Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If there are any other questions that are not addressed in this FAQ, feel free to comment to this post with your question!
General FAQs
So how does the game work, exactly?
Aliunde is a community-based RPG.
aliunde_rpg is the main community where communication device entries/posts/etc. are placed. Other characters are able to directly communicate with your character that way.
aliunde_logs is the game's log community where all logs take place. Logs can be anything from third person prose-type logs, AIM logs, or e-mail logs.
aliunde_ooc is our OOC (out-of-character) community where any mod announcements, activity checks, event announcements, new player/character introductions, plot discussions, and anything you'd like to say out of character can be located.
We also have a crack community,
ali_pun_de, which is optional to join, where all crack-related memes and things of the like can be posted.
Are there Activity Checks?
An inactive game is a dead game. Activity Checks (ACs) take place once a month, starting on the 1st, and last for one week. They check your character's activity for an activity period (usually from the 1st through the 30th/31st of the month). You must respond to an AC (failing or not), or your character will be automatically dropped. We post AC reminders in the OOC Community around the last week of every month with all the guidelines. Results are posted within a week after the current AC ends.
I have an issue with someone in the game (i.e., someone is causing trouble, being extremely out-of-character, etc.) How do I go about dealing with that?
First, you can speak to that player personally. If you can't find a compromise, then you should
contact the moderators. You must provide evidence with your complaint, otherwise it can't be evaluated. From then, the moderators will take steps in correcting the problem.
I have this great idea for the game! Am I able to contribute it?
Of course! You just go to the
Suggestion Box page, and comment with your idea! For people who are shy, the page is screened, but we do read and receive every comment! You are also free to
e-mail the moderators.
I'm interested in doing a player-run event? Is that allowed?
Yes it is! Player-run events would be taking place of the main event for the month, so you would definitely have to discuss everything with the moderators. you can
e-mail them, or
contact them here!
Is there a way to talk to anyone from the actual game, instead of through the OOC community?
Yes! Our most frequently used form of contact is Aliunde's AIM Blast! Group. You are welcome to join any time to talk to the players. You are also welcome to join the group even if you're just interested in joining the game to meet us! You can join by clicking on this:
For those of you in the game, you can contact players though the
Player Contact Page as well.
Application FAQs
How many characters are we allowed to play?
The maximum characters you can play is eight (8). However, you are required to be active with your first three characters before you’re allowed to play more.
•Being “active” in this sense means passing two consecutive Activity Checks.
What kinds of characters are allowed?
Characters from any fandom are allowed. However, we are only accepting characters from pre-existing fandoms. We do not allow non-fictional figures (real-life persons). We realize that there are some exceptions to this, and we will be happy to discuss it with you. Because our moderators are based in the US, any series (TV, video game, anime/manga, book, etc.) not yet released in the US or not readily available in an English-translated form may not be used. For any fandom that has been released in the US, or recently available in an English-translation, we ask that there is one month wait period from the release date before someone applies for a character from that fandom. If it is a television series, we ask that you wait one month from when the first episode is released to the public in the United States. A note on canon updating. If you play a character from let's say, the first episode of a television series, and want to canon update to the season finale? You must wait one month from the season finale episode. Same with a new movie coming out, you will need to wait one month until you may update to that point!
What about AU characters?
Unless it's canon, like Yuna from Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Yuna from Kingdom Hearts 2, they are not allowed. Please
e-mail the moderators if you have any questions regarding this.
Can I put an application in for someone who is a God from mythology?
We do accept God characters! They will be counted as an Original Character, so try to be as detailed as possible when it comes to the history and personality, as well as fill out the correct application. Remember the source your character is coming from. Also remember some Gods go by different names, for example Zeus and Jupiter, but they are in fact, the same character.
Are we allowed to apply with an OC (Original Character)?
Yes! If you are interested in applying with an OC to Aliunde, more details about the requirements to play can be found directly on our
OC Application page.
