T2k Exemplary Campaign: Trespassers, continued

Mar 24, 2012 14:50

As the sun slips under the falling western terrain the two travelers slow down to better spot a place to rest for the night. No-one has maintained these roads for a year--who would waste the petrol on mowers or asphalt?--and so the grasses and underbrush to either side have grown tall despite the nuclear-enhanced winters ( Read more... )

exemplary campaign, t2k13, bob, t2k, rpg, scene

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Re: Exchange of Fire 2 aadf March 25 2012, 16:14:12 UTC
Sadly Smythe misses the first shot. Tick cost with the sawed off double-barrel is 4, +1 for being 1 range band below optimal, and +1 for lowering the window to shoot. So her next action is at tick 11. That's handy for me as GM since everyone else goes on tick 12.

Bob de-asses his truck, no pun intended. That's a pair of 5 tick Move actions. You can take any action during a move action that 1.) makes sense, and 2.) has a tick cost of less than 5. During the first he's going to ready his Saiga, including extending the folding stock. With the stock folded it has a Bulk of 2, so the cost is 2--well within his capabilities. Bob next goes on tick 7 (he may not want to continue exiting the truck at that point).

The baddies have already immobilized Bob by taking out Donkey, plus they have a 4x4 dropping revs and unloading extremely loud gunshots in the middle of their formation. Their intentions are clear.

One fires his QBZ-95 at Smythe.

Kneeling hip shot, 4 round burst, +3 to hit from burst size.
Hip shot gives Bulk penalty to hit: -3 to hit.
3 ticks, but 3 bands under Optimum range: +3 SPD so 6 ticks.
Darkness makes range penalty 1 higher, so -1 to hit.
Recoil 5+3 for burst=8, after stance and MUS -2 to hit.
Total penalty -3.

This guy's lucky, rolling a 2 and an 8... just lucky enough to hit with 0 MoS. This time, since it's a PC who's being attacked. Not to worry, there are two mitigating factors:

1.) Rule of Zero. With a 0 Margin of Success the attack only grazes. The worst wound result can only be Slight.

2.) Smythe has not yet begun to de-ass... and so is protected in most hit locations by the door.

First round rolls 2 on the horizontal die and 6 on the vertical die. Checking the hit location chart, that's the left ankle. Of the extra 4 rounds, only 1 hits--and that's the same location. That's certainly covered by the truck's door, so she gets to use its 2 points of armour.

QBZ-95's Penetration is x2/x3; double armour ratings at Optimum range, triple beyond that. The damage is 6 (they're actually using the QBZ-97, firing the 5.56mm round instead), apply the Pen multiplier to the 2 armour and subtract from the damage... 2.

Which drops to 1 (slight wound) each instead due to Rule of Zero, but I wanted to walk through the process once to get the hang of it.

Now, when you take a wound equal to your current wound level on a hit location, that body part worsens one wound stage. If you take a lesser wound than its current wound level... Actually, no change. That's why they're called Wound Thresholds, not Hit Points: They're how high a wound has to be to still be considered that wound level.

Smythe takes a Slight wound to her left leg, and then another Slight. That gives her a Moderate injury on the left leg. Moderate injuries require an immediate FIT check to avoid shock, which Smythe succeeds no handily. We don't need to worry about a MUS check for her to keep from falling, as she's in the cab.

The Moderate injury means she gets a -2 penalty to any skill checks that really involve that leg, and she cannot move faster than a Walk.

There's another baddie firing too, but this one did something last EoF: He readied a grenade, which he throws. His MUS determines his range band, and it's a simple FIT check to throw. The only penalty he suffers is the one for darkness, making the Gunfighting range count as CQB, so -1 to hit. He misses, so the throw deviates... But not far.

Since the grenade doesn't have a blinky light or a beeper on it, the GM just grins and says, "and now we wait for the fun."

Narrative: The first round doesn't penetrate the door frame, but the impact is enough that Smythe knows she'll be limping in the morning. What she doesn't know is that it has deformed her door frame just enough that another round ricochets off the door well with enough force left over to penetrate her calf and still do a good hornet impression as it continues to ricochet around in the cab. Immediately after the sparking, buzzing moment of terror there is a vengeful 'thunk!' on the tailgate, too low-pitched to be a bullet impact. At least, not one from nearby. More like a rock or a...

It is now Tick 11. Smythe?


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 flinkie March 26 2012, 22:01:00 UTC
Trusting in the power of the truck, Smythe floors it again - and after a fortunate roll with the dice (rolling a 6 and 16 against Driving 8) manages to get back up on the road just as the grenade, having bounced off the back tailgate, goes off. Possibly, if she's considering the angles, right in the first shooter's lap.

Meanwhile ow dammit that was a bit of a startlement but Not A Single Fuck Was Given That Day. (High CUF is a good, good thing) Time to dispense some justice. (More to come pending situation assessment with the GM)


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 aadf March 28 2012, 01:41:16 UTC
Oh this isn't going to be good. Since the frag missed and deviated, we roll 1d6-1 to determine Margin of Success for those unlucky enough to be found in its radius... and end up with a 4 MoS for the nearest bloke, and 3 MoS for the next nearest (the others are out of significant range).

Radius on a frag grenade is 7 meters. That places both (who were in Gunfighting range, under 7m) within primary blast and frag radius. Damage from the blast is 7+MOS, with x2 Penetration. Since neither are armoured, that's 11 damage on the first one, 10 on the second. (Since they're mooks, they have no hit locations; if they were significant characters, that would be applied to every hit location.)

