RP with isabelowens | Lunch, or something like that

Jul 06, 2009 20:22

Ali's Prada blouse and skirt had been a write off by the time Jamie was done with them. Not even a good sponging down with baby wipes and Febreeze had been able to save the tragedy. Ali was on autopilot by that point, and she was now more than convinced her mother-in-law-to-be thought she was whacko. She had been hardly able to string three sentences together without tripping over her words as she handed Sunshine over into the capable hands of Andrew's Mum. Andrew had slept on completely oblivious to the chaos around him.

After that, Ali came to the horrific realisation she had no other appropriate clean clothes for a lunch date. Things had piled up over the last few days with Andrew working extra hours and Jamie going through a grizzly period. Some rapid disaster-management kicked in, and had Ali stepping out in one of Andrew's business shirts, but tied up at her waist and pushed up at the cuffs. She pulled on her jeans - oh god, how much longer would she be able to fit into them?! - put on her long boots and actually managed to look like she stepped out of a fashion mag by the time she was done. Thank eff for small miracles.

She was flushed and anxious when she made it to the restaurant she was meeting Izzy and dropped down at the table across from Izzy, grabbing the menu up in her shaky hands and forcing a smile over the top of it. "Hey, sorry I'm late," she said.

[ship] ali/andrew, [arc] maternal instinct, [rp] isabelowens, [with] isabelowens, [arc] committment

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