Fic masterlist - updated 05/17/12 (added Stargate: Atlantis)

Aug 01, 2015 16:38

Arranged by fandom and pairing (if applicable). Newer stories are at the top of their category. This list will be scrupulously kept up-to-date. If you want to read my stuff before it appears here, friend me over at yumemiru_kikai check me out at Archive of Our Own.

My writing journal, yumemiru_kikai, is still there, but has been invaded by Russian spambots. And man, I so do not have the energy to deal with that. Stories already posted there will be kept there, so don't worry about links, but all new material is going on AO3.

AO3 Subscriptions are live! I'm at

If you want to read the stories that cerebel and I have written as a team, check out our comm: teampornbomb

Quicklinks (by fandom)
[American Idiot - Green Day/Armstrong] [Battlestar Galactica] [The Brothers Bloom] [The Chronicles of Narnia] [Crossovers] [The Eagle] [Eastwick] [Fallen] [Good Omens] [Harry Potter] [Heroes] [The Incredible Hulk (2008)] [Mythbusters RPF] [Rowan Tree RPG] [Sharktopus] [Sherlock (BBC)] [Shutter Island] [Star Trek] [Stargate: Atlantis] [Strikethrough '07] [Supernatural] [Tin Man] [Torchwood] [Wanted (2008)] [Watchmen]

American Idiot - Green Day/Armstrong
We're Fucked Up, but We're Not the Same (St. Jimmy/Johnny, R)
No point in playing chicken when you've already crashed the cars; and me and Jimmy, we're a demolition derby.

So what if I flinched first? If he’s not real, then it really doesn’t matter. If he is, well, who the fuck cares?

Battlestar Galactica
The Owl was the Baker's Daughter (Tory/Caprica, PG-13)
Their eyes meet, and she’s far too close to tears, and she hates herself for it, even as she asks. “What if we’re exactly the same?”

Caprica gathers her close, speaking her words directly against Tory’s lips. “Does that matter?”

Nothing In the World So Well As You (Kara/Leoben, NC-17)
“Say it, Kara” he whispers, mouth twisted in something that might have been a smile, twenty or thirty bodies ago. “You know what I want to hear.”

“I love you,” she sighs, and means it...

The Brothers Bloom
End Scene (Stephen/Bloom, PG-13)
He’s never thought too much about Heaven, never thought about the hereafter; far more concerned with the here and now and the real. Didn’t think much about God, but on the rare occasions he did, he felt sure that the big man upstairs appreciated a man like himself. A man who took care of his loved ones first, himself second, and always gave everyone he met exactly what they wanted.

The Chronicles of Narnia
World Enough and Time (Peter/Caspian, NC-17)
The evening sunlight is shining low through the window, casting a pale orange glow over the entire room, and Peter... Peter looks like an impossible thing, with lips like rubies and eyes like the dawn on the ocean, golden waves of hair gleaming like the crown he ought to wear.

My Mirror, My Sword and Shield (Peter/Caspian/Edmund, NC-17) co-written with cerebel
“Peter,” says Edmund, soft and low. “He wants to thank us.”

For a Reason (Peter/Caspian, PG)
He threw his fists against the wall, feeling the rock scrape his battle-sensitive flesh. His people were dead, would all die; and there was nothing that would save them.

Not even kings and queens.

New Amsterdam/Torchwood
The Same Place at the Same Time (John Amsterdam/Jack Harkness, R)
"Stupid or not," John said, kind of offended. "That's my story. I won't age, I won't die, not until I find my soulmate. And until I find her, I'm stuck here."

Jack's face took on a thoughtful air. He leaned back in his chair, taking a long sip of his drink.

"Okay," he said decisively. "Now tell me the real reason."

Eleventh Hour (US)/Prison Break
Strange Attractors (Jacob Hood/Michael Scofield, NC-17) co-written with cerebel
“I know what it’s like to be haunted, Michael.” His voice is soft and sad, and he lets that sentence hang in the air for a long time. “This doesn’t make your demons go away. It isn’t going to make those faces you’re looking for in train stations feel any less real.”

Battlestar Galactica/Tin Man
Parable (Leoben/Zero, G)
"Are you listening, Zero?" the man says, tightening his arm around Zero's waist and laughing as if his name was some kind of cute joke. "This is important."

Heroes/The Incredible Hulk (2008)
R & R (Noah Bennet, Bruce Banner, PG)
"I have a few questions about your ability."

