Story & Setting
The Premise
It's a regular day, and you're off doing your normal, daily routine-- nothing out of the ordinary. It's the last thing your remember before darkness takes over...
After some time, you start to regain consciousness. Clean, stale air fills you nostrils. Where are you? As you open your eyes, you take note of your surroundings. It's a hospital room, or what looks like a hospital room.
You realize that you're not alone. There's someone else in the room-- a doctor. At least, they look like a doctor with their white lab coat. Ignoring any questions you may have, the doctor hands you a small package and turns to leave. Right before he shuts the door he leaves you with three words:
“Welcome to Aliunde.”
You look at what the doctor gave you. The small cloth bag seems to be filled with items. Upon further inspection, the items seem to be a care package of sorts. You find your clothes, a card pre-loaded with the city's currency, another card with a building and room number printed on it, and a small
cell phone looking device.
As you step off the bed, you hear a 'beep.' Looking around, you notice an image appearing. However, as you look closer, you notice that it’s not a picture, but a window to the outside. You’re in a city, and a large one at that. You observe the normal hustle and bustle of city life, but in the distance, you see an incredibly tall brick wall that seems to stretch around the perimeter of the city. What it's blocking, you don’t know.
You're probably confused about all of this, but don’t worry. You’ll be here for a while.
The Story of Aliunde
For centuries, Earth and other alien planets faced various environmental and economic problems caused by its inhabitants. It was almost inevitable that these planets would soon die. In response to this, scientists began thinking of colonizing another planet. After an extensive amount of time and research, they were finally able to create a device capable of terra-forming any type of environment, making any planet habitable for various humanoid, animal, and alien species.
Building the device was the easy part, but finding a dependable planet to hold the device was the problem. They tested the device on various planets, but yielded only negative results. Though capable of making any planet habitable for any species, each planet they tried to terraform had seasons pass by in hours, and hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters would constantly occur. Because of this, the scientists that created the terra-forming device decided to test it on a smaller radius. This finally yielded positive results-- the device could hold a stable environment up to 100 miles but with only one, continuous climate. In order to make the boundaries of the terraformed area noticeable, a brick wall was constructed around the area, in order to protect its future inhabitants.
Finally making significant progress, the scientists created a large city within this first 100-mile radius. That city was named Aliunde.
What started out as a blank slate became the most technologically advanced city in existence. There were no vehicles to drive around, instead there were hundreds of teleporters scattered around the city. They were the main mode of transportation. Androids took on the roles of security, information, customer service, and things of the sort. Technology reigned supreme.
Satisfied with their work on the city, the scientists decided to create other 100-mile radii that held different climates and regions.
The planet was finally ready for it's first inhabitants.
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