I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy? [13/?]

Oct 05, 2010 16:13

 Title: I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy?
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Jack did the usual, went to some party and fucked some guy but something about this guy was special and now he needs to find him.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: Quite a long chapter, I enjoyed writing this one but don't hate me for it! And thank you for the lovely comments!

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Alex's P.O.V

So Jack let me stay that night, curled up in his arms and we practically lay in bed all of sunday playing video games, listening to Blink & sharing some long lazy kisses. Dan suggested I stayed sunday too as they were all getting up early monday morning for work like I would be so I did.

I awoke to sound of a door closing shut, my eyes cracked open and I threw my hand over the side of the bed feeling emptiness. Jack wasn't there. I moved my hand around a bit more and then sat up and switched on the light. I pulled on some sweatpants and went downstairs to see Jack making sandwiches in his underwear. He yawned loudly and then carried on spreading the butter on a slice of bread. I now realized I was just leaning against the counter with the biggest smile on my face. He was too adorable.

I quietly walked over and snaked my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder, I now kissed his jaw.

"You are so adorable in the morning" I mumbled into his jaw. I felt him chuckle beneath me.

"You're one to say" He replied. I unwrapped myself from him and looked over at the sandwiches.

"I'm guessing they're for you and Dan?" I questioned. He shook his head.

"Dan makes himself his own, these are for you and me" He answered simply. I smiled.

"Thanks but you didn't have to" I told him honestly. He shook his head with a smile.

"But I did. What else would you have had for lunch?" He asked playfully. I now took the bread knife out of his hand and rested my hands on his hips. I tip-toed to press my lips to his, opening my mouth to allow his tongue to dance around mine. When we parted I tangled one of my hands in his hair.

"Thank you...for everything this weekend" I said quietly.

"No need to thank me, just helping out" He said simply. I chuckled and then pressed my lips to his again before turning on my heels. I stopped abruptly.

"Shit, I need clothes for work" I told him. He smiled.

"I left some out for you on the chair in my room, I'm sure they're okay for work" He told me. I smiled back at him.

"Thanks" I yelled as I darted up the stairs. Before entering Jack's room I saw Dan stumble out of his tiredly.

"Morning" He slurred. I giggled.

"Morning to you too" I replied before entering Jack's room and flipping on the light switch. On the chair lay black skinny jeans and his familiar blue plaid shirt. This was perfect for work. I quickly dressed myself and then searched for the straighteners. I fixed up my tousled light brown hair and pulled on my black converse.

Before going downstairs again, I grabbed all my stuff and stole some of Jack's cologne. Once I reached downstairs Jack was putting my lunch into a grocery bag. He stopped and walked towards me.

"You know, you shouldn't look so good for work..." He told me. I laughed.

"And you shouldn't look so good in the morning!" I pointed out before planting a kiss on his lips and getting my lunch.

"I gotta go, always gotta be in earlier on a monday" I informed Jack whilst I walked towards the door. He followed.

"Well what's gonna happen? I am seeing you after work or?" He asked quietly. I smiled.

"How about I call you after work and I'll pick you up? We can go to my place or something..." I suggested. He nodded with a grin.

"Sounds good"  I now pressed one last kiss to his lips and left. I got in my car contently.

This was by far the greatest morning of my life.

I drove up to the school and got in as quick as I could. I put my stuff in the teacher's lounge and got all my stuff ready.

"Sup Alex" I heard from a passing teacher. I waved and walked towards the door and suddenly the bell went. I walked to the classroom and entered into a room filled of overdressed hormoanal teenagers.

"Morning class" I greeted. A lot of the girls suddenly sat up straight.

"Morning Mr Gaskarth" Some girls exclaimed. I smiled politely and got out the register.

"Mr Gaskarth, I really love that shirt you're wearing" Some tall brunette complimented me. I couldn't quite remember her name.

"Thank you erm...Georgia!" I exclaimed remembering her name. She smirked and began to talk to her friends.

I found it hilarious the amount of girls in my class who hit on me and try to flirt. I've never exposed my sexuality to anyone here so they all assume I'm straight...especially the girls.

After I called out the register, I sat on my desk observing the class as I drummed my hands on my thighs.

"Mr Gaskarth?" A familiar skinny blonde called out. I'm sure her name was Jennifer.

"Yes Jennifer?" I replied. She now flicked her hair across her shoulder flirtatiously and squeezed her arms tight to expose her almost non-existent cleavage.

"How old are you?" She asked with a smile playing on her lips. I chuckled and moved my fringe out of my eyes.

"I'm not telling you that" I answered. She now tried to seat herself sexier.

"Please?" She asked trying to pout now.

"Fine" I gave in. She was just embarrassing herself now.

"I'm 22" I told her, swinging my legs. Her face lit up.

"So you're only like, 5 years older than me?" She questioned excitedly.

"Looks like it" I replied bluntly. Could people seriously not tell I was gay?