"My 'ability?'" Banner chuckled, a mirthless sound. "That's cute."

Heroes/Stargate: SG-1
Someone There To Hear It (Daniel Jackson/Mohinder Suresh, NC-17)
When Daniel had said he'd buy the first round, Mohinder had expected that, well... there would be more than one.

Heroes/Battlestar Galactica
No Matter of Chance (Gaeta/Starbuck/Mohinder/Nathan, NC-17) Co-written with cerebel
I’d love to study you, maybe take a DNA sample and analyze it for distinguishing characteristics, compare it to my own, perhaps? No, that’s ridiculous.

She’d probably think it was foreplay.

Making History (Nathan/Gaeta, NC-17)
“And how about that? How many presidents have done that for you?”

Where Fate Finds You (the Heaven, Hell, or Houston remix) (Charlie Andrews, Lucien, Matthew, Daniel, G)
Now Charlie was willing to accept a whole lot of stuff, including the fact that she was dead maybe as many as three times over and stuck in some kind of crazy limbo library with a mysterious overlord for probably all eternity, but that didn't make a lick of sense.

Sunday With the Petrellis (Death, the Claire Bennet, Petrelli Family, PG)
“I think the ancient Greek playwrights could take a real lesson from your family, Peter. You can’t make up relationship dynamics this epic and weird. No offense.”

House/Harry Potter
The Afterlife (Dumbledore/House, PG)
He was old, but House couldn’t be sure how old, and he was wearing what seemed to be an ornately embroidered bath robe. It’s like the love child of Hugh Hefner and Howard Hughes.

The Eagle
Like for Like (Marcus/Esca, NC-17)
“And if I told you now,” Marcus says, words breathed hot against Esca’s neck, his chest rumbling against Esca’s own. “If I asked for what I want, would you give it to me?”

Demanding Satisfaction (Chad/Darryl Van Horne/Roxie Torcoletti, R)
"You think you're so bad?" Chad taunts, lips curled in a sneer. He reaches out, grabs for Roxie's hand. "I guess you know everything about wanting things, don't you?"

Darryl chuckles, smothering the sound against Roxie's neck. "You could say that."

Fallen - original story by ogawaburukku
Now on livejournal! Fallen
Illusions (Boniface/Julius, Arma/Lamia, Julius/Lamia, NC-17)
“Maybe we shouldn’t have started this. Lord knows it can’t be healthy.”

“Are you teasing, or are you being serious?” Lamia asked from her perch on the sink.

Julius laughed softly, “You know me, baby.”

Five Fics for Ru-chan (various pairings, PG - NC-17)
Boniface loved his little fucktoy. It showed in every bruise, every welt, every snakelike cut that left whisper thin white scars on pale skin.

Good Omens
Viva Las Vegas! (the Hangover remix) (Aziraphale/Crowley, PG-13)
And there they were on screen: Crowley in his black suit, disheveled and visibly intoxicated, swaying side to side like an Indian cobra being charmed by a flute; Aziraphale, flushed red with alcohol and embarrassment, the pink boa wrapped around his neck like a grotesque fluffy ascot.

Between them, Elvis Presley, bedecked in a white rhinestone studded jumpsuit with a priest's collar oddly and sacrilegiously sewn onto the neck.

Harry Potter
Personal Correspondence (G)
The file marked "Correspondence, Personal: 2007" sat empty by the side of his bed. It was just as well. With all of the new standard applications to review, and difficult foreign ministers to placate, he wouldn't even know how to begin to keep in touch with a friend.

Tell Me Anything (also Sandra/Bennet, PG-13)
It’s harder to lie to Thompson than it is to lie to Sandra, and that more than anything tells him just how much he’s fucked this up.
winner "Best Other Female Characterization"
runner up "Best Bennet/Claude (G - PG-13)" heroes_slash awards: Winter 2008

Lesson Two: Vocabulary and Review (also, Nakamura/Bennet, Nakamura/Claude, NC-17)
“My students,” Nakamura commanded, “will NOT speak English in the classroom.”

What You Really Want (R)
“What’s the matter, Mrs. B? Don’t like being tied up? I would have thought your hubby would be all over that.”

Shameless Hussy (PG)
And who did that girl think she was fooling? In that little schoolgirl skirt and those... those high-heeled hooker boots! No one would ever believe she sold paper for a living.

After Hours (NC-17)
Elegant brown hands pull at his sweater vest, untucking the shirt underneath from his pleated khakis.

