I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy? [6/?]

Sep 13, 2010 01:20

Title: I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy?
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Jack did the usual, went to some party and fucked some guy but something about this guy was special and now he needs to find him.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: I quite like this chapter, it's sweet ^.^

I wasn't able to see Alex this whole weekend and the Blink show was on Tuesday. I still hadn't got the tickets from him, the time, the place. Nothing. I didn't want to call him because I wanted to believe he had it all under control but something was telling me he didn't. I paced up and down my room in nothing but my skin tight jeans, hanging low. I was desperate and needed to see him.

I threw myself on my bed letting my long skinny legs hang off the end. I reached for my phone and dialled his number rapidly. I played with my hair as the phone rang.

"Hello" His smooth voice now rang in my ears.

"Hey, it's Jack" I informed him. I heard a shuffle of papers in the background.

"Oh hey, how are you?" He asked a bit more aware now.

"'I'm good" I replied simply. "And you?" I asked polietely.

"I'm good just a little busy" He said breathlessly. I now became a bit nervous.

"Oh well, I'll leave you to whatever you're doing then" I told him.

"No no, I wanna talk to you, I haven't seen you in a while, it's just it's hard to staple papers and be on the phone at the same time you know?" He told me as I suddenly heard papers being stapled.

"Hey you know what? How about you come to the school and help me out? That way we can hang out you know?" He offered. I grinned like a 5 year old boy, I'm lucky Alex couldn't see that.

"Sure sounds good. What school is it again?" I asked as I had no idea what school he worked at.

"Dulaney High School" He said casually. I laughed at this.

"What's so funny?" Alex asked sounding confused.

"It's just I used to go to school there and it's funny that you now work there" I told him sounding stupid. He chuckled and I heard him staple more papers.

"Well see you in a while then?" He said questionly. I nodded and replied with a simple yes and then hang up. I quickly jumped off my bed and pulled on a blue v-neck and shoved on my shoes.

Suddenly my phone rang. I headed back and picked it up.

"Hello" I said quickly.

"Hey bro, It's me Zack. Where you been?!" He asked in a very hopeful tone. I smiled.

"Hey just around here and there" I said casually.

"With Alex?" He asked in a playful tone.

"Nosey! Look I'm actual gonna meet him right now so I gotta go!" I exclaimed excitedly. He laughed.

"Okay but I wanna meet up soon and hear all about this. Just make sure you don't do anything reckless okay?" He asked sounding caring.

"I'm not 10 but sure thing, bye!" I told him and now hang up.

I ran my hands through my hair and ran to the door. Before opening it, I picked up my keys and wallet off the counter and ran outside to my car. I now drove off in complete excitement.

I pulled up in the parking lot  and sat in my car smiling to myself like an idiot.  School was filled mostly with people I hated, stupid rules and cliches. I hated coming here, I spent so much of my time pretending to be someone I wasn't because no one would except a gay pop-punk loving teenager like me. Sure I was that weird lanky kid you'd see in the hallway and yeah you'd get that impression immediately but I was never even given a chance. Memories in from this school haunted me to this very day. That day when Jared pinned me up against the lockers telling me that I'd never be given a chance just because I was gay, to this day still taunted me but then I met Alex.

Now I'm so happy to be entering this school again to now be surrounded by a person who makes me so happy and allows me to forget all of that. He'll make me forget all those times I pushed up against lockers, shoved in cubicles and locked in classrooms because he gave me a chance. A chance I was never really given.

As I walked down the dirty, old hallways I looked from side to side through the windows on the doors hoping to see Alex. I wandered around with six pack of beer in my hand. There were no kids as school was already over. Suddenly I stopped as I saw Alex hard at work, with what looked like marking some tests. I smiled at how frustrated he looked. His tongue poking out the side of his thin lips. His bangs a little bit clamped to his forehead. I slowly entered the room trying to not make the door creak but Alex jumped when he heard it click shut.

"Shit Jack you scared me!" He exclaimed holding his hand to his stomach. I chuckled.

"Sorry...I brought beer though" I told him simply holding up the six pack. He walked over to me with a sweet smile.

"That's great, so how does stapling papers sound to you?" He asked with a smirk growing on his face.

"As long as you're here to entertain me...great" I told him in almost a whisper. He turned around a pulled a chair up on the other side of the table from him. We sat down in silence for a while, drinking beer and shuffling papers.

"This used to be my Heath Class classroom" I blurted out as I stapled another pile of papers together.

"So you learnt about sex here?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep" I said casually popping the P. I looked up again to see Alex still raising an eyebrow at me.

"Stop it. It's not like it's any use to me now" I exclaimed with a smile. He laughed and clutched his stomach.

"Oh god, thinking about it now that class was a waste of time!" Alex yelled still laughing.

"Well for us it was, I barely paid attention" I told him with a laugh.

"So you've known for a while now that you're gay huh?" Alex asked quietely. I nodded.

"Mhmm" I mumbled. I heard him move in his seat.

"So have I. Ever since I was in the 9th grade" He told me simply. I smiled because that was around the same time I figured it out too.

For the rest of the afternoon we just told eachother more about ourselves whilst sipping on beer and relaxing in the soft sunlight shining through the windowpanes. It was getting darker now though and I saw Alex was almost done.

"Well it's getting pretty late and I see you're almost done so..." I said casually, running a hand through my hair. Alex looked up quickly now.

"You're leaving?" He asked with his caramel eyes wide open.

"Well erm yeah I thought I would since you're almost done..." I said feeling confused.

"Oh right I just thought we could get something to eat after or something...on me" He offered with an inviting smile. I smiled back and took my seat again.

"Well that sounds great" I told him honestly. Alex know relaxed in his chair and ran his hand through his light brown mess of hair. He now opened a draw an rummaged through, suddenly pulling out an envelope.

"Anyways you couldn't leave without one of these..." He trailed off now pulling out a printed Blink 182 ticket. I opened my mouth in shock and jumped off my seat to stand beside him and take it from his hand. As I stared at it he rose from his seat with a huge grin stetched across his face. I took my eyes of the ticket and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head into the side of his neck.

"Thank you" I mumbled into his neck. I felt him chuckle.

"You're welcome. How about we go get something to eat now huh?" He mumbled into my hair. I released him and nodded.

"Meet me in the parking lot?" He asked hopefully. I nodded and stared into his eyes. I felt our faces how get closer. His warm breath hover over my moist lips. Our noses were touching as my lips were slightly apart. We both motioned our heads closer to eachother when suddenly

tap tap tap

Alex exhaled loudly and stepped back and walked towards the door. It was the janitor.

"We were just leaving...parking lot?" Alex said questionly. I nodded and walked out in pure content.

There's alot of conversation in this chapter but oh well, you guys like it? :D

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