to Atlantis,” he said. “For a complete physical, both of us.”

“And if we’re clean?” prompted John.

Rodney smiled. “After that? Your place or mine?”

John just leaned in to steal another kiss before the rest of their team joined them.


Current Mood:


drabble, john/rodney, mcsheplets, compatibility_of_souls, stargate atlantis

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