I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy? [5/?]

Sep 11, 2010 23:51

Title: I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy?
Author: a hintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
POV: Jack's P.O.V (unless Alex P.O.V is mentioned)
Summary: Jack did the usual, went to some party and fucked some guy but something about this guy was special and now he needs to find him.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: Finally updated! I might have jumped a little here but I couldn't help it!

tap tap tap

I rose from my bed tired. I slowly walked towards the stairs.

tap tap tap

"Wait a second!" I yelled as I was walking down the stairs. I looked at the clock by the door to see it was almost 4 in the afternoon. I reached the door and realized that once I turned the handle, I was only in my underwear. I flung the door open to reveal a beautiful man in a white v-neck and black hoodie. It was Alex.

I smiled and then hid my body behind the door quickly. He laughed a melodic laugh.

"It's okay Jack, you in your underwear doesn't bother me" He told me. To tell you the truth, it's not cause I was in my underwear, It's cause I was sporting a boner. I laughed nervously.

"Erm yeah, erm come in" I said trying to hide my boner. I closed the door after him and looked around for something to cover it with. I found a blanket and wrapped it around my waist. Alex turned around.

"Sorry I just showed up at your door step. I called you like 6 times and you didn't pick up so I called Rian and he said to check if you were at home because you couldn't have been at work and he was worried..." Alex explained.

"Oh right" I said casually now relaxing as I had my problem down south covered.

"Jack, can I use the bathroom please?" Alex asked politely. I nodded and pointed to the corridor behind me. We now collided in the hallway and I felt my boner jab into his thigh. I looked up at him wide-eyed and he now looked down and looked back up with a smirk. I felt him go up behind me and his warm breath on my ear.

"It's okay, we all get them first thing when we wake up" He whispered softly in my ear and now slapped my ass playfully. I felt the blood rush to my dick even stronger now.

"I'll give you sometime for yourself" He yelled as he entered the bathroom. I could still feel the blush creeping up my cheeks as I sat down on the sofa and slowly began to think of how hot Alex looks today. The way his white v-neck was tight around his torso, allowing me to see his prominent hips bones covered by the band of his boxers which showed due to his jeans hanging low. His ass slightly hanging out.

My hand now picked up quicker in speed. I tightened a little bit more just so I didn't waste anymore time. The walls of my hands felt amazing around my dick. Once I passed my thumb smoothly over the slit of my dick, I came immediately moaning.

Once I cleaned up I fixed up my hair and pulled on some sweats pants that were hanging over the side of my couch.

Alex walked in right on time. I'm guessing he knew he could once he heard me moan because I was pretty loud. I smiled at him nervously and shuffled into the kitchen blushing. My first reaction was to go to the fridge and offer him something. I saw him there leaning against my counter, his slender body jumping a little as I realized he was laughing. He was smiling his perfect smile shaking his head.

"You don't need to be embarrassed Jack. You're in your own home, you needed to deal with your little problem and so you made a little noise? It doesn't bother me seriously" Alex told me. I smiled a little smile and looked at him.

"I've only known you for a day, I shouldn't have just done that" I said shaking my head in dissapointment. He laughed again and moved closer to me.

"It's okay, I like it when people are comfortable with me" He said.

"So do you want anything to eat or... we can go out to get something?" I asked curiously and at that moment I heard rain drops tapping on my window. I looked outside into my backyard and saw my bright green, crispy grass turn heavy and dark.

"Well going out doesn't seem like a good idea now" Alex said with a laugh. I nodded in agreement. I saw him smiling, his eyes focused on my backyard.

"You like the rain?" I asked.  He now looked towards me.

"Yeah. It always makes me smile for some reason" He told me with a simple smile.

"Well how about I make some popcorn and we watch a movie?" I offered. His eyes lit up.

"Sounds good to me but...can I pick the movie?" He asked with a sweet smile. I nodded and now headed towards the cabinets to get popcorn. I looked over my shoulder to see Alex searching through my films with the cutest confused face. I giggled and poured the popcorn in the bowl. I now walked over to the couch to see Alex was sitting in his seat quite happily. Once I sat down I saw him holding the remote in his hand.

"So what film did you pick out?" I asked curiously. He pressed play and the title 'Saw' came out on TV. I swear right there and then my balls got up and ran away. This was Dan's not mine. I am terrified of scary films but I wasn't about to tell Alex that. I sat down with the popcorn at put my feet up.

"Jack you're not gonna be able to see the film like that" Alex pointed out now pushing down my legs. I smiled at him nervously and shivered as I felt cold.

"You cold?" Alex asked casually. I shook my head.

"Nah I'm good, I might just go get a hoodie though" I said now about to get up but he pulled my hand and sat me back down.

"Use mine, you're gonna miss the movie" He offered with a grin. I mumbled a thank you and pulled it over my arms. I snuggled into it but still found myself cold and the rain wasn't helping. Suddenly I looked at the TV and there was that creepy puppet guy staring at me. I jumped and buried my face into Alex's arm.

"I'm sorry, oh god I'm sorry" I said now lifting my head off his arm. He chuckled.

"You're scared aren't you?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I looked down nervously.

"Maybe a little..." I admitted, blushing bright red now. I know felt an arm snake around my waist.