Can we play non-humanoid characters, animals, etc.?
We accept various types and species of characters. However, there are some limitations. For example, if your character is simply too large for the city (ie. a Transformer), we ask that you shrink them to a normal, human-like size. We also ask that, if you are applying for a non-humanoid character, you give them some sort of personality. If you have any questions whatsoever about this, please don't hesitate to
contact the moderators, as these will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
What about powers, abilities, and weapons?
The Head Doctor (who runs the city of Aliunde) restricts your powers to make sure you aren't a danger to anyone else. When you arrive, your powers will be completely gone, as will be any possessions you may have had on your person, including weapons. Don't worry, you are able to get them back. After your character has been in the game for one (1) month, they will be given back one power/ability or weapon every month thereafter until they receive everything back. To clarify more, if your character is someone who can cast spells, when it comes to the time to regain them, they will regain all of them, not one spell at a time. As for weapons, if they have multiple weapons, they will gain one weapon back at a time. Same with specialized abilities. If a character is a telepathic with super strength, they will gain the telepathy one month, and the super strength the next. Pets are to be treated like weapons, and returned one at a time. Please keep in mind that any abuse or wrongdoing done while a character has their powers/weapons back will result in them being taken away-- by force. If you have any questions or concerns, you're more than welcome to
contact the moderators.
Are we allowed to import our character's memories from another game?
Yes! We've bounced back and forth on this for a little, but we do allow players to import memories from other games. However, as explained on the Application page, it does require excessive detail in various sections in the application.
Are we allowed to canon update our characters?
Yes, you are! However, your character must be in the game for at least two (2) months before you can canon update them. You may canon update your character once every six (6) months. Please check our
Canon Update page for more information!
In-Game FAQs
What is the planet like?
The city of Aliunde is the planet's focal point. Surrounding the city are terraformed "bubbles" that cover about a 100-mile radius each. Because of the instability of the original terraforming device, those that created it were only able to hold a single season or climate within a small area. The city's citizens are free to visit
these areas via teleporters found along the city's limits.
How do the characters get around the city?
The teleporters are the main way around a huge city like Aliunde. Picture
this and then cut it in half horizontally, the top part disappearing, so it’s open. Remove the bulky walls outside the circle as well. When the character steps in, there is a flat surface in front of them, a green screen on it. There is a little picture of a hand, implying the character is required to place their hand on the screen. Once the screen processes the hand print, every character’s hand is in the database, a list of all the teleporters the character can access pops on the screen. From there, it operates much like a touch screen device, much like the communicator all characters have. It scrolls up and down, and to decide on the location you press on it. It will ask for confirmation on if this is the right destination. Once the “yes” option is pressed, the characters are teleported to the other destination they chose. To go back to a place, or to go to another place, they’ll have to start the whole process over again.
So, are the teleporters the only way around the city?
Yes! There are no other ways of transportation. No cars, flying jet-packs, nothing. Just thousands of teleporters scattered all around the city. The city is huge; two hundred miles in diameter. No one could walk that city, hence why there are so many teleporters.
What is the city like?
The city is populated by other people who claim to be "natives" of the city. No one really knows how they got there and why they claim to have lived there for most of their lives. They run local businesses and shops. Different varieties of stores exist in the city, and you can find pretty much whatever you need. The ground floor of most of the city buildings are businesses and shops, which can be rented by your character(s) to set up their own business if they would like. Overall, the city has about a 100-mile radius. Past that is a concrete barrier and various teleporters which take you other terraformed parts of the planet. For more information about the city, please see the
What's the barrier?
The barrier is what protects the people from getting to the outside world, which is uninhabitable, at the exception of the small, terraformed climate zones that are freely accessible. Outside of the city and the climate zones, the survival rate is zero. The doctors, who fought so hard to get people here, refuse to let their "subjects" die.
What About these NPC's(Non-Playable Characters)? What do they do?
