A Mortal Like Me

Dec 09, 2012 09:04

This is Part Fourteen in a series. May be mildly NSFW.

Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen


“Don't you think perhaps we should go upstairs to the bedroom?” I asked.

“I don't see the need,” Egan purred. “The couch is so much fun.”

“Aren't you worried someone might see us?” I said.

Egan put an arm around my waist “Oh, and are you ashamed of what we're doing? There's no need to be.”

How did I answer that? The truth was, I did feel ashamed of what we were doing. The acts themselves were fine and even pleasurable, but the fact I had betrayed Finbar still weighed heavily upon me. I knew I had to wait for the proper time to break away from Egan, but I wished he wouldn't flaunt our “relationship,” such as it was.

“I'm not ashamed,” I mumbled. It was probably better if Egan didn't think I was.

“Then what's the problem?” he asked.

“It's just easier to do things when I'm not afraid someone will come by,” I said.

He grabbed me between the legs. I gasped, shocked at the sudden movement and blushing because I was already hard.

Egan chuckled. “It doesn't seem like your body will have any difficulties out here, hmm?”

I wasn't sure how to argue with that, so I didn't resist when Egan leaned in and kissed me. He didn't waste much time before deepening the kiss, using his tongue freely and forcefully. As much as I would have liked to say I resisted even a little, instead I moved my tongue to play against his, even letting out a small moan.

He hear that, breaking the kiss to murmur, “Enjoying yourself, aren't you?”

Physically, I was. Emotionally, I remained torn up inside. I didn't think Egan cared too much for my emotions, or else he thought he could sway them with his skills. No matter how talented he was in the bedroom, he couldn't hold my heart.

My heart evidently meant little to me, because I wrapped my arms around Egan and pulled him closer when he kissed me again. I may not have liked him on a personal level, but my body craved his. When he pushed me down onto the couch, I let him. My breathing quickly grew ragged, especially when he moved to pull off my shirt.

As with everything else, I offered no resistance when he did remove my shirt. He smiled down at me, and I had to admit his violet eyes were utterly gorgeous.

“Hmm, what should I do with you?” he wondered.

I could think of several things I would like him to do with me.

“You sh-shouldn't do anything with him, you whore!” A slurred voice. Who was that?

I looked up, feeling very confused. My cheeks burned horribly as soon as I remembered I was shirtless. I tried to grab my shirt, but Egan got to it first.

“I'll be keeping this,” he said.

“Hey, I need that,” I protested.

Egan smirked. “No, you don't.”

That was when I realized the slurred voice was Maris. Was she - was she drunk? And who was standing with her? I tried to process everything. The man next to Maris - he wasn't human at all, not with those extremely pale violet eyes, impossibly glossy chestnut hair and skin that seemed to glow just like Egan's did. Maris had managed to contact another god!

“Egan,” he hissed.

“Nico,” Egan drawled. “Are you as nauseatingly humble as ever? Don't tell me you're still pretending to be mortal!”

“Pretending? I don't pretend,” he huffed.

Maris said, “N-nico has - has problems with reality. But he'll set you straight!”

Something strange came over me, a sense of almost...floating. Perhaps - was it confidence? Courage? Could I do what I needed to, now that this Nico was here?

I stood up. “Egan, give me back my shirt.”

“Oh, and why should I do that?” he asked.

“Be-because I'll knife you in the dick if you don't!” Maris shouted.

“My dick is impervious to mortal knives, I assure you.” Egan's violet eyes flashed.

Maris leaped at him, aiming exactly where she threatened. Egan vanished, only to reappear behind her. He grabbed her around the waist, murmuring, “I don't swing that way, but if I have to restrain you, I will.”

Somehow, defying all the laws of reality as I knew them, Maris flipped Egan onto the ground.

“D-don't try mortal retraining techniques on m-me,” she growled.

Egan said, “Don't worry, I have something better.” He pushed her onto the couch and tied her to it with glowing white ropes of lights before she could react.

“Fuck you,” she hissed.

“Not my type, sorry,” he quipped.

While he said that, he looked at me, implying I was his “type.” I didn't want to be his type anymore.

I looked Egan directly in the eye. “Egan, it's over.”

As this went on, Nico watched, a shocked expression on his face. I knew he would be doing something to restrain Egan's behavior soon. He had to, so why was he just standing there and watching?

“Over?” Egan couldn't believe it. “What do you mean by over?”

“Do you not understand basic vocabulary? 'Over' means I don't want you anymore,” I said.

Egan's eyes widened. “Are you actually saying you want to stop being my lover?”

