writing: links

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  • 007. Days - The Crucible - fanfic100

    acorns_and_inks Jun 10, 2009 22:38

    The entire cast sat on the carpet, which they had given a name for it was where they always plotted and planned together, and stared expectantly at their teacher and director. It was the weekend, and most of their fellow school students would be celebrating the two sacred days they had free from school… and instead there they were, in the theatre ( Read more... )

    fanfic100: the crucible

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  • 002. Mint - August/September - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

    acorns_and_inks Dec 01, 2008 22:07

    They have separate homes because it’s safer that way, but he often never goes home. He can’t stand to leave her, and she doesn’t like him having anywhere else to go ( Read more... )

    fiction[net]: rambles & snippets

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  • 003. First - December/January - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

    acorns_and_inks Oct 26, 2008 22:14

    They woke early with the sun and somehow felt like they could go on. Makina went out soon after they woke for food to keep them going through the day while Tararyn stacked what boxes she could above the shelves below, in hopes it would make restocking a little easier during the day ( Read more... )

    fiction[net]: rambles & snippets

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  • 002. Slow - December/January - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

    acorns_and_inks Oct 26, 2008 21:54

    There was hardly any sleep snatched that night, Makina and Tararyn ran on adrenaline alone, excited for their first full day in the country and more importantly, their first day as shop owners ( Read more... )

    fiction[net]: rambles & snippets

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  • 001. Fast - December/January - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

    acorns_and_inks Oct 26, 2008 21:50

    It was a hard move, one thought almost impossible, but when it became the only option left there wasn’t much choice ( Read more... )

    fiction[net]: rambles & snippets

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  • 003. Ambiguous - Prompt Table for Old Fashioned Word

    acorns_and_inks May 25, 2008 23:00

    She followed with failing hope, but tried not to show it ( Read more... )

    fandom: old fashioned word, 125prompts: old fashioned word

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  • 002. Affection - Prompt Table for Old Fashioned Word

    acorns_and_inks May 24, 2008 15:30

    By the time they finally all curl up together to go to sleep it’s late by anyone’s standards, and even then it’s only because Darric - sometimes their unofficial leader, only because he gets the angriest - yells at them all to shut up and lie down. He’s only annoyed though because Meryn has fallen asleep at his feet, unable to keep her eyes open ( Read more... )

    fandom: old fashioned word, 125prompts: old fashioned word

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  • 001. Abandonment - Prompt Table for Old Fashioned Word

    acorns_and_inks May 22, 2008 23:15

    It’s silent in the prison. She had always thought there would be constant screaming, or at least talking, even if it was of despair and lament... but there’s only silence, and it’s scarier than the blood and shadows of liquids she doesn’t want to think about or ever see again which are slicked on the floor and walls... It’s scarier than the ( Read more... )

    fandom: old fashioned word, 125prompts: old fashioned word

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  • February/March - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

    acorns_and_inks May 07, 2008 13:44

    fiction[net]: rambles & snippets

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