Merry Christmas turtle_goose!

Dec 23, 2008 02:58

Title: Her Beauty Overthrew You
Character(s)/Pairing: Rayne
Prompt: And remember when I moved in you/ The holy dark was moving too/ And every breath we drew was hallelujah
Written For: turtle_goose, for my 25 Fics of Christmas. Hope ya like it!
Rating: PG-15 (higher, maybe?)
Word Count: 2255
Disclaimer: Not mine!
-Author Notes: BAM! Whoof, I cannot tell you how accomplished I feel at having finally completed this. It was supposed to be slow and smoldering and hothothot, but it's Jayne and he was having none of that. Actually, his IC-ness could be questioned, but there are reasons I just didn't have time to explore in this. It's unbetaed (barely even looked over by me), and there are a few parts I might want to go over to make sure they work like they're supposed to, but... Meh. I could ramble on and on, but I shan't! Maybe in comments. Except I think it's too sweet. It's too sweet, isn't it? I think this is the first time I've written them not angry or with guilty!Jayne. Bah. Enjoy everyone! :)

-Note: Um, yeah. I actually sort of wrote a whole little sketch of the "leading up to" and "after" events of this, so sorry if it doesn't make much sense out of context. The whole little story's called "Buried" and I suppose I'll be posting that eventually! Heh.

Her Beauty Overthrew You
-Christmas fic for turtle_goose

“Okay,” he said warmly. “You ready?”

She nodded quickly and he could hear her breathing quicken. He grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted. She raised her arms over her head, her eyes closed as he pulled her dress off her body and tossed it to the floor. “I am cold,” she said, covering her breasts with her arms.

Jayne smirked. “Y’look nervous to me. Can’t hardly see you anyway, th’light’s so dim.” He ran his hands slowly up and down her arms, from her shoulders to her elbows. She shivered a little, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Are you startin’ to get warm?”

Even in the darkness he could see her cheeks pinken. “You are teasing me.”

He laughed throatily. “Well yeah, honey - ya make it too easy.”

“Reciprocity.” She nodded towards him.

“Oh you want… y’want me to take my clothes off, too?” Shyly, River nodded and Jayne gave her an open, silky smirk. “Well I could. But I thought, seein’ as how I’m all generous an’ givin’-like, that maybe you’d like t’do it.”

He took a step towards her, waiting for a response. “Putting power in my hands,” she breathed. “Giving the girl a chance to run away… giving the man the touch of tender hands. So very… stimulating.”

“That’s right. Stimulatin’.” He grinned and they stood, eyes locked, waiting for one or the other to make a move. Another moment passed and then River dropped her arms. She reached for him tentatively, swallowing in nervous anticipation. “So you gonna come over here an’ take this offa me or what?”

She closed the distance between them and very, very hesitantly she tugged his shirt out of his pants. Jayne grinned as River stared at her hands hovering at his waistband. She unbuckled his belt and, with a little more confidence, she tugged it out of his belt loops.

“There ya go,” he said warmly as she dropped the belt to the ground. “Weren’t so hard now, was it?”

She shook her head. “Can go slow… Research, enjoy. Yes. Enjoy…” She slipped cool hands under the fabric of his shirt, gently stroking his stomach.

Jayne held back a smile as he watched her, a look of lustful concentration on her face as her thin, nimble fingers explored the long plane of his torso. She was lovely - innocent and beautiful in her gentle, exploratory touches. And, with only the thinnest bit of blue, lace-lined cotton left covering her lean, tender body, those gentle touches were making Jayne ache to do some touching of his own. But that would only frighten the girl and as long as they went at all, he didn’t mind going slow.

River had worked her way higher and higher, and finally her little hands were on his shoulders, the bottom of his shirt bunched around her elbow. “Up,” she instructed, her little, girlish voice devoid of her previous trepidation.

He grinned and slowly lifted his arms. She was too short to take the shirt off him, but she pushed it as high as she could. He winked and his grin widened as he helped her pull it off. “You are furry,” she said, her eyes glued to his chest.

Jayne snorted. “Y’didn’t feel all that when you were rubbin’ all on me?” She ignored him and kept up her intent examination.

“Simon is smooth,” she told him. Jayne frowned; that was not a comparison that needed to be made. “So is Captain Daddy.”