I wouldn't back down, not now. “Yes, Egan, that is what I'm saying.”

His lips became a thin line, and Egan shook. “You cannot do that! Do you really think Finbar will take you back?”

Maris shifted in her bonds. From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw her take a knife to one of them. I knew she was a mage and had thus probably enhanced her knives with her craft. Could even a spelled knife do anything about divine magic, though? I knew Maris would at least try, so I tried not to look at her directly, lest I draw Egan's attention to her.

“I don't care if he does take me back or not. That has nothing to do with how we're done.” My voice was hard, and I wouldn't budge on this issue, not when I had Nico to back me up.

Egan asked, “You're serious then, aren't you?”

I nodded. “I'm as serious as I've ever been.”

“Very well,” he said.

Before I knew it, I lay flat on my back, more magical rope made of light somehow binding me to the ground. Egan stood over me, his eyes flashing. My heart pounded in my chest. What was the god going to do to me? I didn't like the look on his face, not at all.

Nico glared at Egan. “Just what do you think you're doing?”

He glared right back. “This particular mortal needs a lesson in respect. I want to show him why he's wrong to try and leave me. I'll convince Breccan to come back, one way or the other.”

“Don't you dare try anything, or I'll be forced to hurt you,” Nico warned.

“As if you could!” Egan scoffed.

Nico leaped at Egan, who easily dodged the other god.

“Do you people not learn? Mortal techniques simply do not work on me,” Egan muttered.

Shaking, Nico said, “Do not anger me.”

“Oh, will I 'not like you when you're angry' or something? Is that it?” he wondered.

“You won't,” Nico growled.

He started shaking, glaring at Egan as he did so. His own violet eyes flashed. Nico lifted his arms to in front of his chest. Beams of white light flew from his hands. They slammed into Egan, knocking the god backwards. I gasped. Egan didn't move.

In less than a moment, white light bound Egan to the ground. He struggled against it, but the effort was futile.

Nico said, his voice echoing, “Don't you ever forget what happens when I am forced to hurt somebody. I am far more powerful than you. Stay away from Breccan or I may have to destroy you. Such a thing is possible, as I'm sure you know. Do not try me.”

He waved his hand over me, and my bonds disappeared. I stood up shakily. “Thank you,” I mumbled.

Maris stood up as well, her bonds gone, though Nico hadn't appeared to remove them.

“That was annoying,” she muttered. “At least the spells on my knives actually worked because Egan's divine magic was weak enough.”

Nico looked over at Egan, who was still bound to the floor. “Oh my, how did he get there? Did you do that, Maris?”

Excuse me? Did I just hear Nico ask who caught Egan, when it was obviously Nico himself who did it?

Maris grumbled, “Are you seriously going to do this again, Nico?”

“Do what?” he wondered.

“Pretend like you don't have divine power, obviously,” she muttered.

Nico said, “But how can a mortal like me have divine power? I don't know why you keep insisting!”

Maris smacked her forehead with her palm.

I looked at Nico, curious and confused about his odd behavior. “But, sir, how can you say you're mortal? For one, you're far too attractive to be an ordinary human.”

Mortals simply didn't look that good and never had violet eyes like his. It simply didn't happen, so why was Nico trying to insist he was, well, like me? I didn't understand it at all.

“He has nothing on me,” Egan grumbled.

Nico smiled. “While that is certainly flattering, I assure you, I am an ordinary human.”

He didn't look like he was lying, but...how could a god think he was mortal?

Maris said, “Nico really thinks he's mortal. It's a bit of a problem. He'll be staying with us until we sort this out.”

“He really, honestly thinks he's mortal?” I wondered, still not believing it.

“I don't think I'm mortal; I am mortal!” Nico answered.

“Never mind,” Maris muttered, “let's deal with that issue later. Nico, I'll help you get settled in. I think we should leave Egan on the floor for a bit. It might be good for him.”

Egan muttered, “No, it won't.”

I would rather he stayed tied down because I didn't want him trying anything on me now that I had broken away from him. Nico's presence had given me enough courage to get away. I didn't want to lose that courage and return to Egan. While Nico appeared to be delusional, he also seemed willing to use his power if necessary. I hoped he would protect me enough until Egan truly learned I wouldn't be going back to him. Despite Egan's physical charms, I wanted nothing more than to remain free.


written for the hc_bingo prompt "Forced to Hurt Somebody"

character: nico, character: egan, series: gods and shadow creatures, pov: breccan, hc_bingo, pairing: breccan/egan, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), character: breccan

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