To make this a pleasant RP experience for everyone involved, we ask that you follow these rules.
1. Be courteous to your fellow players. If you have a problem with another player, please do not bring it into the game. If there is a major problem, please inform the moderators. Their contact information can be found
here. Deviation from this rule will result in one (1) warning and then expulsion from the game for any instances thereafter.
2. Please do your best to stay in character. This is not an AU character-based game, where your character’s canon is wholly different from their original canon. Trying to change your character’s personality or history for your benefit is not acceptable.
3. Follow proper grammar and spelling rules. You are required to write in complete, grammatical sentences. If you are unsure about anything, there are many resources out there available to help you.
4. Characters from any fandom are allowed. The only characters we do not allow are non-fictional figures (real-life people). There are a few exceptions to this rule, however. Please contact the moderators if you have any questions. Because our moderators are based in the US, any series (TV, video game, anime/manga, book, etc.) not yet released in the US or not readily available in an English-translated form may not be used. Also, we request that any fandoms that have been recently released, that you wait two (2) months before applying for a character from there. Any questions regarding applications can be found on the
FAQ page under Application FAQs.
5. While playing two characters from the same fandom is allowed, they must not directly interact in canon. "Player-cest" as it is commonly called, is not allowed in the game.
6. GODMODDING IS NOT PERMITTED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. All interactions between any characters must be approved by all parties involved. If this is happening to your character without your permission, please
contact the moderators.
7. R/X/NC-17 Rated content. While it is allowed in the game, we do require it to be properly labled. If it's an entry, have it LJ-cut and even locked to certain people. We have younger players, as well as players who aren't comfortable with reading it, so any warnings to send away the unwilling is required.
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