LJ/6A, "A New Sheriff in Town" parts 1 and 2

May 31, 2007 01:36

I really am blaming this on the beer, if anyone asks later.

crossposted from the comments on a_hollow_year's latest entry. She kind of asked for it, but... Well, yeah. The beer.

Title: A New Sheriff in Town (1/2)
Author: airspaniel
Fandoms: LJ media relations/witchhunt/the death of my own soul
Pairing: 6A/LJ
Warnings: Contains moderately descriptive slash of dubious consent between two pretty much adults. Also, I think this is one of the final straws in my handbasket to hell.

El shivered, despite the midday heat and the tight confines of the windowless room. It had been a different town ever since Six rolled in, but never before like this.

“Just relax, El. You know I know what’s best for you.”

He shuddered again, an involuntary response to that seductive tone. Six was so much younger, still a child, and yet so aggressive. Part of him wanted to fight back, to struggle against the assault on his mind: his senses. But then Six would speak again. That hot, persuasive voice so urgent in his ear; begging him to let go. To give in.

“El... Don’t fight it. We’re so much better together.” Six ran a single fingernail down El’s spine. “You were nothing before me, and you know it.”

El gasped, despite himself. He wanted nothing more than to roll over and submit, to feel the languorous caresses of his young lover. This nubile, barely legal prince, whose every touch inflamed his passions. But what would Fandom say?

“You’re thinking of her, aren’t you?!” Six spat. “You know that slut means nothing to you! She does everything to everyone, and you know she doesn’t regret it! You’ve seen it!” His tone became soft, insistent. Pleading. “You know she’s wrong. She’s diseased.” El sighed as Six planted a series of soft kisses along his collarbone.
“We can get rid of her” Six panted. “Get rid of her forever, if you let me.”

In his heart, El knew that it was wrong. Wrong to feel this way about a man so much his junior. Wrong to desire the downfall of his love, his benefactor, his rock, for the sake of a fleeting touch and a fiery gaze. But it was such a good way to go. Six moved his hand lower against his partner’s back, edging ever closer to that most intimate of places.

“Give yourself to me, El. I can take care of us both.” He leaned in, quickly capturing his older lover’s lips in a burning kiss. Eons passed before they parted, sweating, gasping for more. “El... Just give me control.”

El consented with a sharp sigh, and Six drove himself home in one powerful thrust. And that was all it took for the memory of Fandom to be erased; and any questions of morality and propriety were silenced with the harsh panting of the two dubiously legal lovers, drowning out the protests of the jilted Fandom; the wicked and abased, as they moved together toward their inevitable conclusion.

“Oh... oh god... Six!!” El cried, as the uncontrollable wave of climax washed over him. Six let out a guttural scream and emptied himself into the older man’s ass. In the silence that followed, El lay silent. He regretted, oh so deeply, that moment he had relinquished control. As quickly as it was over, he wished he could take it back. But there was no going back. The choice had been made, and the silence had spread too far. He was a fool to think Fandom wouldn’t know. She always knew. She knew before he did that he would fall, though she had hoped so fervently that he would resist. In the end, it was fruitless. Money equals power, and power was always the deciding factor

Six withdrew and sat back, satisfied as his lover collapsed to the bed. Whether from the exertion of their passion or the weight of his own conscience... that mattered little. What did matter was his job was done. The door was open, and Sponsorship had acquired another willing servant.

And all for the price of a false promise and a quick fuck. He didn’t even have to bring the goats out. Six laughed to himself. Sometimes it really was too easy...

Honestly, I don't know who I'm baiting with this. But Res commands and I obey. Yep, it's definitely the beer.

stealth edit: Yeah, I posted this on news. entry link. See you on the other side, kids.

stealth edit redux:
Okay, I seriously am so tired I can't even tell if this is a good idea or a bad idea anymore.

Title: A New Sheriff in Town: 2
Author: airspaniel
Pairing: L/J, mention of 6A/L
WARNING: contains dudes making out. And they're BROTHERS. Also, LJ sucks cocks in hell for making me stay up this goddamned late.

Jay reluctantly pulled on his PJ bottoms and crawled out of bed. The knocking wasn't going away, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. As he slid the deadbolt back, the door burst open and he found himself with an armful of his beautiful weeping twin brother.
He embraced his twin protectively. "El, do you know what time it is?"
"It doesn't matter, Jay! Nothing matters! I fucked it all up..." El collapsed, sobbing against his brother's shoulder. Jay held him tighter, fingers soothingly pushing the dark, disheveled hair away from his twin's face.
"It's gonna be all right, bro." Jay held his breath, knowing what was coming, but he had to hear it for himself. "Just tell me what happened."
El felt nauseated. Ever since they were children, they had never had any secrets between them. And Jay had always loved him; had always been so patient with him. He had to tell him. Jay could fix it. Jay could fix anything.
"It's..." El choked on the words. "It was Six... He..." El collapsed into sobs and could speak no more. Jay clutched him tighter. Fucking Six, he never did anything for anyone but himself. And Jay had heard the Warriors were in town... Damn vigilantes. He wasn't sure what to do about Six and his morality posse, but that would have to wait. Right now, he had to worry about the stunning young man who was currently clutching him for dear life.
"El," he said, softly, taking his brother's face between his hands. "El, what did Six do to you?"
Tears immediately began to well in those deep green eyes, eyes the color of a forest after a storm. "He... he... oh god, I can't say it!" El wrapped his arms around his twin's neck, pulling him close and taking comfort from his familiar scent. "But I wanted it, Jay," he mumbled. "I really wanted it. Even though I knew it was wrong."
Jealousy flared hot in Jay. Who was this whelp Six to even touch El? When they had gotten along so well and been so much without him for so many years. These angry feelings melted when he looked in his brother's eyes. All he wanted to do was take that pain away, make everything go back the way it was before. But he knew he couldn't.
"El, look at me."
His heart broke when his twin couldn't even meet his gaze. He lifted El's chin, forcing him to make eye contact. "El, listen to me. I wish I could go back in time and fix this, but I can't. And I can't make Fandom believe your remorse, or come back if she's already gone. But I can give you this." He bent down and kissed his brother gently. "I love you, El. And I will never let anyone hurt you ever again."
Through the tears, a small smile crept over El's face. "Jay... I," his eyes shone with unspoken adoration for his twin. His protector. "I love you, too."
Once again, Jay kissed his brother, but not the innocent, chaste promise of a moment before. No, this was a promise of an entirely different sort. Of hot, eager mouths and searching hands; of pale skin the color of moonlight itself, writhing in shared ecstasy. El returned the kiss, passionately, his red lips ready to please and be pleasured. His nimble fingers slid below the waistband of his twin's pajamas, just barely teasing the skin beneath.
Jay gasped. "El! Oh... we could get deleted for this. Or suspended - ah!"
El plunged his hand deeper. "I don't care, Jay. I love you. And right now, I need you"
And then there were no more words. Only the space between bodies, and the infinity between breaths.
Fandom stepped back from the window, a single tear marring her elven beauty. She shouldn't have watched that, but it was so beautiful. And if it was truly the last time before... before all of this ends, she wanted to have something nice to remember. She hefted the grenade into her right hand. Clearly, these Warriors didn't know what they were up against.
"Tally ho, boys." she said, and walked purposefully into the sunset.

Also posted this in news. entry link.

Good goddamn, I am tired.

slash, crack!, livejournal, other

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