couples_therapy | 70.7. What's missing?

Jul 06, 2009 15:16

70.7. What's missing? (from Week 49)

Ali couldn't seem to get herself into gear that morning. She was meeting Izzy for lunch, and had known for days she was, but it was like someone had reached in and tipped her brain upside down. She nearly brushed her teeth with with Andrew's aftershave balm, she dropped her hairbrush into the toilet, she put her bra on inside out, and Jamie's nappy on back to front. And this was all before eight am. This spiralled downhill even from there. Andrew came home from his chaotic nightshift so buggered, he made the mistake of sitting on the sofa when he got in and promptly fell asleep without even a shower or something to eat. After an unsettled night with Jamie, Ali was too tired herself to even try to drag him awake to go to bed, so she just laid him down and tucked the quilt from the spare bed over him. It wasn't like him to do this, so she found herself feeling his forehead for any type of fever. She really had been honing the maternal instinct over the last few months.

She also didn't know what possessed her to think eating over half a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie for breakfast was a good idea. She was so distracted trying to make sure Jamie had enough bottles and jars of baby food in the baby bag for Andrew's Mum to take her overnight, that she hadn't even realised the crime with the ice cream. It just... happened. She dragged the spoon from her mouth and stared at it with a pained, "Ugh..." then dropped the spoon into the tub and rubbed her stomach, which was inevitably protesting the gooey, chilled chocolate onslaught. It was such an abrupt nausea that Ali almost reached for the phone to call Izzy and cancel their lunch date. She pushed the nearly empty tub of ice cream into the sink out of sight and leant against the counter to breathe through the uncomfortable feeling. She was all over the place, and really hoped she wasn't coming down with something. Especially something that could potentially pass to her baby girl and fiance. Nothing like shared germs in a family.

Jamie started to cry in the living room, so Ali had no choice but to shoot out there so she didn't disturb Andrew. The ice cream sloshed uncomfortably in her stomach and she swallowed down the urge to heave. If Jamie had a dirty nappy, she would be a goner. Thankfully there were no unpleasant smells in the air, and Andrew was still out like a light under the covers. Lifting the baby into her arms, Ali kissed her head softly and nuzzled the strawberry blonde hair. "You're trying to wake Daddy up deliberately, aren't you? You didn't get your good morning cuddle. But Daddy's real tired, Sunshine. We just need to let him sleep for now. He'll make it up with lots of cuddles tomorrow. Today, you have Nana to spoil you rotten, don't you?"

She took Jamie into the kitchen with her and plucked her filofax from her bag, flipping it open on the kitchen counter. "But now, we see who we can cancel on for the rest of the week so Mummy can curl up in bed before she gets sick. And maybe even make the most of Daddy's skilled hands..." She wasn't going to cancel on Izzy. It felt like ages since she had spent any time with her BFF. What was the point of having Izzy back from England if they barely had time together? Plus, Andrew's Mum was always more than happy to take Jamie for the night. She was alone a lot of the time after her husband's death and was even contemplating moving to New York to be closer to her son and his new family now he was going to be getting married.

Her fingers flicked through the pages quickly, analysing what appointments she had where and with whom. She moved onto the next week, and then the next when something abruptly caught her eye and she stopped, leafing backwards through the pages she just passed. That pink circle around the date. Around the 20th July. She sucked in a breath and scrambled to tear back through the days to the end of June... 22nd of June to be exact. Just days after they got back from Australia and shit was hitting fans with Mark after James' coma...

"Oh... fuck..."

It was right that minute that Jamie decided to puke her breakfast all down the front of Ali's blouse, half of which splashed over Ali's Jimmy Choos and onto the floor. All Ali could do was stare in shock, frozen. She had missed a pink circle. Nearly two weeks ago.

She missed her period.

- All other muses referenced with permission and are from the princeton2nyc universe

Word Count | 800

[ship] ali/andrew, [comm] couples_therapy, [arc] maternal instinct, [arc] committment

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