And that’s how he knows he’s dreaming.

Christ, no wonder Gabriel never got laid.
winner "Best PWP" heroes_slash awards: Winter 2008

Five Dreams Sylar Had About Mohinder Suresh (NC-17)
And then lips are on his and he is wrapped around Mohinder, surrounding and surrounded by the taste of cinnamon and the feel of soft, dark hair against his cheek, his neck, and he is wearing far too many clothes.

Angel (PG-13)
When properly administered, the educational pamphlets say, the effects of the vaccine should be felt in three to five days.

Shades of Gray (PG-13)
“Clocks don’t bleed, son. And you can always put them back together again."
winner "Best Sylar/Gabriel characterization" heroes_slash awards: 2007

Scenes From a Special Kinda Life (PG)
“It was kind of weird at first,” Molly confesses. “Y’know, ‘cause he totally killed my mom and dad that one time.”

Surrender (R)
His feet move forward, though he knows he should turn away. But it is too late for that. Far too late. He is compelled like a moth to a candle flame.

And like the moth, immolation is his destiny.

Benediction (NC-17)
He wasn’t in love with Zane. It was never Zane. That name meant nothing; means nothing. It was always and only…

Crash Course in Brain Surgery (PG-13)
“So let me get this straight,” Mohinder began, breathing deeply. “You didn’t kill anyone because you didn’t want to upset me. But it was perfectly fine to saw my head open and cut up my BRAIN?”

Not Who He Says He Is (also Peter/Sylar, Peter/Sylar/Mohinder) (NC-17)
Peter’s eyes were dark and overwhelming, as he nipped and licked Mohinder’s fingers, kissing and biting the sensitive palm, sucking hard at the pulse of his wrist. But they were no longer his hands, his wrists; and he could touch nothing but the carved wood of the armrests.
Russian translation by Helen267
runner up "Best Threesome (R - NC-17)" heroes_slash awards: 2007

Road Trip Drabble (G)
Sylar cranked up the Metallica. "Too bad. Shotgun controls the stereo. That's road trip rule number one"

How to Follow Orders (Nakamura/Claude, NC-17)
"I just don't see how taking my clothes off is going to make me speak Japanese."

"Remove your shirt, Mr. Rains," Nakamura ordered, eyes flashing danger. "It is likely that I'll make you say all sorts of things."

The Fine Art of Negotiation (Nakamura/Thompson/Bennet, NC-17)
“Bag and tag, kid.” Thompson laughs again, and Noah really wishes he knew just what was so goddamn funny.

Lesson Two: Vocabulary and Review (Nakamura/Bennet, Nakamura/Claude, Bennet/Claude, NC-17)
“My students,” Nakamura commanded, “will NOT speak English in the classroom.”

Practical Japanese For the Businessman (Nakamura/Bennet, R)
“Hajimemashite!” he barked, not wanting to feel that sharp leather against his back. Again.
winner "Best Kink Fic"
runner up "Best Rare Pairing (R - NC-17)" heroes_slash awards: Winter 2008

A Business Proposition (Nakamura/DL, PG)
Nakamura stared at him, eyes piercing and dark. "I hear you're a very... talented man, Mr. Hawkins. I like talented men."
winner "Best Rare Pairing (G - PG-13)" heroes_slash awards: 2007.

The Cure for What Ails You (PG)
“No, I’b nod okay! I’b sick! I hab a code, an’ I said go ‘way!” She fell back on the bed, sniffling. “I don’ wan’ you to see me like dis.”

Kisses (R)
As she plans this out, it seems important to her that Peter think their first kiss is his idea, otherwise he might just write it off as hormones or something and never let her do it again. And that is just not an option.

On the Rocks (also Peter/Niki) (R)
She is every man's fantasy. Except his.

pairechallenge drabbles
What I've Tasted of Desire (G)
Challenge #6: "Fire"

Loud as the Hell You Want (NC-17)
Challenge #5: "Dream/Nightmare"

It's All Right With Me (PG)
Challenge #4: "Five Years Gone"

Never (PG)
Challenge #3: "Hidden"

Challenge #2: "An Indecent Proposal"

Challenge #1: "Sunshine"

Tell Me Anything (also Bennet/Claude, PG-13)
"It’s harder to lie to Thompson than it is to lie to Sandra, and that more than anything tells him just how much he’s fucked this up."
winner "Best Other Female Characterization"
runner up "Best Bennet/Claude (G - PG-13)" heroes_slash awards: Winter 2008

Canons & Fugues (PG)
There was running water, and blood spiraling down the drain. She didn’t know whose blood, or where it came from. Her eyes followed the swirl, transfixed. She didn’t know where she was, who she was… She was holding something. It was a knife. She dropped it, panicked. Had she done something? Who was bleeding?

