Aug 24, 2009 13:44


How to Participate:

Pick a prompt, any prompt, from the list below - then write a ficlet, any rating, answering said prompt. Post it in the comments to this post, and then enjoy yourself basking in praise.

Posting Rules:

1) Post every entry in a comment to this post. The header should look like this:

Title, pairing, prompt words, rating
Ex: Shadow and Memory, Quinn/Mikney, only in my mind, R

The maximum character count of a comment header on LiveJournal is 100 letters. If yours exceeds that, for whatever reason, you can post the rest of the header inside the comment.

2) Warnings are your friends. Warn for any possibly squicky, violent, or non-consensual content in the beginning of your entry. If you don't want to spare the space to warn, then link to an outside post containing your ficlet. Any ficlets containing un-warned extreme content will be screened.

3) Be sure to leave feedback for the authors. Let them know if you like what they've posted!


Arlen/Devorah, damage, mentor, separation anxiety
Arlen/Jason, passing the torch
Arlen/Lhoral - prisoner, comfort, lost in translation, silk bindings, trace, breeze, gently
Arlen/Robbie - touch, mission, redemption, jerk
Arlen/Robbie or Arlen&Robbie, "say it if it's worth saving me"
Arlen/Royal - outcast, charm, strings, helpful, reward,
Arlen/Tamber - ghost sex
Arlen&Robbie, "Silence like a cancer grows.", he's not dead yet...

Barney/Bret, shots, I would have to know what that's like
Barney/Bret/Demyx, manly cake baking
Barney/Cassandra, bingo
Barney/Cho, i want to hold your hand
Barney/Cordy/Quinn - favor, Quinn wants to watch
Barney/Demyx, seriously, how do you not know this?
Barney/Evelyn - laid bare, parlor tricks, amateur
Barney/Gob, frottage, illusion, hetero lifemates, the bro code
Barney/Lottie, press
Barney/Nazarene, "tonight I pick up a lesbian!", worth the effort, pegging
Barney/Nazarene/Royal - toy
Barney/Quahl, Shut up and do as I say
Barney/Royal, blackout, high five!, loyalty, men of the world, “when I say jump, you say ‘how high?’”, ribbons (mind went barney-->pretty-->ribbons!)
Barney/Tamber, helping hands, I’ve got a crush on you
Barney&Bret, excuses
Barney&Cris, pint

Bret/Cherry, memory, flight
Bret/Cherry/Cordy, begin, quiet, body worship
Bret/Cho, "I wanna hold your hand", lasagna, serenade, listen, hungry, skilled fingers, watch him play
Bret/Cho/Quinn/Wainwright, ULTIMATE FOOD PORN ORGY
Bret/Demyx, tempo
Bret/Gob or Bret&Gob, appreciating another man, brothers in wizardry, good luck, magic show
Bret/Hood, crush, impressed, order and chaos, baffling wizardly hijnks, kissing, don't tell
Bret/Ianto, birthday present, proxy humping, guess
Bret/Lhoral, filter, sit, here’s that rainy day, laughter, never is a promise
Bret/Lottie, seams
Bret&Cassandra, Dancing lesson
Bret&Cherry, two peas in a pod, music heals the soul
Bret&Cordy, lions, quest
Bret&Demyx, rock and roll ain't noise pollution, revenge of baketastic
Bret&Hood, hints
Bret&Ianto, accent, Monty Python
Bret&Niko, jealousy
Brett&Cordy, beer fountain

Cassandra/Cedric/Robbie - dead on arrival
Cassandra/Naz, visions
Cassandra/Robbie, "Just for this moment/As long as you're mine..."
Cassandra&Cedric&Robbie - dead on arrival
Cassandra&Cordy, earrings, genuine
Cassie/Cris, "don't you ever be what they want you to be," "you mystify me", baby face, bond, visions
Cassie/Nazarene, beautiful stranger, “see me, feel me, touch me, heal me”

Cedric/Cho, A case of mistaken identity
Cedric/Robbie, balance, friends, “god knows I don’t want to be an angel”
Cedric&Cherry, bright
Cedric&Ginny, hundreds
Cedric&Robbie, demons of your own making, sleep

Cherry/Cordy, "she drew a drape on the dark to keep out the nighttime", touch me, “you like the taste of danger, it shines like sugar on your lips”, truth
Cherry/Cris - dance, grin, drinking game
Cherry/Hood, kindness, that's so not me, amethyst, awkward turtle, no really an actual awkward turtle really crossing their path

