T2k Exemplary Campaign: Trespassers, continued

Mar 24, 2012 14:50

As the sun slips under the falling western terrain the two travelers slow down to better spot a place to rest for the night. No-one has maintained these roads for a year--who would waste the petrol on mowers or asphalt?--and so the grasses and underbrush to either side have grown tall despite the nuclear-enhanced winters ( Read more... )

exemplary campaign, t2k13, bob, t2k, rpg, scene

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Comments 20

aadf March 25 2012, 01:10:54 UTC
So I figure I'll do crunchy in here.

First attack is a long burst from a Minimi/M249.

Range band Tight, +1 for dim lighting = Medium range band: -4 to hit
Firing an aimed 9 round burst, 1 band inside optimal: 10 ticks
Bonus to hit is 1 less than the number of rounds (no bonus for your first bullet, munchkin!) so B9 = +8 to hit.

Recoil is 3 for a Minimi, but shooter is prone w/bipod. Bipod drops the base recoil by 2, each extra round adds one... recoil total is 10. Pretty hefty, but double MUS due to being prone. No penalty from recoil--yet.

Since this is an aimed shot, at the very end halve the penalties. Our -4 for range/lighting becomes -2.

Shooting is a Longarms (CDN) roll. Shooter's CDN is 5, +8 for burst, -2 for range/lighting: 11.

Shooter is Competent, so rolls 2d20L against 11. Dice come up 18 and 10, so 1 MoS. So at the very least, the first round hits. Who does it hit?

Donkey?!?! NOOOOOO!!! FOUL VILLAIN!!! EVIL GM IS EVIL!!!Now, for bursts, if you hit then for every extra shot fired you roll 1d6. A 1 means you hit the ( ... )


aadf March 25 2012, 01:24:32 UTC
The other attack is an odd 4 round burst. Shooter is kneeling, and it's an aimed burst.
-4 to hit from range. Recoil 5, +3 for the extra rounds makes it 8. After applying +1 to MUS to resist recoil from the Kneeling stance, recoil provides another -2 to hit.
That's -6 in penalties, but halved for being aimed so -3.
The burst gives us a +3 to hit though, so in the end? Base hit chance.

Dice come up 15 and 13, which is no hit. Whatever they were shooting at, the rounds go wide.


Bob's Action aadf March 25 2012, 01:25:21 UTC

... )


Crunch Crunch aadf March 25 2012, 01:28:47 UTC
Just realized that by anal-retentive technicality, the long burst couldn't happen: It costs 10 ticks, Moderately encumbered with no OODA success only has 9 ticks to spend. But since we've done the rolls already, screw it. Besides, it's an ambush.

Now one of the smart things the designers did was to give some handy rules for NPC groups. Just like not rolling hit locations, we don't figure out every little attack. We also don't track every tick: All those who attack take the length of time of the longest attack being used. So it takes both attackers 10 ticks, even though the assault rifle's burst only takes 7 (6, +1 for being within optimal range). It just cuts so much needless bookkeeping! :D


Re: Crunch Crunch flinkie March 25 2012, 01:34:40 UTC
The MG is rigged for faster firing somehow, different springs or a buffer. There. :D


flinkie March 25 2012, 01:44:22 UTC
When the gunfire erupts, all the former Sergeant can do is shout once - and bullets fly faster than sound. Shit shit shit. There's screaming for a moment behind her, but it doesn't get heard clearly over the sound of the big Ford's engine revving up. Boot on the floor, the armored pickup surges forward and aims right for the machinegunner.

Fortunately, the dumb SOB isn't aiming for her. Still, Smythe crunches down, putting as much of herself behind the engine block as she can but still enough to see where she's aiming for. The edge of the road looms, as the men in the ditch below see their death approach from above.

Suck bumper.


Putting the CRUNCH in CRUNCHY COMBAT aadf March 25 2012, 02:12:51 UTC
We crunched this out as a Driving (CUF) attack, CUF being most appropriate for the situation IMO. I figured 2 ticks is plenty to put the pedal to the metal. Prone targets provide a +2 to all close combat attacks, and this is basically a truck punch.

Smythe's CUF of 8, +2, gave her a 10 target. She rolled 14 and 8 on a 2d20L roll. That's an MoS of 2.

So a Ford Super Duty (F350) duallie, + 3 ton winch, + full time 4wd, + 1st gear high = me not needing to look up any kind of vehicle ramming rules.

Smythe's next Maintenance period is increased by 1 hour for all the stuff she'll be picking out of the grill, that's all.

Since the rest of the mooks only have 2 ticks left, the GM decides they do nothing... nothing visible at least!

That ends this Exchange of Fire. Now to sort out another cool thing in the game: Threat Conditions!


Re: Putting the CRUNCH in CRUNCHY COMBAT aadf March 25 2012, 02:47:09 UTC
Threat Conditions sorted out here.

Smythe: TL 4, CUF 8 (7, +1 for taking out a baddie). No penalties.
Bob: TL 5, CUF 3. -2 penalty, stressed.

Baddies: TL 4, CUF UNKNOWN :P

Also, Smythe needs to make a RES check (2d20L) due to her Berserk disadvantage. Should have done this at the start of combat but 1.) who cares? and 2.) her Jeremy Clarkson POWERRRRRRRRR reaction fits, so we can count it retroactively if she fails.


Re: Putting the CRUNCH in CRUNCHY COMBAT flinkie March 25 2012, 02:57:17 UTC
Smythe rolls a 4 and 13, one success (right?) on the berserker check. And once the truck comes to a halt, she's disembarking hard and bringing that M16A4 up to wreak havoc on the other two bastards that dared shoot her shit up. Vehicle-fu is one thing; now it's time for bullet-fu.

...and she is so not looking forward to (or even considering) dealing with the remains; that's something she hates with a passion and then some.


Exchange of Fire 2 aadf March 25 2012, 03:15:31 UTC
So Smythe is clearly pressing. Bob is going to press, someone shot Donkey!! D: The baddies still think they have a chance, so they choose to Press too ( ... )


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 flinkie March 25 2012, 03:22:35 UTC
Two shadows near her, two shapes in the darkness - and two sets of rifle flashes, her mind remembers. Well they're sure as shit not the Ingalls out to help travelers, and a certain close-combat tool comes out. Fortunately, there's only a pair of them. Just as there's a pair of shells in the gun, and in this case?

Two plus two will equal two in a moment - bullets, targets, and bodies, anyway.

Taking the snap-shot from the window, the bottom barrel cuts loose with a load of buckshot at the one right next to the truck. Can't really open the door with him in the way anyway.


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 aadf March 25 2012, 16:14:12 UTC
Sadly Smythe misses the first shot. Tick cost with the sawed off double-barrel is 4, +1 for being 1 range band below optimal, and +1 for lowering the window to shoot. So her next action is at tick 11. That's handy for me as GM since everyone else goes on tick 12 ( ... )


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 flinkie March 26 2012, 22:01:00 UTC
Trusting in the power of the truck, Smythe floors it again - and after a fortunate roll with the dice (rolling a 6 and 16 against Driving 8) manages to get back up on the road just as the grenade, having bounced off the back tailgate, goes off. Possibly, if she's considering the angles, right in the first shooter's lap.

Meanwhile ow dammit that was a bit of a startlement but Not A Single Fuck Was Given That Day. (High CUF is a good, good thing) Time to dispense some justice. (More to come pending situation assessment with the GM)


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