[Stargate: Drabble] "Magnetic Messages Continued" [Sam/Jack, PG]

Sep 21, 2011 23:55

Title: Magnetic Messages Continued
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill
Prompt: none
Summary: Somehow, the plastic magnetic letters had taken up permanent residence on their fridge.
Note(s): sequel to Magnetic Message

Magnetic Messages Continued

Today, Jack had a video conference with his counterparts in Russia or China or somewhere else in a different time zone. They were set to discuss something that Jack had some particularly strong (and negative) opinions about and which did not make him particularly enthusiastic to get out of bed.

Sam, however, had the day off, so she'd woken up just enough to give him a good morning kiss and gone straight back to sleep.

She woke again several hours later and ambled down the stairs to pour herself a cup of coffee. There were voices coming from behind the door of Jack's office but they sounded calm, which meant he hadn't managed to piss anyone off. Yet.

Sam moved to pick up the newspaper and came to a stop beside the fridge.

Somehow, the plastic magnetic letters had taken up permanent residence on their fridge. And they'd multiplied, too- there were at three full alphabets, two sets of numerals and several extras of the more frequently-used letters.

'I love Sam' was still prominently displayed on the freezer door, but other words had come and gone regularly. 'Milk' seemed to be spelled out most often, since neither of them could remember to buy more. Sam spotted 'dinner 19:30' one morning before she left for work and came home to beer and steaks on the grill, and every phone in the house turned off or unplugged.

'Fishing' was one of the first words to have appeared and was left alone (except for the time Vala had added the word 'sex' right below it).

In a previously clear space, the letters had been rearranged to spell the words 'cake', 'dog', 'best', 'new' and 'gun', all at different angles. Clearly, some generals did not review their briefs before a meeting.

Chuckling, Sam found the letters to spell out 'I love Jack', just as raised voices sounded from his office. She pulled a beer out of the fridge and held it out as the door banged open. She tried for a sympathetic expression, but couldn't help a grin at the sight of Jack wearing his dress uniform shirt and jacket over Homer Simpson-print pajama bottoms.

"Good meeting?" she asked, smirking.

He took the bottle and set it on the counter. "I'm getting out of this uniform, Carter. Wanna help?"

The beer was warm when they got back downstairs, but neither of them particularly cared.


Author's Note: Sequel inspired again by something written in magnetic letters on the Children's Librarian's desk at the library where I work- I came in one day to find 'cake', 'dog', 'best', 'new' & 'gun' spelled out at the same time, and my first thought was, "Jack O'Neill must come to our library!" *g*

Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sam/jack

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