Cho, cooking mama (please don't ask)
Cho/Bret/Niko, “getting nude with two dudes and food”
Cho/Cordy, kitchen floor, girl talk gone wrong right, teacher
Cho/Demyx, cupcakes, banana pancakes
Cho/Gob, kitchen magic, slight of hand
Cho/Hood, late night study session a.k.a. "Nothing good happens after 3 AM"
Cho/JY, Awkward turtle
Cho/Kale, too much bloodshed, bygones, giggle fit
Cho/Kale/Niko - domestic bliss, muffins, nerds in love, lullaby, it’s your turn to feed the baby
Cho/Markon, how did I get here?, sorrow
Cho/Niko, careful hands, hot for teacher, secret message
Cho&Evana - terror
Cho&Kyden - good luck
Cho&Markon - truth be told, spot of peace, home, old scars, sordid past, lawyerspeak, inexplicable, center, bond, chad, armor, crumble, hold you tight, Darling! Fetch The

Cordy/Cris or Cordy&Cris, "I down eight pints and run all over the place"
Cordy/Cris, courtiers, flirtation, hard cider
Cordy/Hood, “I had to know things, she was a tangle of questions”, loss, magic, hand holding
Cordy/Hood/Mikney, dead spouse club
Cordy/Ianto, slip, sophisticated company, “I know what boys like,” manipulation
Cordy/Lottie - elegant, tailoring
Cordy/Mikney, "I will make you smile", “I’d rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie”
Cordy/Nazarene, “You’re like voodoo, baby; you just take hold”
Cordy&Cris, "I was raised to be charming, not sincere."
Cordy&Hood&Mikney, dead spouse club
Cordy&Ianto, own

Cris/Kale/Lottie, fire play
Cris/Lhoral - explanations, fireflies

Demyx/Zosima, music is food for the soul
Demyx&Elimyr, water people
Demyx&Ginny, Quidditch

Devorah/Hood, promises, resistance, questions
Devorah/Lhoral - who’s really in charge here, lesson, caught, pressure, force of personality
Devorah/Quahl - little missy, out of your league, behave yourself, braids, ancient history, kill you, traitors
Devorah/Quinn, follow me, lost but undying, heart trumps head

Dier/Lottie, almost had a personality, “we had a good thing going”

Elimyr/Ianto - dry riverbed, blood in the water, undine
Elimyr/Tamber - trapped, Stockholm syndrome
Elimyr&Evelyn - fractures, i want to know myself, the taste of fear
Elimyr&Ianto - pet, fathers, storytime, love of torture
Elimyr&Mars - humans are so fragile

Evana/Kyden, the nerve, too much too soon, perfectly imperfect
Evana/Kyden&Kale, happy family, moving too fast, fireflies

Evelyn/Mars - multiplicity, schizoid, lost, plethora, myriad, deeply fucked up
Evelyn/Mars/Rayne - plenty of trauma to go around, not really my area of expertise, vicarious, training, mind in the middle, feeling for the boundaries, defensive, protective, torn
Evelyn/Mikney - trance
Evelyn/Nazarene - sight unseen, glide, lovely, strength, secrets, brothers and sisters, coil, rush, feast, like a blade, hold
Evelyn/Quinn - maybe it’s just malice, nails, smooth, I don’t need to touch you
Evelyn/Rayne - suspicions, impressions, tease, apprentice
Evelyn/the Mother - any means necessary, dogged, violate, intimate, razor, hone, pry
Evelyn/Wainwright - don't leave me alone with this woman, hopeless, secrets
Evelyn/Zosima - denial, duty, helpful, arch, precarious, backtalk, quality

Gob&Taryn, unlikely friendship, you're not so bad

Hood&Niko, geek boy and geek man

Ianto/JY OR Ianto/JY/anyone. Earth mages are easy
Ianto/Mars/Quinn - erotic asphyxiation, release from pain, intensity
Ianto/Mars/Rayne - the attraction of devotion, loyalty, trust, on the outside looking in
Ianto/Rayne/Royal - charismatic personalities
Ianto/Royal - charismatic leader, my type
Ianto&Mars - fond memories

JY, "Six in the morning, the sun dawns and it's my bedtime"
JY/Quahl, Really, really awkward turtle

Kale, hidden depths
Kale/Lhoral - flirt, confusion, small kindnesses
Kale/Nazarene - pretty young thing, perky, scary but awesome
Kale/Niko - lightning, nip, tease, ruffle, watch your back, match, bros, fire v. sorcery, you’re such a nerd, experiments
Kale/Royal - propaganda, seduction, family you make, funerals
Kale&Markon, one so new and one so old
Kale&Niko, candy mountain, sometimes serious is overrated