Casa Familia (PG-13)
My daughter is dating a super-powered serial killer; the very one I tried for years to protect her from, and I have to sit in this garish theme restaurant, eating food that I hate and pretending that everything is normal. Given the circumstances, I’d say I’m doing very well.

Do Unto Others
part one (PG-13)
part two (PG-13)
It’s no longer clear to her why she was compelled to follow a murderer into the dark.

It had seemed like such a good idea at the time.

Auld Lang Syne (NC-17)
His voice was little more than a growl in her ear. “You are playing with fire, little girl.”

Rare Pairings
Not Quite Nabokov (Thompson/Elle, NC-17)
She’s not sure why she started this, not at all sure why he’s going along with it, but when his hand slides over her waist, slips up under her shirt to press hot against her spine, Elle just arches against him.

House Rules (Sandra/Meredith, PG)
“And I don’t believe you’ve got a thing. You’re all words, Sandra. All talk, and no action, and that’s why Cla…” Her words ended in a shocked rush of breath, a small pained noise as she found herself shoved backwards from the chair and pinned to the kitchen floor by a hundred and forty pounds of pissed off Texan housewife.

How (Not) to Be Cool (West/Bennet, NC-17)
Maybe it’s that thing, you know, Stockwell Syndrome. Or whatever it’s called.

Now You See Me... (Adam/teenage!Claude, PG)
He lowered his voice conspiratorially, leaning in to murmur in the kid's ear. "You always rush headlong into danger to save strange men?"

What's Up, Doc? (Mohinder/Thompson, NC-17)
“I see the way you look at me,” he growled, “When you think I don’t notice” He was furious, and Thompson’s face only incensed him further. “I do notice, and I am done. We are ending this, right now.”

Three Times Isaac Mendez Got High (Isaac/Simone, PG-13)
Just the memory of that encounter, that brief touch was enough to fuel him for the next week. She inhabited his every thought; inspired him in a way he hadn’t known was possible.

In the Line of Duty (Thompson/Bennet/Claude, NC-17)
Thompson chuckles, and the sound vibrates obscenely down Bennet’s spine. “Call it a performance review.”
runner up "Best Threesome Fic (R - NC-17)"
runner up "Best Other Male Characterization" heroes_slash awards: Winter 2008

Happens to the Best of Us (Adam/Bennet, Bennet/Claude, soft R)
The gasp that escaped his throat was supposed to be a protest, and the hands he brought up were supposed to push the man away, so Noah was surprised when those hands slipped under Adam’s shirt, sliding the soft white fabric up and over his head; exposing miles of skin that was smooth and golden and perfect.


Déjà Vu (Haitian/Mohinder, R)
The skin under his hands is burning hot, darker than his own; dark as the night itself.

The Bonds of Family (Angela/Nathan, HRG/Claire, R)
Her forehead crinkles in an adorably contemplative expression, as she pokes the pencil eraser between her teeth, flicking her tongue idly against the pink nub.

And he really shouldn’t be watching this. Not like this.

The Noble Warrior and His Love (Kensei/Yaeko, Hiro/Kensei, Hiro/Yaeko, R)
And Hiro watched, and said nothing.

I Built the Shadows Here (Sylar/Gabriel, R)
"Why are you fighting so hard?" Sylar asks, and Gabriel shivers as lips that are perfect mirrors of his own brush against his temple.

Detention (Nathan/Peter, NC-17)
“I guess you’re right, Nathan.” He pushes his lower lip forward in a pout, brown eyes wide. “I’ve been a very bad boy.”

Obedience Training (Candice/Eden, NC-17)
“When I’m done with you, you’ll be a good little girl who knows how to take orders. Won’t you?”

Inheritance (Petrellicest TNG Simon/Monty, NC-17)
Although the way Dad looked at Uncle Pete sometimes… Maybe it was something in the blood; some kind of fucked up family tradition.

Nothing Left to Live For (Peter/Candice, R)
Peter could heal. Peter could fly. Peter could read minds and paint the future and move things without touching them and disappear and explode like an atomic bomb.

