It's my first whole-out, irrational, shit-kicking RANT

Jul 08, 2005 15:16

Ok, you know what? Evil wins. Have I been living in a FUCKING BUBBLE? How can I be so surprised at any of this? I'm horrified - mostly at myself for not being prepared for it (which is the worst part.)

Putrid, tedious details of why I'm vomiting all over you behind the cut... )

wank, rants, world_events, i_am_insane, shattered, social_justice

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fenice_fu July 9 2005, 00:53:18 UTC
I've seen some amazing hoaxs perpetrated on people in interest groups before, and in chat rooms. I wasn't a me extremely cynical or whatever, but I usually try not to get all wrapped up in something anymore. But oh yes, reading the news is enough to drive a person into the depths of despair some days ( ... )


artwhisperer July 9 2005, 00:59:25 UTC
Um if you scroll down to the bottom here: it's on the bottom left :D I thought it was quite funny.. And Yay! Another tea drinker!


fenice_fu July 9 2005, 01:43:15 UTC
Ooo, I see it. That's awesome! Though yesterday I ahve to admit that I didn't even think the power of tea would be enough for the poor folks coming out from in the tunnels. :(


artwhisperer July 9 2005, 02:04:58 UTC
OMG. That icon is too funy..I'm always injuring myself from laughing around you people....AgentX made it?


fenice_fu July 9 2005, 02:33:03 UTC
Yes!! Isn't it awesome? He's adorable!


agentxpndble July 9 2005, 01:12:21 UTC
What's new to me here is not the out and out crazy's or criminals (I don't really understand them either, but that's not what's going on for me today) or internet scammers, etc. Rather, it's the insidious lack of basic morals, like integrity and conscience, in 'functional' people I'm finding unacceptable. The lack of social responsibility in some of those I've encountered in the past few days seems so frustrating and distructive - I feel hopeless about our future - how can we have a society when people are so disassociated and detached from humanity ( ... )


fenice_fu July 9 2005, 01:54:26 UTC
::nod:: And I certainly don't want to give the impression that I think you're niave (sp?) or anything by what I wrote. I definitely hear what you're's...mind-boggling. People are more and more about "what can I get from you" rather than being basically decent so often ( ... )


agentxpndble July 9 2005, 02:19:20 UTC
:::heh heh::: I see we had an icon change.

I totally forgot about your generous tea offer... :::blush::: I do brew loose tea and if you feel kind, would love a few. I rarely drink anything other than black tea or herbal (any kind) - Let me guess... You are a green tea drinker?

I am of the 'it's a treat, what's the point of fat free/low cal' school of thought. I suppose you could alter my recipe - Irish soda bread is a sweet bread (scone-like) not a shortbread/cookie-like thing. So you could use a low fat margarine and low fat milk, but not sure it would be worth it. ;-) I'll type up the recipe if you still want it tomorrow (I'm off to bed now.)

If I'm having a really special weekend, I will go for the hard stuff - Strawberries and shortbread with home whipped cream, homemade eclairs, cakes, etc. I'm a bit lazy to do it often. Good thing I'm lazy - the calories would never stop me. :::evil:::


fenice_fu July 9 2005, 02:46:03 UTC
I drink all kinds of tea but mostly black (with milk and sugar) and greens (with nothing) right now. I usually stay away from flavored teas and flavored herbals (meaning flavorings Earl Grey or whatever) I like honeybush and rooibos but again not flavored. I don't care for mate and wish I did...I'd get one of those little silver straw and gourd bombillas and drink it in style. I like puer, and I drink oolongs on occasion. Er..babble babble...

Yeah, I'll make up some samples and send em off to you one of these days. And I wouldn't mind the recipe, just send it when it's convenient. Have a good evening! Hope tomorrow is more hopeful.


artwhisperer July 9 2005, 15:03:50 UTC
Okay..I'm like, so butting in here...but can I have that recipe??? Reading your whole post made my mouth water and I'm really hungry now....

Do you like jasmine tea at all? It's my favorite :D


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