Stargate Drabble Series- Magnetic Messages

Nov 02, 2011 01:36

A list of the drabbles in my "Magnetic Messages" series, all inspired by things spelled with the magnetic letters on the Children's Librarian's desk at the library where I work.

Magnetic Messages"

#1. Magnetic Message

Today, Sam hated bing sick.

#2. Magnetic Messages Continued

Somehow, the plastic magnetic letters had taken up permanent residence on their fridge.

#3: Magnetic Message at Midnight

Sam moved to the fridge and shifted five letters to a bare space on the front.

#4: Magnetic Lessons

Jake started rearranging the magnetic letters as soon as he could toddle over to the fridge.

#5: Magnetic Memories

She'd arranged the plastic magnetic letters to read 'PX-334'.

Current Mood:

snowed in

series, drabble, stargate, sam/jack

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