Lhoral/Quahl, teaching
Lhoral/Tamber - bonding, whatever the separate-cells equivalent of phonesex is

Marek&Markon, happy family, don't leave me, exactly the same

Mars, wasteland
Mars/Mikney - iron chains
Mars/Quinn - desert, wanderlust
Mars/Quinn/Rayne - illusion, ache, mutually fucked up, welcome, watching, trace
Mars/Quinn/Rayne/Wainwright - damage, devotion, commiseration, tangle, kindred, they want to watch
Mars/Rayne - fisting, destiny, iron and wine, king of infinite space, survivors, “Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still if thou abide with me”, hostile takeover, victim profile, stalk, he likes to watch, catch me if you can
Mars/Rayne/Royal - leadership, charisma, consideration, package deal
Mars/Rowan - abduction
Mars/September - price, coax, I like how cold death is, eerie, skill

Mikney, power, boil, fusion
Mikney/Quahl, “and I wanna run like the blood from a wound to a place you can’t see me,” give me a reason, “I guess you were afraid of what everyone is made of,” obedience
Mikney/Quinn, look but don’t touch, dirty talk, we all have our chains, slip, adversity, alcohol, common ground, only in my mind
Mikney/Royal, a little less conversation, all your deadly charms, chains, “you’re a cold piece of steel between my ribs and there’s no saving me”, straight razor
Mikney/Royal, bound, convince me

Naz/random kitchen girl, playing one night stands
Naz/Royal or Naz&Royal, "Glory, Glory"
Nazarene - everyone else turns into penguins
Nazarene/Niko - pretty young thing, terrified
Nazarene/Zosima - fierce, oversight, refine, precise
Nazarene&Royal - dependable, ready, trust, questions

NPCs/NPCs (all of them), you know you want to

Quahl/Royal, negotiation

Quinn - where a pain-rutted road intersects with a highway of answers
Quinn/Rayne - as light as the air between my ribs, the fucked up amateur enchanters’ club
Quinn/Robbie - ache, quiet
Quinn/Royal - influence, nuance, look but don’t touch
Quinn/Royal or Quinn&Royal, "anyway, I'm an upstanding citizen"
Quinn/Royal/Wainwright - don’t make me threaten you, proxy, carpe diem, risk
Quinn/Wainwright - spurn, adore, kicked, how can I seduce you when you’ve stopped trying, finger sucking, drench, lick, delicate balance, “the sailor cannot see the North/but knows the needle can”, “Today, from a distance, I saw you walking away, and without a sound the glittering face of a glacier fell into the sea”, "don't you ever be what they want you to be", chocolate fountain, letters, unicorn, unhealable wound, accommodation, candied ginger, how much is too much, “I know a guy who’s tough but sweet,” maybe this time, virgin, “our love is like a powder keg,” “We’re the terror of the skies, but a danger to ourselves”, always touching and touched, observer, little death
Quinn&Elimyr - suffering, uncaring, isolation
Quinn&Wainwright, so sour it hurts

Robbie/September - “the sun is low and red in the west, and they have fallen behind in the making of shrouds”, “I wanted to ride this day down into night, to sit here and smooth the unreadable page with the pale grey ghost of my hand”, loathing, autumn leaves, lost, favor, letting go, “they call it the Tombland"

Rowan/Terra, who's been stealing my toys, let's play a game

Royal, cracked
Royal/Quahl, play for power
Royal/Quinn, “blood is warmer than wine”
Royal/Zosima - “As you wish, senator”, balance, demagogue, eyes, team, till victory, “I judge you by who you hurt,” red tape

Sonic&Tails, restart, while everyone else is hooking up...

Terra/Mars/Rowan - screwed coming and going

Tobin/Wainwright, free spirit, boundaries

Wainwright/Zosima - you really need to relax

rating: g, pairing: evelyn/quinn, pairing: barney/cho, pairing: bret/cho, pairing: cho/markon, pairing: barney/nazarene, pairing: quinn/mikney, pairing: kale/niko, pairing: quinn/wainwright, pairing: elimyr/ianto, [fanfic] multipartner, the present beware, rating: r, pairing: bret/lhoral, pairing: ianto/mars/quinn, pairing: nazarene/ofc, pairing: mikney/royal, pairing: bret/hood, pairing: devorah/arlen, pairing: cho/gob, the future beware, pairing: barney/royal, pairing: bret/ianto, pairing: mikney/rhkadi, rating: nc-17, pairing: devorah/lhoral, pairing: evana/kyden, [fanfic] it's throwdown time

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