“Well they’s ain’t as tough as I am,” he said, growing annoyed with what appeared to be her quickly waning arousal.

She only cocked her head to one side and said, “I am smooth, too.”

Good - she was associating Mal and Simon with womenfolk. “That’s right,” he said, his voice soft, holding a tremor of excitement. He put one finger on her navel and drew it slowly up her body, over her stomach, between her breasts, stopping right at the upward curve of her neck. “Smooth. An’ soft.”

As though just remembering she was nearly naked, she shook her head so her hair fell over her shoulders. Then she grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.

“Not gettin’ nervous again, are you?”

Her face was flushed a warm, healthy pink, and at his question, the tips of her ears turned fiery. “It is… an unknown feeling. Cannot quantify, cannot think of…” She bit her lip and looked down for a moment. “Cannot think of anything but you.”

“Then what you got to be nervous about, ni zi?”

“Am intimidated by sexual prowess of man-called-Jayne. Been with many, many partners - the girl has been with none.”

“Oh trust me,” he said with a groan, “you ain’t gotta remind me of that.” Talk like that could be disastrous. The atmosphere was so highly charged that he knew it would end in fireworks - and he wanted them to be the moaning, hair-pulling, arching off the ground, between her thighs kind. He didn’t want to have to think about her youth or inexperience, not when she was before him looking so luscious and lovely, skin all peachy clean and soft, breasts bare and round and perfect - and they were breasts gorrammit, Jayne didn’t really need much more than that. “But I promise I ain’t gonna hurt you bad - I might be big, but I ain’t rough ‘less a girl wants me to be. And…” He tilted her chin up so she met his eyes. He waggled his brows suggestively. “I been told I got magic hands.”

River giggled and the barrier of tension that had been creeping up between them dissolved. Emboldened by her sudden smile, Jayne put his hands on the dip of her waist. He stroked the delicate skin with small, deft strokes, and River was left breathless by the feel of those powerful hands on her body.

“I am sans my covering,” she informed him, pitching her voice in a low, seductive tone. “But you are still keeping your legs from me. Can the girl offer a remedy?”

“Ain’t wearin’ nothin’ underneath ‘em,” he said.

“Oh.” She swallowed. “Less work, then.”

Their eyes stayed locked as she undid the button of his rough, khaki cargoes. Her hands fumbled only once and then, both of them so so aware of her every movement, she pulled down the zipper. For a moment she didn’t move, but then with a quick tug his pants were around his knees.

Jayne let go of her and awkwardly maneuvered out of his pants. He kicked them away and looked back at River, who was eyeing the floor with what appeared to be rapturous interest.

That was to be expected, he thought, a tad smugly. The girl probably hadn't ever seen a naked, full-grown man before and - he was quite certain - he wasn't exactly an average specimen.

But she still seemed nervous. He was feeling impatient but the anticipation was building, too, and as good as the girl promised to be it seemed like it was worth waiting for. "Time for the sexin'," he said without ceremony. "But don't look like there's a place to do it proper. You might be all limber and dancery, but my knees ain't exactly in top condition for the standin' up stuff." He grabbed her dress and his shirt off the floor and then spread them over the little pile of canvas they'd been using as makeshift beds. "There," he said. "Ain't silk sheets 'r nothin', but it'll do."

He wondered if she'd want something girly, like to be carried over, but River just walked primly to the bed and plopped down.

Not missing a beat, Jayne got to his knees beside her. "Now lay down," he instructed. "On your back."

Closing her eyes, River obliged. Jayne grinned down at the display of pale, luminous flesh before him. He scooted up towards her, a knee on either side of her body.

"Y'look so good," he breathed. "All laid out before me like some kind o' gorram tasty dessert. Good enough to eat."

He hadn't really touched her, not yet, and his hand lay still beside her, preparing for that pivotal move. They'd been through so much together - the whole crew - since the Tam siblings had come aboard. And River, that gorgeous, goofy, moonbrained genius of a girl, had grown up so much. She still talked in that particular, peculiar way of hers, and strong feelings still made her go a little screwy. She could even sometimes pick out stray thoughts from any hun dan trying to cross them on a job. Jayne hadn't hated her for a long time and he treated her just as much a member of the crew as anyone else. He'd come to realize that maybe she was just as special as Simon'd always said and - maybe - she thought he was something special, too.