And Peter could let his brother die for him.

Where or When (Sandra/Haitian) (PG)
Then she sees him. Just a flash, a second of obsidian skin against a white button-down; the barest flicker of eyes like midnight. And she knows.

Look, Up in the Sky! (Peter/Claude, R)
"Hmph,” Claude would have shrugged noncommittally, were he not concerned about falling hundreds of feet to his death. "Took you long enough to figure out, didn't it?"

Secret (Santa) Identity (Bennet Family, G)
And maybe this is only Claire's sixth Christmas, and she's only had three she can really remember, but some things are just obvious.

The Incredible Hulk (2008)
What I Want to Hear (Emil Blonsky/Bruce Banner, NC-17)
Normally, Emil would get rough, his dominance being tested twice, but this time he has an idea. He trails his free hand down Bruce's side, softly and slowly, and leans in close.

"Tell me about her, Bruce," he says, voice pitched low and sweet. "Tell me about Betty."

The Myth of Greatness (Emil Blonsky/Bruce Banner, NC-17) co-written with cerebel
“Now, how long are you going to fight me before you let go and fight me!”

Mythbusters RPF
Empirical Data (Kari/Grant/Tory, R) friendslocked to my personal journal
Tory was not quite panting. "Oh, yeah, this is... this is much better than the last one."

Rowan Tree RPG
note: Because this is a panfandom game with a number of original characters as well, where applicable, I've noted the character's original canon.
But I'm Not Gay (Barney Stinson [How I Met Your Mother]/River Royal, R/NC-17)
So a guy asked him to dinner and he said yes. Come on, it’s River Royal. What, he’s gonna say no to that? Say no to the man who freed him from prison, got him laid, gave him running water?


So Particular (Kenneth Quinn/Jay Wainwright, G)
But the man has nice eyes, and he feels like air, like leather and dark chocolate and the sky itself, and Quinn is interested.

At the Moment of Surrender (Mikney/River Royal, NC-17)
"Then I'll give you a show of good faith," Royal offers, his other hand creeping across Mikney's ribs, slow and light enough to raise goosebumps. He turns Mikney's head gently, leaning in to speak softly in his ear. "A token, if you will."

What Happens in Rowan Stays in Rowan, or Harry Potter Bret McClegnie and the Dead Spouses Club (Cordelia Estwynde/Jacob Hood [Eleventh Hour US]/Bret McClegnie [Flight of the Conchords]/Mikney, NC-17)
"...her hips hitch up, arms winding around Bret's neck, and Bret buries his face in her neck because he’s inside her now, and if Cordy is trying to make him feel less overwhelmed, she's not doing a very good job.

To Serve You (Mikney/Rhkadi, NC-17)
“I have bound you, my sorcerer.” She drags the iridescent green-gold up his chest; resting it against his throat as she leans in close enough to kiss. “And now you are at my mercy.”

“Then nothing has changed,” Mikney says, his breath mingling with hers, their lips almost touching. “For I have always been bound to you, and am eternally at your mercy.”

Ficlets for the Sekrit Cabal Porn Battle: Rowan Edition
Flame On (Kale/Niko, NC-17)
“Oh, please,” laughs Niko, like there aren’t a million rules against casting spells against skin; though no one’s ever given him any rules about writing it in spit, and it isn’t like he needs the help to make Kale shiver. “I’m not even turning them on.”
The Importance of Good Grooming (Mikney/River Royal, G)
“Don’t move,” he warns, his voice low and quiet. Intimate, nearly. Mikney can feel his breath against his skin. “I would hate to nick you.”
Love the One You're With (Bret McClegnie [FotC]/Ianto Jones [Torchwood], R)
It isn’t remotely like kissing Jack. The beard, for one; the tentativeness, for another. Ianto tries to push that aside, but no; no, this isn’t working.
Something Particularly Nice Happens to Nazarene (Nazarene/Random Kitchen Girl, NC-17)
“Feel good?” Nazarene purrs in her ear, but it’s rhetorical. She knows she’s good; she doesn’t need to hear it.
Don't Ask; Don't Tell (Bret McClegnie [FotC]/Cho Takahashi, Barney Stinson [HIMYM]/River Royal, PG-13)
“Dude,” he admonishes. “First of all, there’s no ‘relationship.’ Nothing even remotely like a relationship.”
Harder to Breathe (Ianto Jones [TW]/Mars/Kenneth Quinn, NC-17, warnings for breathplay and death fetishism)
Quinn can breathe, but only just, and Ianto knows all-too-well that the knife-edge of having just a little of what you desperately need is far more agonizing than having none at all.