"Are you seeing anyone?" She asked now trying to bit her lip sexily. I felt a grin spread across my face.

"I am actually...he's great" I answered now getting off the table on cue as the bell rang. I left the class with a smirk seated on my face.

It was the last class of the day and I was beat. I couldn't wait to get out of here and pick up Jack. As all the kids entered the class. I opened up the 8th Grade Music Guide book and wrote the title of today's subject on the board. Once I turned around I saw most of the kids seated.

"Hello class" I said as joyfully as possible. They all ignored me, I just rolled my eyes.

"So you're gay then?!" I heard a boy scream. I turned out immediately to see Brandon, this little disruptive kid leaning over a little guy named Jake.

"Brandon! Don't get any closer to him!" I yelled before getting closer. Before I could get to them I slightly heard Jake say something defensive and suddenly Brandon's fist was quickly heading towards Jake's head, making him fall on top of a desk, breaking it before he hit the ground. I reached over to him, lifting his neck and looked at Brandon furiously. Brandon ran and hit the fire alarm setting an annoying bell to ring around the whole school. I ignored it and lifted a bloody and tear stained Jake into my arms before running out and getting some help.

A million phone calls and dismissed classes later, Jake was taken to the hospital due to a severe back injury and Brandon was kept behind as we waited for a guardian to come in.

Brandon was a very troublesome kid. We've always let him off as he's never done something too severe. The occasional destroying of school propertly, calling kid's name and stealing.

Before this huge incident he pushed some kid of the jungle jim causing him to break his arm, we were going to suspend him but instead we unwillingly gave him another chance.

But now here he was, sitting infront me, slouched in his seat running a hand through his spiky dark brown hair. His worried eyes stared at me from beneath his eyelashes.

"I can't believe you guys are suspending me" He gritted through his teeth.

"You have no say in this" I told him furiously. There was a knock on the door.

"That's my brother" Brandon told me. I got up from my seat and slowly walked towards the door, now opening it.

I opened it to reveal Jared.

"So after what he's done I'm afraid he is sentenced to suspension" I told Jared sincerely after giving him all the facts on today's incident. He sat there breathing heavily with angry eyes.

"I see, Brandon could you wait outside? I'd like to speak to Mr Gaskarth alone" He said quietly now watching Brandon leave. Once the door shut he looked at me immediately.

"You can't suspend him" He told me angrily. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

"I'm afraid we can after all the trouble he's caused. He put a kid in hospital, do you not understand?!" I exclaimed. Jared now got up from his seat forcefully slamming his hands on the table.

"If he gets suspended no one will be able to take care of him, I've got my job and so does my mom, he'll be alone. You have to keep him here!" Jared shouted at me.

"I'm sorry but he should have thought of that first before punching a kid!" I yelled back. Jared now leaned over the desk dangerously close.

"Look here Gaskarth, you've got the perfect job and practically the perfect life with you chicken ass boyfriend Barakat" He hissed through his teeth.

"Jack is not my boyfriend and he's not a chicken" I replied now getting even angrier if that was possible.

"Whatever, if you don't keep my little brother in school you and Barakat are going to pay" He threatened. I got closer.

"How?" I questioned bravely. Before words even left his mouth his fist flew towards my jaw send me to stumble backwards.

"That's for not keeping my brother in school and if that hurt just wait for what Barakat has coming" He hissed and now stomped towards the door, slamming it shut.

I was in incredulous pain, I rubbed my jaw but it made it hurt even more.

I got out of the school quickly and drove to Jack's work. There he was sitting at his desk, with his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth, he was concentrating. His glasses were slipping down his funny nose and they shot right back up when he realized I was at the front desk. He surely knew how to brighten up my day.

"Hey" He said leaning over the front desk.

"Hey" I replied catching his hands in mine.

"How was work?" He asked casually. I cleared my throat.

"Erm...interesting" I wasn't going to lie, it was. He nodded and looked around to see if anyone was looking before pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. When he parted he looked at the lower part of my face carefully, he grabbed my chin and moved my face. I felt his cold fingertips trace the place I had got hit carefully.

"What happened?" He asked quietly.

"I got in the way at recess, some kid accidently threw a ball my way and hit me" I told him. I felt bad for lying but I know he'd freak out if I mentioned Jared.

"N'aww poor Alex" He whined before pressing a kiss to it.

"So a secetary huh?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Sexy" I whispered into his ear before pressing a kiss to it.

"Not right now because everyone else is here. I'll go get my stuff" He whispered back and then walked to his desk.

I looked at him and yeah sure I felt bad for not telling him the truth but honestly I didn't want him freaking out over thing Jared thing just yet...or ever for that fact. I hate seeing him unhappy and I know that if I were to tell him about this it would make him.

"You ready?" Jack asked snapping me out of my chance.

"Yep" I replied simply before we exited the building.

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