[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Seventeen" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 22, 2011 01:32

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Seventeen
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala (really, more 'team/family')
Summary: "Teal'c, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"



It was, as Jack would have said, deja vu all over again.

Daniel and Teal'c felt it almost instantly when they arrived on P4X-984, following up on SG-14's failure to report in on time. Cam and Vala hadn't felt it, but they were tense because the other two were, all four keeping tight grips on their weapons.

"Teal'c?" said Daniel, as they cleared the seventh empty building. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Indeed," his friend replied.

Cam frowned. "I'm not."

"It's-" Daniel froze as they rounded a corner and found the bodies, five in local dress and one in standard-issue BDUs, none of them with a visible cause of death. "-just like Hanka."

"Cassie's planet," said Vala softly.

"Yeah," Daniel agreed. "It was just like this, just this quiet. Teal'c, you don't think...?"

The Jaffa arched one eyebrow. "The possibility had occurred to me."

Cam, for once completely in command mode, ordered a complete search of the village, and they made their way slowly through the deserted buildings, marking the locations of more bodies and listening intently for the smallest sign of life.

It was Teal'c who found the girl, huddled under her bed in a little house on the edge of town. She was maybe seven or eight, a little shaken but not hurt- she looked up at him with wide brown eyes, then inched closer and took his hand.

"I'm Miranda," she said softly.

She stuck close to Teal'c when they returned to Earth, and through decontamination, then every medical test Carolyn Lam could think of.

"She's fine," the doctor reported, at last. "She's unhurt, completely human, and in no way a hidden Goa'uld weapon."

"We were all thinking it," Daniel admitted. "Especially since she's supposed to be here today."

"Who's supposed to be here?" asked an amused voice.

Cassandra Fraiser, Colorado's newest senator, stood in the infirmary doorway, grinning at all of them. Officially, she was there as part of the oversight committee on the now-public Stargate Program- unofficially, this was an excuse to visit everyone at the SGC.

"You are, Cass," said Daniel, moving to hug her. "And there's someone we'd like you to meet..."

Miranda sat on the infirmary bed, bare feet swinging, dressed in pajamas that had been found somewhere. Vala tucked herself against Daniel's side as they watched Cassie approach her. The girl shied away, but Cassie continued to talk, hands moving gently, and gradually, Miranda moved closer, until she was pressed against the older woman's side, smiling brightly.

After a long few minutes, Cassie slid off the bed and pulled Miranda into her arms. "So," she asked, "who wants cake?"

Three weeks later, they were all in the park, watching Teal'c push Miranda on the swings.

"Thank you," said Cassie, squeezing onto the bench between Daniel and Vala. When they looked at her, she added, "You could as easily have kept her."

"Mom!" called Miranda. "Watch this, Mom!"

"No, Cass," said Vala, softly, "she was meant to be yours."

Note(s): To be elected to the United States Senate, a candidate is required to be 35 years old and a resident of their district for at least a year. It is not required that they were born in the US, or even (technically) on Earth *g*


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daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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