Sharktopus: In His Own Words (Sharktopus, Roger Corman, Eric Roberts, PG-13)
mean, sure, I was a horrible genetic freak with half an octopus where my genitals used to be, and I’d just been taken advantage of by a sleazy producer out to make a buck off my misery; but that’s like, the classic Hollywood story, right? Happens every day.

Sherlock (BBC)
Expectations (John/Sherlock, PG-13)
"At least now I'm symmetrical."

Understanding (Sherlock & John, G)
Sex is a powerful motivator.

You Better Work (Sherlock & John, G)
"Tell me, John. What do you know about fashion?"

U want 2 play? (Sherlock, Moriarty, PG)
U love my games.

A Man Destined to Drown Can Never Burn (John, PG)
It's silent down here, and cold. He's never been so cold.

procedural correctness in the execution of unquestionable moral authority (Lestrade, PG)
"Now, when I tell you not to run, it'd be a good idea to listen, yeah?"

Experiment (Sherlock, PG-13)
He must have miscalculated the dose.

Putting it Together (John/Sherlock, PG-13/R-ish)
John woke up breathless and achingly hard, having just had an extremely explicit and unusually vivid dream about his flatmate. The dream’s plot, if there had indeed been one, was completely lost now, leaving behind only a torrent of images and remembered sensations - teeth in the side of his neck, his fingers digging into soft skin, slick lips hot and open against his own.

It was hardly the first time this had happened.

you've got the instruments of pleasure at the end of your sleeves (John/Sherlock, NC-17)
The sleeve of his coat has fallen back, exposing his wrist, elegantly turned out. Like a dancer, perhaps, or a conductor, holding the orchestra in anticipation of his next move.

They’re ridiculous, his wrists.
originally posted here @ holmestice

So This is Christmas (John/Sherlock, R)
“It isn’t going to work,” John spits. “Sherlock isn’t going to come running into your trap just because you’ve roughed me up a little.”

The man’s eyes narrow thoughtfully. “Of course not,” he smiles. “But it’s a start.”
originally posted here @ holmestice

Lesson Learned (Sherlock/Lestrade, NC-17)
“Positive reinforcement,” Lestrade repeats, one eyebrow raised curiously. “And how… oh. Oh, fuck.”

“Precisely,” Sherlock smirks, and twists his wrist. “Are you ready?”

Like a Setting Sun (John, Harry, Clara, Lestrade, Sherlock, PG)
"Anyway," he says, "it doesn't matter if you have them or not; if you've quit or not. You think about them constantly. Want them constantly."

Ask and Ye Shall... (John/Sherlock, R)
"I want to bruise you," he says, impossibly quiet, thumb and forefinger stretched over John's throat. "Here. I want to choke you until I can see my fingerprints in your skin..."

My Object All Sublime (John/Sherlock, R) sequel to Distraction
Sherlock doesn't ask, not with words, but he'll put the collar in John's hands and wait expectantly; and the instant the leather touches his skin he exhales like a weight has been lifted.

Distraction (John/Sherlock, PG)
"You could use some discipline," John retorts, feeling as if he's being put on the spot. Still, he can't help considering that if he reached his hand out and pulled Sherlock's ridiculous hair up just a bit, he'd be able to see the buckle resting against the back of his neck. He's very tempted to do it, and see what happens.

Catalyst (John/Sherlock, R)
"Well," John manages between breaths. "That was fun."

Sherlock laughs, sudden and bright and breathless, and John doesn't have to look to know that they're wearing matching exhilarated grins. "You have a talent for understatement."

Feel Good Hit of the Summer (Sherlock, John, PG-13 for drug use)
He isn't addicted. He would know it if he were. This is merely a... a protest against the monotony of existence.

Shutter Island
No Ships Like Partnerships (Teddy/Chuck, G)
Teddy doesn't have to ask, just looks over and Chuck's right there, unlit cigarette in the corner of his mouth and the rest of the pack open in his hand; held out in offering just as Teddy was thinking Christ, I need a smoke.

Star Trek
Bare Necessity (reboot Scotty/Kirk, PG)
Scotty huffed, planting his hands on his hips, and it might have managed to look imposing if he wasn't standing there in his boxers and one sock, his wool hat still somehow perched on his head.

