[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Sixteen" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 20, 2011 00:22

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Sixteen
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack (really, more 'team/family')
Summary: "Do you wish you were up there with them?"



"Do you wish you were up there with them?" Vala asked.

Cam looked sharply at her, distracted from staring at the stage standing at one end of the National Mall. It was one of those temporary constructions, aluminum and plywood covered in red, white and blue buntings- it seemed entirely too insubstantial to hold the announcement that only they, among the jostling crowd, knew was coming.

The original SG-1 sat behind the podium, all wearing their green off-world BDUs- only someone paying close attention would have seen the stars on Sam and Jack's shoulders. They'd worn their dress uniforms (suits for Daniel and Teal'c) last week, when the President of the United States had stood in the United Nations building and announced to the world the existence of the Stargate Program.

This ceremony was not nearly so world-changing, but much more meaningful. Today, they weren't marveling at the revelations of 'Gate travel, or aliens, or Earth-build intergalactic spaceships. Today, they were honoring those who had died to make those things possible, which was why the first four members of SG-1 were wearing the same BDUs they'd worn more than a decade ago, and Vala and Cam stood in the crowd.

"Up there with them?" Cam repeated. Once, she knew, he would have wished exactly that, but she was unsurprised now to see him smile wryly. "And miss out on the fun of- don't think I didn't see that, Vivienne Samantha."

Ten-year-old Viv Jackson froze, then slid her leather-bound book back into the satchel slung over her shoulder. "What, Uncle Cam?" she asked, all innocence.

Vala managed not to smile. "Pay attention to the ceremony, darling," she said. "This one's important."

The introductory speaker had finished, stepping aside for Sam to take the podium. Jack might have retired a general, but Sam was the current Air Force Chief of Staff, and that got her top billing.

"We are gathered here today," Sam said, her voice echoing slightly through the speakers, "not to congratulate ourselves for our accomplishments, but to remember those who were lost ensuring that those accomplishments were made..."

Fourteen-year-old David rested a hand on his mother's shoulder. "Did you know many of those people?" he asked.

"Not as many as your father," said Vala, softly. "I know he's told you about Sha're and Skaara."

"Yeah, he did," said Viv, tucking herself under Cam's arm. "And Aunt Janet, and Grandpa George, and Jake and A.J.'s Grandpa Jacob."

Cam squeezed her shoulder. "Keep listening, kiddo."

"And that is why I am here today," Sam continued, "not as the Chief of Staff, but as a member of SG-1, who wouldn't be alive today if not for the sacrifices of so many, to announce the planned creation of a memorial to be dedicated to the fallen men and women of the Stargate Program."

Viv elbowed Cam in the ribs. "They're not going to put Dad's name on it, are they?"

Vala laughed and reached out to catch her daughter's hand. "Not anytime soon."


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, sam/jack, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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