Grief is Newark. Okay, it's there. You can't avoid it. The idea is to hold your nose, hope the traffic's not too bad, and get on to Manhattan as quickly as possible, not to buy property. - From "Dying Changes Everything"
Психиатру Цветочкину коллеги поставили диагноз "шизофрения" и поместили в больничное отделение. Темной тихой ночью Цветочкин выбрался из палаты и показал незадачливым коллегам разницу между шизофренией и маниакальным психозом...
I can make a ton of tasty pastas, bruschetta, different kinds of salsas, chili, and a ton of other stuff, but I had to google "how to make bacon." No leftovers today.