I'm still alive. Haven't updated in a long time. Just want to drop a quick note wishing all the peeps who read my journal Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Read from an ABCNews article that a doctor in a clinic in Bangkok specializing in sex-change surgery claimed that John Mark Karr, the suspect in the Jonbenet case, went to see him. That doctor is Dr. Thep Vechavisit. So folks who are thinking of getting surgeries in Thailand : beware of confidentiality issues there
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Watched an episode of Chinese soap series that involves an MTF and lesbian relationship (as separate storylines). Except for a couple of inaccuracies (for example, a person can complete the whole sex change in 3 months!) and name usage, I'm suprised the whole storyline was handled well. The character whose supposed to be the expert has
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It must seem as if you will never be free from an onerous restriction. But you are, in fact, very close to a turning point, a defining moment and a time of substantial and significant change. Something has started to move in the right direction.
You have recently been very courageous in cutting the ropes that have held you back. You have determinedly set out to follow your own path. So far, the process has been stressful. Soon, it should begin to bring many delightful rewards.
Get yourself as far into your hopes for the future as possible, so as to put as much distance as you can between yourself and a tense event in the past. It is sufficient, for now, just to get through each day simply and painlessly. This weekend brings a gift you should treasure. Don't be afraid of it.