"Snuggle with me. Maybe you'll get warmer and not be so afraid" He advised. I took his invitation and snuggled into his chest. Alex relaxed as I buried my face into his chest, really scared of the movie.

"We don't have to watch this you know..." Alex whispered into my hair.

"No, you're the guest and we'll watch whatever you want" I mumbled into his chest, squinting at the TV as blood splattered everywhere.

"Are you sure?" He asked sounding very caring. I nodded and watched as a girl was now laying on a table chain up as a razor came towards her. When she was cut up I screamed and Alex wrapped his arms around me tightly and switched off the TV.

"No more scary movie" He murmured into my hair.

"No I'm okay, let's carry on" I said obviously not okay. I lifted my head to see him smiling and shaking his head.

"Nope, how about we watch Home Alone or something?" He offered. A huge grin now stretched across my face.

"Really?" I asked with hope in my voice. He nodded as I jumped off him and changed the movie. I now took my place back in his warm embrace. The rain was pelting really hard against my window panes now. I looked up to see Alex smiling his perfect smile.

"So does the rain still make you smile?" I asked looking into his big caramel eyes.

"Well right now, the rain isn't what is making me smile" He told me softly. I smiled and now relaxed to the sound of the Home Alone opening credits.

Once the movie finished I sat up straight and stretched and Alex did the same. We were now looking at eachother. I stared into his caramel eyes and couldn't believe someone so perfect was in my life. Right now I need someone like Alex.

My life is so unstable. I keep skipping work because I've drank too much the night before, I don't take responsibility for anything I do and I'm just so lost. My parents used to do a great job of keeping me stable till they found out I was gay. My dad was so insulted by this that he just threw me out. I was lucky to have Rian and Zack but not even they could keep me completely stable but Alex...Alex makes me feel like everything will be alright. Everytime I look at him I can remember who I am for one second and just be myself...no matter how many people don't like the real me, around him it doesn't matter.

I saw him smile back at me and it made me wonder what he was thinking. I know we've only known eachother for a day but I just feel like somehow I've connected with this boy before. His touch seems so familiar but I just can't put my finger on it.

"Jack can I ask you something?" Alex asked quietely. I nodded.

"Sure what is it?" I asked curiously. He bit his lip, which was very attractive might I add. He looked down at his feet and tapped away.

"Do you ever have the feeling that we've met before?" He asked now chewing on his lip. I smiled a little.

"So I'm not the only one then..." I said softly. He looked up, eyes wide open. He now stared at me.

"What?" I asked with a little giggle.

"Sorry it's just you have the cutest eyes" He told me sweetly. I smiled and looked down.

"I don't though" I told him honestly. I've never thought of myself as good-looking anyways. I look way too...foreign.
"I think you do. I actually find you quite attractive..." He said. I laughed out loud and leaned back against the couch.

"Thank you" I whispered. He now leaned back too and played with my hair.

"Jack, I've got another question..." Alex said. I propped myself up properly and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked with a big grin.

"Well next week, there's a show in town that I'm not sure you've heard of because it was only announced today..." Alex said carefully. I nodded and let him carry on.

"And I bought two tickets because I was hoping you would come along..." He carried on letting his sentence fade.

"Okay and what show would this be?" I asked curiously. Alex now had a big grin stretched across his face and walked to the door.

"Would you look at the time?! It's almost 9! I've got to go to bed early, I gotta be at work super early tomorrow!" He said quickly seeming very worried.

"Oh okay but could you tell me what show we're going to first?" I asked sweetly. He smirked.

"I have to go!" He said in a very fake tone. I grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and spun him around.

"Alex what show are we going to?" I asked intensely. He lips slightly ajar now perfectly said

"Blink 182" I stood there frozen. He smiled and I snapped back  into the real world. I couldn't hold in my excitement and just wrapped my arms around him.

"Alex! Oh my fucking god! Thank you thank you thank you! I can't believe you...oh my god. I'm so excited!" I shouted so you could probably hear me throughout the whole neighbourhood.

"Your welcome, I needed company anyways" He said casually. I tightened my arms around him and then let go.

"Alex, you seriously don't know how much this means to me. I love these guys" I told him honestly, short of breath.

"Looks like we're gonna have a hell of a time then" He said with an innocent smile. I smiled back very happily.

"Well now I seriously got to go, I wasn't kidding the first time" He said seriously with a chuckle. I opened the door for him and shrugged off his hoodie.

"Here" I said handing it out to him. He shook his head, letting his brown long hair shuffle across his ears.

"Keep it I'll be fine" He said and began to walk forwards, out into the rain. I couldn't just leave him like that. I ran down my path, barefoot and jumped on his back with his hoodie and kissed his cheek.

"Here, you're gonna need it and..." I stood there not having a reason for the kiss I just planted on his cheek. He smiled and planted one on my cheek too.

"See you tomorrow?" He said questionly. I nodded and ran back up to my house.

I sat down on my couch and waited for Dan to get home which to my surprise was in no time. I jumped up from the couch happily and skipped up the stairs.

"Woah, someone's happy" Dan said sounding shocked.

"Well when you're going to a Blink concert next week you gotta be!" I shouted back in pure joy.

Okay guys I know this chapter is absolute shit but I have writers block and I just felt bad that I hadn't updated so here's a shitty chapter.
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