"Wounds." Prologue.

Dec 22, 2008 00:27

Story: Wounds
Chapter: Prologue: Impatience (1/?)
Character(s)/Pairing: Zaraki/Unohana
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 849
Disclaimer: Not mine.
-Author's Notes: I started this a year ago, and finally I'm taking it out of hibernation to try to work on it. Heh. I've got a lot of little bits worked out, I just have to string them together into a story.

Prologue: Impatience

Unohana Retsu sat in the office of the fourth division, enjoying a cup of tea. She was taking advantage of the unusually quiet day to do a bit of light reading.

It was unfortunate - though perhaps to be expected - that the warm, peaceful silence was suddenly shattered.

"Unohana-taichou!" a voice called, carried closer by the sound of running steps. A small, panting face poked itself around her doorframe. Nervously, a skittish young woman came in. Unohana put down her book. "We... You're needed immediately. There was a group of hollows, and... the eleventh division - "

As soon as she heard that, Unohana stood up. "Of course." She smiled to hide her irritation. "Please lead the way."

The small woman quickly walked back down the hallway, looking over her shoulder only once to make certain her captain was following. "We've got most things under control - all the injuries are being seen to. But... the eleventh division captain won't cooperate with anyone. He'll live, but he needs treatment."

"Don't worry," Unohana told her as they rounded a corner to the large infirmary where several members of the division in question were laid up in the small cots meant for short-term patients. "I'll take care of it."

Several rambunctious members of the eleventh were scattered around the room, harassing her division as they tried to tend to their patients. She was not pleased.

And in the middle of the room was a heavily bleeding Zaraki Kenpachi, screaming at anyone who approached him. Isane was fluttering uselessly around him, wringing her hands, trying to somehow coerce the large, hulking mass of man to let her conduct an exam. When she looked up and spotted her captain, her face fell into an expression of joy at the promise of respite. "Unohana-taichou!" she called, voice nearly dripping with relief.

Unohana walked over, her hands folded together over where her braid rested on her stomach. "Zaraki-taichou," she said blandly, "you're bleeding all over my floor."

He snarled viciously and she nodded discreetly to her lieutenant, asking Isane to let her handle the difficult man on her own. "And?"

"Either allow me to stop the bleeding or give me some assurance that you're willing to clean up the mess." She smiled passively.

He was getting angrier, and his reiatsu was leaking out. Many of her division members couldn't handle it, and already she could tell they were feeling the effects. She raised her own silently; he couldn't sense reiatsu, but unconsciously he would be able to sense her strength. "No," he told her viciously, "I'm going."

"Bye Braid-Lady!" Yachiru said, suddenly hopping up onto Zaraki's shoulder. The girl always seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Yachiru-chan," she said, suddenly struck with an idea. "If you can convince Zaraki-taichou to allow me to work on him and to scare his men away, then I will promise you an entire bag of candy."

Yachiru's eyes grew wide and she leapt over Zaraki's head, landing on her feet right in front of Unohana. "A whole bag? Really, Braid-Lady? Really?"

"Don't listen to her, Yachiru, we - "

"Ken-chan!" She grabbed his leg and held on like glue. "Ken-chan!" she wailed. "You gotta let Braid-Lady stop the bleeding. You had fun fighting all the hollows - so it's okay. And I want candy!"

"You had all you're allowed this week."

Unohana smiled. "Oh, by the way Zaraki-taichou... I would be more than happy to watch her after I gave her the treat."

Zaraki stared at her a moment then yelled, "Okay, men, get the hell out of here. Go back to the division and... fight or clean or something."

For a moment they all muttered to themselves, but obediently all the eleventh division members capable of walking shuffled back out of Fourth's headquarters and out towards their own.

Unohana kept her expression even, but she was once again impressed by the devotion his division members had for their captain. There seemed nothing admirable about him but his near impossible strength. Perhaps that was all the eleventh division felt should be admired.

"You asked your men to leave?" she queried.

Zaraki grunted. "Like I really want all of them standing here watching you poke and prod at me." He grabbed Yachiru by the scruff of her neck and lifted her up to eye level. "And you. Go back with them. Make sure they work. I'll come when I get done with whatever she's goin' to do to me."

Yachiru nodded and wiggled until he released her. "You got it, Ken-chan! Bye! Bye Braid-Lady! Don't forget my candy!" She grinned at the both of them, and with her arms spread wide, she ran off.

"Now," Unohana said. "Are you ready for your exam? I'm only doing this to help you, Zaraki-taichou."

"Whatever." He shrugged until he was bare to the waist. "Hurry up." He glared. "And I'm not cleaning up the blood."

Unohana surveyed the damage quickly. "Don't worry," she said, already feeling the heat of kido under her hands. "I'll see that someone takes care of it soon."



Feedback always appreciated!

fandom: bleach, genre: general, character: kusajishi yachiru, character: zaraki kenpachi, fic: wounds, length: 501-1000 words, character: unohana retsu, pairing: unohana/zaraki, rating: pg-13

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