Jayne Cobb wasn't a man used to savoring, but he was quickly discovering that maybe stopping to savor something had its merits.

He traced the outline of her face with his thumb, feeling like he had as a little boy, peeking at his Christmas presents early. His hand travelled down the long, pale column of her throat. It briefly investigated the slope of her shoulder and the jut of her clavicle before landing firmly - surely - on a pert, milky breast.

River let out a strangled little hiss and Jayne leaned back on his heels, freeing his other hand. He grinned savagely at the warmth of her response, feeling the fullness of two feminine mounds of flesh under rough palms. Her head was back, rocking side to side in pleasure. He pinched a nipple between his thumb and forefinger and River whimpered at the sparking, electric sensation.

"S-so good..." she whispered. "On fire. Arousal flooding body. Erogenous zones. Sensitized skin." She hissed again as he lowered his mouth to her skin. "Ahh! Jayne..."

"Hell, girl, I like the sound o' that." He rubbed his scratchy jaw against her stomach, kissing her with a hot, open mouth whenever it hit her skin. "Say it again."


His hands skated along her sides as he traced the bottom ridge of her ribcage with his tongue. "Tha's right, bao bei. Say it 'gain."


His thumbs circled her hip bones as he kissed the flat plane of her abdomen, tongue circling around her navel. "Say it again."


Two fingers slipped under the lacy waistband of her underwear and he kissed lower and lower, pulling her panties slowly down as he went. "Again."




He slicked the skin of her inner thigh with a broad, wet tongue and in the next instant he had those flimsy blue unders yanked down her legs and then thrown across the room.

River wriggled as his big, powerful body covered hers. One hand snuck between her legs, rubbing that secret, sensitive part of her as he scraped teeth gently against the pounding pulse of her throat. Her little body felt like heaven in his hands and he smiled to himself against her shoulder as she shuddered beneath him.

"That feels nice, don't it girl? So nice." He bit her earlobe and she gasped. He flicked his tongue over a nipple and she sighed. He blew a hot breath across her tummy and she groaned. And when he gave her a dark smirk and sandwiched his head between her thighs, a long tongue deftly probing the tight, wet warmth of her... she screamed.

River put a hand to her forehead, breathing heavily as her body wound back down. Jayne chuckled as he climbed up her body, stopping briefly at his newly-discovered favorite places.

"Okay," he said, an echo of the moment they'd started. "You ready?"

She didn't ask what he meant; she only nodded and swept her hands like feathers across his shoulder blades.

Slowly, and with as much restraint as he possessed, he started to push into her body.

"Hurts," she exclaimed after a moment, fisting a hand in the hair at the nape of his neck.

"All right," he said, exhaling. He kneaded her thighs, the sensations of her body making flashes of color swim behind his eyes. "Jus'... Relax. Ain't gonna hurt you."

River murmured something unintelligible and pulled his head down to hers. He felt one slender leg move at his side and the next thing he knew two heels were digging into the small of his back. Tentatively she pulled him closer and biting his bottom lip hard he thrust forward.

They lay there, connected, faces inches apart. He could feel her breath on his cheeks, could feel the coarse fabric under the hand that held his body from crushing hers, could feel the skin, the warmth, the girl of River all around him.

"Yeah," he said, dizzy already with the effort it took to keep still. Her lips looked plump and sweet, ripe as peaches, and he was half-crazy with the desire he had to kiss her, too. "I just..." He started moving - slowly, slowly, slowly - and she let him lead her in a new dance with steps she still had to learn. "Want you to say my name, girl. Jus' one more time."

And he moved his face closer still, and he could feel her breath, taste her breath, the warm air mingling with his own in the space between them.

"Yes... ahh!" Her eyes shut and her nails dug reflexively into his shoulders. "Jayne."


Feedback always appreciated!

genre: pwp, rating: pg-15, genre: smut, warning: sex, misc.: prompt fic, misc.: 25 fics of christmas, fandom: firefly, misc.: song based, pairing: river/jayne, character: river tam, genre: romance, character: jayne cobb, length: 1000-2500 words

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