Without being asked, these players that fill the rest of the city could be mistaken for people taken from their own worlds. They all have jobs, have families, living their day-to-day lives happily. Only when asked "What are your thoughts on the Doctor?" is it evident that they weren't dragged her. Instead of talking with distaste, sadness, or anger, they speak quite the opposite. They speak nothing but praise for them. The Doctor saved their lives, but when mentioned from what the NPCs smoothly change the subject. They can't be broken into speaking anything secretive of the city, the machine, or the Doctor.
There is mention of Androids patrolling the city? What are these?
Before the natives arrived in the city, the only other human-like creatures in the city were the androids. They ran the shops, patrolled the city-everywhere people looked there were androids. Once the natives arrived, over half the androids seemingly disappeared, and more scrap metal appeared in the junkyard. They were still around, however, as security and protecting the barrier from being tampered with. They are the almost invisible police force. When they come, they don’t speak, or make any noises. If they want you to do something, they’ll start with small nudges, and then advance to force. Destroying them while they’re doing so will end badly for you, as they’ll seemingly multiply and you’ll be overwhelmed. You’ll also find any powers, or weapons you’ll have will disappear once you go back to your home-the doctor took them away. Depending on the severity of the disobedience, will determine how long the powers or weapons are gone.
Does my character have their belongings when they arrive?
The "care package" the doctor gives you upon waking up contains a set of your own clothing (presumably the clothing you were wearing before you were taken), a card key with your apartment building and room number printed on it, a debit card pre-loaded with $300 worth of Aliunde's currency, and a cell-phone-like communication device. Their weapons are taken away, as well as any pets/familiars/etc. that may have been with them at the time of their abduction.
How does the communication system work?
When the characters wake up, they are given a
communication device. With it, characters can get in touch with each other publicly and privately through text, audio, video, and even holographic projections of themselves and their immediate surroundings. But a side note-- though it is possible to lock communications to specific characters, it doesn't mean that you aren't being watched.
Is everything free?
Everything costs something. Money is loaded onto a debit card found in your care package once you arrive. Food, clothing, housing (outside your default apartment assignment), all cost money.
How do you get money?
When you arrive, you will receive a debit card loaded with $300. The amount of money is sufficient enough to buy food and a wardrobe, though it is up to you on how your character uses it. It is recommended that your character gets a job, if they would like to sustain a certain standard of living. You already have an account at the Bank of Aliunde, where your character can make deposits into their account. And because of the time period, and advanced technology, there is no paper money in the city. It's all digital, similar to what direct deposit is. Any money is sent directly to each player's card.
How does the job system work?
You can go to any one of the shops and places around the city and inquire about a job with the people that run them. You can also open your own place of business. If you wish to do so, there's a
form you need to fill out to let us know!
What about housing?
As well as receiving money when you arrive, you also receive a card key with access to your small (and rent-free)
apartment, which you are assigned to when you arrive. Your apartment only has the basics: a bed, a bathroom, and a small kitchen with a refrigerator and a stove. It's your choice if you want your character to stay there, but if you want a bigger place, or would like to room with another character, you'll have to pay for one. There are other apartments, houses, lofts, and condos available for rent or purchase (see:
What happens if my character dies in-game?
If a player decides to kill off one of their characters, they stay dead. It's an alternative when dropping a character. While the doctor can bring people to the city on the brink of death, she cannot revive anyone once in the city.
Another player killed off said character and I want to apply to play them, is there a waiting period?
Yes there is! Once a character has been killed off, there is a waiting period of at least one month before the character can be applied for again, to give characters in game to react properly.
What happens if a character gets pregnant during their span in the game, or if I apply a character who is canonically pregnant?
If a character is pregnant in the timeline pulled from in canon, then upon arrival the Doctor will halt the pregnancy, so the character will still be pregnant, but it will not advance. If a character gets pregnant while in the city, they will show all the beginning signs of a pregnancy, but that too will not advance.
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