Fandom meme

May 08, 2009 23:32

It's fannish meme time again. I love fandom memes for some strange reason...

Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms.
You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

dejla gave me Dresden Files, Firefly and Highlander.

Dresden Files

1) Fanfic, funnily enough. I was reading a Torchwood/Dresden Files crossover - The Wizard and the Alien Hunter - and I found myself compelled to find out more about the other wizard called Harry so within about 18 hours of reading that fic I had the first 2 books of The Dresden Files series in my hand! Talk about instantly clicking with a fandom - I was completely and utterly hooked. Less than 6 months later I'd read all 10 books and bought the dvd box set... I absolutely adore the characters in both the books and the TV universes (there are some quite profound differences between the 2 verses) and although I find the books tend to be a little dark at times the interactions between Harry and bob in particular are always a delight.

2) This one's a keeper, I think as I tend to stick with fandoms I fall this hard for no matter how many years pass.

3) Favourite TV episodes - Stormfront (the 2 hour pilot version) as it was interesting to see how they converted the book to the screen and What About Bob. Fave books are Summer Knight, Blood Rites and Dead Beat.

4) I'm on a few comms, and I write fanfic.

5) Yes! There are so many interesting twists and turns in both verse that there are some interestingly divergent interpretations of the same situations. And there's lots of space for fanfic writers to sneak into...


1) I picked up the Serenity dvd from Asda for silly money (about £2.99 I think) as I vaguely remembered hearing good things about it. I loved it and within 3 months had the Firefly boxset. Then I started hunting out the fic...

2) I think I'll dabble rather than staying as such. Nowt wrong with a bit of dabbling.

3) Safe, Our Mrs Reynolds, Out of Gas. Hell, the whole damn lot of them are favourites!

4) I lurk mostly. I read a bit of fic, but I tend not to comment except in posts on my flist. I'd write as I have the ideas, but I don't have a voice for any of the characters which is sad.

5) Of course!


1) I watched the first film at the cinema when it came out and loved the whole premise of the universe so of course the second film hugely disappointed me (thought there were some OK moments). Not long after that I stumbled across a video of 'Highlander: The Gathering' in my local video shop and thought it looked interesting. This was the pilot of the series though I didn't realise it at the time and I thought it was much more true to the Highlander universe as it had been presented in the first film. Fast-forward a year or so and I discovered that Highlander: The Series was being aired on one of the cable/satellite channels. I found Highlander fanfic and fandom through usenet ( at around the same time and the rest, as they say, was history...

2) It was over 12 years ago that I first dipped a toe into Highlander fandom, so what do you think? *g*

3) Fave Highlander things? The first movie, without a doubt. Episode wise I'm kind of spoilt for choice... Band of Brothers, The Hunters, The Watchers, Counterfeit, Finale, Chivalry, Methusaleh's Gift, the Horsemen eps, Duende, Indescretions... I could go on forever! Oh and I love the book "An Evening At Joe's" which has the lovely 'Postcards From Alexa' series of vignettes in it.

4) I'm on a few comms, I read, I write, and I waffle happily about Highlander in other people's journals so I'd say a big resounding yes. I wish there was less Duncan/Methos around though - or more Methos/other people and Duncan/Amanda to be exact.

5) The more people the better! New blood in the fandom can only breathe new life into it and keep the torch burning to remind us what Highlander really could be and *should* be.

highlander, dresden-files, meme, fandom

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