just_muse_me | 22.8.6. The Baby Plan

Jul 08, 2009 08:02

22.8.6. The Baby Plan

Co-written with paramedically
[Follows THIS, THIS and THIS]

Andrew had been exhausted the day before. He never really had an issue with nights, but you could never predict what was going to go down on any shift. There had been a number of car crashes and a gas leak in one of the restaurants down town. He worked the whole night without a break, and all he had wanted to do was sleep when he got home. It had been a long time since he fell asleep after a shift without showering. He had also welcomed the whole day of sleep to catch up. It had been a nice surprise to wake up sometime during the evening with Ali cuddled up against him and neither needing to worry about Jamie for the day. His Mum loved having the baby girl and it gave Ali and Andrew some time alone together. Relationships just needed that sometimes. They took a shower together and ordered takeout to have in front of the TV before he had to leave for work again. He had been more than reluctant to go.

It was now morning again, and he was glad the shift had been an easy one. He wasn't ready to pass out as soon as he got home, and he now had three days off. His Mum wasn't due to bring Jamie back until lunch time, so he didn't have to fall right into bed and was grinning as he wondered if Ali might like to make the most of the rest of the morning together. But Ali didn't meet him at the door like she usually did. That was strange. He dropped his bag onto the floor by the door and made his way up the hall. "Ali? Where are you, babe?" he called out.

The pregnancy test still remained unopened and housed in the pharmacy bag on the dresser in the bedroom. Ali had been waiting for Andrew to come home to talk to him about it, but the test almost seemed pointless by now. She was knelt on the bathroom floor in her cow jammies throwing up into the toilet like there was no tomorrow. Sure, it could just be a bug, but coupled with everything else on the menu, it was time to stop living in the magical fairy land of delusion. She felt pregnant. It was hard to describe, but she just did. And it wasn't fair, because she hated it with a passion the first time. There wasn't meant to be a second time.

She heard Andrew calling out to her and she tried to breathe through the nausea, staring down at the mess in the toilet. It was like a crap case of dejavu, only last time there was no beautiful guy calling out up the hall for her. She sunk back onto her haunches and pushed her messy hair out of her face. "Bathroom," she called back weakly, not prepared to move from the toilet yet. That pregnant exhaustion was there, too, and probably worse this time on account of the fact she already had a baby to take care of. She almost started to sob just for the fuck of it. That was another thing. The weird crying for seemingly no reason at all.

Andrew followed her voice and appeared in the doorway of their en suite bathroom. Ali looked terrible and he went over to crouch down beside her, worry already bubbling through him. "Hey... you should have called me if you weren't feeling well," he told her, feeling her forehead for a temperature.

"You won't find a fever, sweetheart," Ali murmured, wanting to just drag him to bed and curl up in his arms again. She remembered how horrible it was last time trying to keep the pregnancy from everyone and how alone she felt not having anyone to talk to about it. She had only told Izzy when it got too much. She had been so ashamed of herself for what she did that deluded was just safer for her. She couldn't go through all that again. She didn't want to hide anything from Andrew. He should know straight away, and not just because she didn't want to go through this alone - because it was his baby too. "Andy, I think I'm pregnant."

Andrew's eyes widened and he just stared at her, stunned. He couldn't even move. Did she just say pregnant? "Pregnant with a baby?" were the words that chose to stupidly fall out of his mouth as he continued to gape in shock.

Ali couldn't help it. She laughed. It bubbled up inside her and burst out before she could stop it. "If I'm pregnant with a cow, we could have a problem," she told him and then bit down on her lip, watching him nervously. "I'm sorry? I know you must be thinking I'm some sort of freak that can fall pregnant just by have a dick waved in her face, but I-I don't know how it happened. Timing tells me it happened in Australia, and that's when we stopped using condoms, so I think maybe the time difference just fucked up my body clock and maybe the pill didn't work? Or maybe I forgot one day? But I can't remember. I-I haven't done a test or anything but the spewing and I just... I feel pregnant, and I'm terrified, and I really need you to say something right now. Please?"

Andrew's eyes dropped from her face to her stomach, which was hidden in the layers of cow print satin. His hand came to rest on her hip. "We have a baby in there? Really?" he asked her in awe. "A little brother or sister for Sunshine?" He didn't want to believe it. It was a shock, to say the least. It was the last thing he expected her to say to him, but she wouldn't joke with him about something like this.

"I think so," Ali said helplessly, wondering just how long she was going to hold out before she cried. "And this is your penis too, you know! I know I'm freak material, but it wouldn't have happened if your dick wasn't so amazing!" And then it was like a flicking a switch and the tears poured down her cheeks like a waterfall. "I hate being pregnant!" she sobbed.

Andrew watched as she sped throught he wave of emotions like a rollercoaster. She had told him many times what she was like when she was pregnant, and in hindsight, she had been able to laugh about it. But in the flesh, it was the tiniest bit scary and he felt like he almost got whiplash from it. But he shifted to sit on the tiles and then pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms protectively around her. He was reeling from the news and maybe more than scared himself, but they could deal with it. "Ali, it's amazing. Scary as hell, yes, but it's a baby," he told her. "And you're right. We both did this. You're not alone, beautiful. I'm not going to let you be alone," he promised.

"You know, there will be none of this sitting in your lap when I hit around the fifth month. I'll break your legs and probably fart on you," Ali warned, hugging him back like she never wanted to let go. "This wasn't supposed to happen," she whispered against his cheek.

"You fart on me in bed anyway," Andrew pointed out, laughing. He tucked his hand up the back of her pyjama top and held her close. "But it did happen, beautiful. Having Jamie is amazing. I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't want another one like her. And maybe I'll freak out about this later once I've slept on it, but I think we can do this. I want to have a family with you, Ali. I just wasn't sure you would want to try again after the ordeal the first time."

Ali closed her eyes. "I didn't," she mumbled. "I didn't want to ever do it again. Can we freak out together?"

"It's a date," Andrew promised, kissing her hair.

All muses referenced with permission and are from the princeton2nyc universe

Word Count 1,357

[ship] ali/andrew, [arc] maternal instinct, [with] paramedically, [co-written] paramedically, [arc] committment, [comm] just_muse_me

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