Title: Minseok and Lu Han’s No-Kiss List Genre: Romance, Comedy Pairing: Xiuhan Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: ~2.6k Summary: Lu Han and Minseok draft the first edition of the No-Kiss List in their junior year of high school. The two are sprawled out on the floor of Minseok’s living room, half way between the coffee table and the television. The list is
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Title: Come On Make Me Feel Alive Author: adw1017 and eexiee Pairing: Krisho, KaiLay, Layhan, Lu Han/others[endgame pairings] Layhan; Krisho
Length: 21k Rating: R Summary: In which Kris just got dumped, Lu Han wants to party his way across the country, Yixing needs to understand the world, and Tao thinks his friends are all crazy. Oh, and they go on a summer road trip in a
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Title: Sweater Season Pairing: Layhan Rating: PG Genre: Romance, fluff Length: drabble wc: 517 Summary: In which Lu Han gets feelings over Yixing in sweaters. A/N: or alternatively the drabble where annie projects her feelings onto Lu Han
Name: Star light, star bright Genre: romance Rating: PG Pairing: Xiuhan A/N: a collection of xiuhan drabbles for eexiee. yo this ended up so shitty sorryyyy
Pairing: Krishan Rating: PG Genre: romance, comedy Length: Oneshot (wc: 1690) Summary: It takes Kris five tries and three idiotic friends to ask out the cute blond from the subway train. Prompt: Kris had a close hyung/dongsaeng relationship with the TaoSeKai, who plot to get Krishan together A/N: Another exoforsichuan fic for hipployta ~
Title: Little Love Song Rating: PG Pairing: Hunhan Length: Oneshot (2700 wc) Genre: fluff, romance Summary: In which Sehun sasses a radio DJ and ends up with a new perspective on how to live life.
Title: Almost Paradise Pairing: Kaibaek Genre: Romantic-comedy with a dash of crack Rating: PG-13 Summary: The first thing Baekhyun does is blush, remembering the bold way he had kissed the dark-skinned boy that night on the beach almost a week ago. It must have been the adrenaline working, or the magic of the night sky, because Baekhyun has never
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Title: Baby (第一步) Pairing: Kris/Sehun Rating: PG Genre: romance, comedy Length: Oneshot (wc: ~1500) Summary: Jongin is evil, Zitao is extra evil and Sehun just wants Kris hyung to notice him. Written for hipployta for exoforsichuan. A/N: predebut ~ I dunno but this is a whole lot of cheese