Not So Pleasing a Thing, After All (Spock/Christine, PG-13)
His voice is quiet, controlled. As if it’s ever been otherwise. “What do you want from me, Christine?”

Stargate: Atlantis
*new* Security Blanket (The Sleeper Hold Remix) (John/Rodney, PG)
McKay was probably warm under the covers, breath slow and even, not panicked and short and hissed through chattering teeth. Probably.

John punched his pillow, turning over in an angry effort to find a comfortable position. Goddamnit. Everyone was fine, McKay was fine, and there was no reason for him to be losing sleep over this. Except...

Strikethrough '07
A New Sheriff in Town (Parts 1 and 2) (L/6A, L/J) (R)
Remember the slash fic posted in the comments during Strikethrough '07? Yo.

All I Want (is to solve your puzzle) (Sam/Gabriel, PG-13)
But there was one person who wasn’t interested in him at all. Wasn’t interested in anything, it seemed like, except for sitting by himself and reading books more suited to college professors and like, priests, instead of teenagers.

Gabriel took getting Sam’s attention as a personal challenge.

Just Push Play (Sam/Gabriel, R)
The woman on the DVD moans a little theatrically, and oh, right, he's supposed to be paying attention to the chick, not the image of Gabriel in his head who wasn't even doing anything.

get them to sign on the line which is dotted (Bela/Crowley, PG-13)
"I told you, it's not up to me," he replied, businesslike veneer in place once again. But there was something sparkling in his eyes; something beyond the hellfire.

Bela recognized an opening when she saw it.

Tin Man
In the Service of the Queen (R)
She's not at all his type, Zero thinks, even as she twists her hips in a way that drags a moan out of his throat

Do I Hear a Waltz? (PG)
He took stock of their positions, looking from their hands to Cain’s face and back again. When the idea struck him, his face lit up like the sun. “Were we dancing? I’m a very good dancer, you know.”

All You Really Need (PG)
He knew things. Rather, he knew that he knew things, but those things that he knew that he knew... he didn't actually know. It was all very frustrating.

Justice For All (NC-17)
Zero drags his tongue up the pulse in Cain’s neck, closes his teeth on the sensitive skin just under his ear. “You know what this is.”

Fair Warning (PG-13)
"Long way off your beat, tin man," Zero's voice was cruel and mocking. "What happened, lose your way home?"

Mercy (PG-13)
It’s not true because a good man would have let him die. A good man would have slit his throat, shot him in the head and spit on his grave and let him rest.

“I didn’t say I was a good man,” Cain replies to the words Zero hadn’t known he’d said aloud. “Just better than you.”

Eye for an Eye (PG-13)
“I am going to kill you,” he declared.

Zero smiled, perfectly genuine. “Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?”

On a Balcony (Azkadellia, G)
“She… she’s dead,” Azkadellia managed. “You don’t have to serve her. She won’t order you around anymore.”

Maybe It's... (John/Tosh, NC-17)
How many times had she faced death in increasingly bizarre guises and lived to tell about it? And this small encounter was making her nervous? Surely this should barely register on the comparative danger scale.

Then she remembered the taste of blood in her mouth, Owen shot, Gwen poisoned, and all right, maybe this was among the stupidest things she'd ever willfully done.

Business As Usual (Jack/Ianto, PG-13)
“What’s it like?” Gwen asked, a little too enthusiastically.

“So far?” Ianto sighed. “Like an easy listening station with a DJ who wants to shag everyone.”

The Carbonite Maneuver (Jack/John, NC-17)
"Honestly, do you think I'd ever forget?” Jack panted. “Not with those sharp teeth of yours and that bossy attitude and that thing you used to do with your tongue where you'd kind of press up and around and …” His eyes went wide at the memory. “Oh, please tell me you're going to do that thing with your tongue."

Wanted (2008)
Want Some, Get Some (Fox/Wesley, NC-17)
Of course he wants to fuck her. He’s not dead. He is haunted by the flickering image of her ass, five frames at most, a fraction of a second, glistening wet; tattoos trailing down her back, up her shoulders like a fucking map he wants to follow with his fingertips, with his tongue…

He’s not dead, and he’d really like to stay that way, so he doesn’t even try.

Nothing Beside Remains (Adrian Veidt, PG-13, graphic novel)
It isn't guilt, that niggling feeling in the pit of his stomach. Ridiculous to feel guilty when he was right, after all.
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