It's my first whole-out, irrational, shit-kicking RANT

Jul 08, 2005 15:16

Ok, you know what? Evil wins. Have I been living in a FUCKING BUBBLE? How can I be so surprised at any of this? I'm horrified - mostly at myself for not being prepared for it (which is the worst part.)

Putrid, tedious details of why I'm vomiting all over you behind the cut... )

wank, rants, world_events, i_am_insane, shattered, social_justice

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Comments 22

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agentxpndble July 8 2005, 21:21:47 UTC
Thank you - I think it's hugs I need right now... And sleep.

On pg. 16 of the 'confession' an anon poster gives this link:

(To a log in which people who claim to know her and her history discuss the probability that city_glitter was attempting to impress a specific person who had a crime committed against her cat.)

It's all on drama_awesome as well, now. I posted there too a minute ago.


llywela13 July 8 2005, 21:21:01 UTC

Poor you *hugs*


agentxpndble July 8 2005, 21:59:22 UTC
Thank you - HUG accepted. :::whimper snivel:::


artwhisperer July 8 2005, 21:37:47 UTC
I don't understand these people either, why are they wasting their energies when they could be doing something to truly help people?

There are good people in the world..lots of them...but they don't get the attention that the bad apples get, becasue mediocre people find the nuts more interesting. I used to be addicted to watching the local news... one day I finally got sick of hearing about hte murdered children, rapes, fires, the stupid pranks of our local uni and horrible car accidents. I don't watch the news anymore. I think I'm am a mentally healthier person now. You should stick to hanging out with us internet folks who like you and share you interests :D And not pay too much attention to the weirdos and people who have no personal pride.

Erm...don't know that that made you feel better... but *Hugs* If I were there I'd give you something hot and yummy to drink :D


agentxpndble July 8 2005, 22:06:20 UTC
I know what you say is true - thank you for reminding me. Knowing that you and my other friends are there is making a difference. ;-) I'm usually perfectly capable of not exposing myself to the icky over-focused yuk but today it's just getting on top of me - not so much the exposure, but the fact that it's happening. :::whimper snivel:::

Yes - TEA. Definitely. OMG, I saw the MOST AWESOME 'tea' icon today... Where the hell was it?!? I must have it! Argh... I've been so crazy I forgot to write down who's it was...


artwhisperer July 8 2005, 22:31:40 UTC
Hey, getting your thoughts out is a good thing...We are here to read them, feel the hurt, and offer cyber tea...

And OMG you're a tea person too?? YES! I am a tea nut, I don't like coffee and cam't understand the obsession some folks have with...why aren't they obsessed with tea?? What is wrong with them?

And that tea icon is fantastic... I laughed when I read it through :D


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agentxpndble July 8 2005, 23:02:39 UTC
:::giggle::: Thanks - I needed that! ;-) You are so good at the splicing... Honestly, I just never would have come up with some of the mixes you've done! I do hope you share the picture on the board with the safehouse - or did you and I missed it? I've been so nuts lately. :::sigh:::


fenice_fu July 9 2005, 00:53:18 UTC
I've seen some amazing hoaxs perpetrated on people in interest groups before, and in chat rooms. I wasn't a me extremely cynical or whatever, but I usually try not to get all wrapped up in something anymore. But oh yes, reading the news is enough to drive a person into the depths of despair some days ( ... )


artwhisperer July 9 2005, 00:59:25 UTC
Um if you scroll down to the bottom here: it's on the bottom left :D I thought it was quite funny.. And Yay! Another tea drinker!


fenice_fu July 9 2005, 01:43:15 UTC
Ooo, I see it. That's awesome! Though yesterday I ahve to admit that I didn't even think the power of tea would be enough for the poor folks coming out from in the tunnels. :(


artwhisperer July 9 2005, 02:04:58 UTC
OMG. That icon is too funy..I'm always injuring myself from laughing around you people....AgentX made it?


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