on_thecouch | 54.5. Mommy issues (from Week 1)

Jul 07, 2009 00:07

54.5. Mommy issues (from Week 1)

[Follows THIS and THIS]

After lunch, Ali agreed to Izzy’s gentle coaxing to come back to her apartment to watch a DVD as some form of random distraction. Ali made it about a third the way through the film before she knew she had to go home. She couldn’t concentrate on the movie and it wasn’t fair she was monopolising Izzy’s time when she left her brain at home in the tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream that morning. But Izzy understood. She always did.

Back home, Ali found that Andrew had woken up at some point during the morning and finally got himself to their bed. His paramedic overalls were in a pile by the bed, along with his boots and t-shirt. He was asleep in a messy tangle of covers on the bed, legs and bare feet sticking out the bottom. Ali felt a flicker of a faint smile on her lips as she took in the sight and crept quietly into the room so she didn’t wake him. She kicked off her own shoes as she placed a paper pharmacy bag on the dresser with a small sigh. That could wait until morning.

It was two in the afternoon, but she didn’t care. She slipped out of her jeans and Andrew’s shirt then unclipped her bra to drop it on top of the pile of clothes beside Andrew’s, leaving her in just her underwear. She brushed her fingers through his hair and leaned over to kiss his forehead. He shifted with a small grunt, eyes opened just a little. “Y’k?” he mumbled huskily, fingers touching her arm softly.

Ali smiled. “I’m fine, gorgeous,” she whispered and crawled into the bed to lie down in front of him. “Go back to sleep.” He automatically moved to make room for her, and then just melted around her, dozing back off with ease, his face now nuzzled against the back of her neck. She slowly untangled the covers so she could draw them up around their bodies and she reached behind her to take his hand, softly curled in a fist from sleep. For a moment, she just pressed his fingers gently against her lips, kissing them lightly as she looked at the paper bag on the dresser. It was important, but it could wait. Closeness, comfort, warmth, and security… it was amazing how all that could come just from being cuddled up together in bed like the rest of the world didn’t exist for that short time.

A few more moments passed while she listened to his deep, even breathing behind her. He worked so hard, sleep was like hard-earned luxury for him. Yet he never once complained about being kept up all night with Jamie, or sitting with her for hours on end after a long shift whenever she wasn’t feeling well. Ali wasn’t deluded enough to believe anyone was perfect, but her Andrew came pretty damn close. If nothing else, he was a perfect father to her daughter, and she could never repay him for that. She let out a slow, shaky breath and moved his hand to hold it against her stomach.

If nothing else, she knew she wasn’t alone this time.

- Andrew Connor [paramedically] used with permission. Isabel Owen [isabelowens] referenced with permission.

Word Count | 530

[ship] ali/andrew, [arc] maternal instinct, [comm] on_thecouch, [arc] committment

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