Their Wound Thresholds are 1/6/9/12. 10 and 11 are above Serious but below Critical, so they both take a Serious wound. That alone would be enough for these two to call it quits--they aren't D&D monsters, after all! But now they have to contend with the fragmentation density. For regular frag grenades, that's 7. So I roll 7d10, and each die that comes up 1-5 is a hit with Damage of 6, MoS of whatever that die roll was (so 1-5), and x2 Penetration.

The nearest mook takes almost makes it away unscathed (well, un-further-scathed), taking a single roll of 1. So that's 7 damage (6+MoS, in this case 1). 7 is above his Moderate wound threshhold, but notice: These are called Thresholds, not Hit Points. It isn't added on. So, only wounds of equal or greater severity count; equal increases the wound severity one level, so a Moderate and a Moderate become a Severe. In this case, the moderate wound is below the severe one he's already taken. Relatively speaking, the shrapnel is a mere inconvenience.

The other mook isn't so lucky: His dice 5 or lower come up 1, 4, and 5. We already know the 1 won't do squat. The 4, however, results in a wound of 10, which is above his Serious wound threshold. So the second Serious wound makes him Critically wounded. The frag result of 5 makes an 11 damage wound. That is, thankfully for this fellow, below his Critical wound. It's just another nail in the coffin.

Now we've got the fellow 10 yards down the trench. He's outside the primary blast effect radius, so he only faces half the Blast damage the others did: I roll a 4 for the MoS applied against him, so that's 11/2, so 6 damage. That's a Moderate wound for him. As for fragmentations, we do the same process but roll d20 instead of d10: 1 20 17 10 5 2 18. So that's 3 fragments: 1 with MoS 1, another with MoS 5, and another with MoS 2. Damage at this range is only 4, and penetration is Nil. If he'd been wearing some body armour, he'd be OK. He's not, so that's a 5 damage, a 9 damage, and a 7 damage. Well the 5 is just a Slight wound (less than the 6 requierd for Moderate). The 9, however, counts as a Severe wound--replacing his already existing Moderate wound. The 7 is just another Moderate wound, and doesn't stack. (Note, if I'd rolled the 2 before the 5, that would've been a second Moderate which would have put him at Severe... and then the 9 damage Severe, which would've left him Critically wounded too! Thank goodness for small favours!)

There'll be more, but I have a call to make. Let this just be a lesson:



Re: Exchange of Fire 2 flinkie March 28 2012, 01:53:20 UTC
Once the grenade goes off, Smythe's out of the truck and moving fast, the shotgun at the ready. She'll move from cover to cover, broken run, towards the two mooks closest to the grenade, checking the results - and the live one becomes dead, hopefully. After shooting, the shotgun's let go and the .45 drawn to deal with the third target - or the second, if he's still at it.


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 aadf March 29 2012, 01:02:38 UTC
Those actions will take to the end of the EoF, but I know for a fact that the baddies are going to Hold, instead of Press. (We'll get into that in another firefight.)

As for the injuries, the 2 Critically wounded blokes have to make a FIT check before going unstable. One does, the other doesn't. That means at the end of the next EoF, his Critical becomes one level worse (which is to say, Dead). Of course, Smythe is going to ensure he doesn't have to worry about that check.

The Seriously injured fellow down the ditch needs to make a FIT check to avoid shock (the others are already in it). He succeeds, so is not in medical shock.

So now it takes us back to determining morale.

(What about Bob? He's hustling over to the truck to cover Smythe.)

So for the baddies who remain:

Common Threat Levels: 4
o Combat is occurring (Ding!)
o Fighting in darkness (Ding!)
o Enemy has clearly superior mobility (Ding!)
o Enemy is using explosives (Ding!)*
(*=Technically it's not the enemy, and I wouldn't count it for an experienced squad in broad daylight effectively communicating with each other.)

Critically Wounded Dude's Additional Threat Levels: 6
o Has been attacked (Ding!)
o Has been attacked with lethal force (Ding!)
o Each injury level of the worst injury is a Threat Level (Ding!) (Ding!) (Ding!) (Ding!)

Severely Wounded Dude's Additional Threat Levels: 3
Each injury level of the worst injury is a Threat Level (Ding!) (Ding!) (Ding!)

So a total of 10 TLs for the Critically Wounded guy still alive, and 7 TLs for the Severely Wounded guy.

As they are an NPC squad, I'm not bothering with counting Friendly Casualties against them. The loss of members reduces their CUF anyway.

Since they're Green (I made this easy!), they only have a 4 CUF. The Critically Wounded fellow is at 6 over his CUF. He is completely broken and unable to do anything effectual. The Severely Wounded fellow is 3 over his CUF, which is a significant penalty. He's also no idiot, so he's going to Hold and throw his hands up.

The fifth member of the team is running like hell. He hasn't been spotted and has no reason to think he has been.

Now for our team's Threat Levels...


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 flinkie March 29 2012, 01:13:29 UTC
So we get one dead (and bile starts rising in Smythe's throat, but she clamps down on it as best she can), two surrendering, one likely to become dead anyway. Okidoke...

Smythe's Additional
Has been attacked (ding)
Has been attacked with lethal force (ding)
Enemy is using explosives (ding)
Each injury level is a threat (ding once? or twice?)

She's either at 8 or 9, which is right about at her limit. Then again anyone who can move forward into a grenade attack is going to get a little shaken no matter what. The good sergeant will yell back to Bob to hold his position and check-six, then take a moment to glance around and make sure there's no other nastiness - a third rifleman, landmines or other nasty surprises, someone faking surrender, or anything else. Trusting in the eagle-eyes to spot anything hinky.

Idly, what language are these two chattering in?


Re: Exchange of Fire 2 aadf March 29 2012, 01:15:40 UTC
Team Good Guys' Threat Levels:

Common: 5
o Combat is occurring (Ding!)
o Enemy is using automatic weapons (Ding!)
o Enemy is using explosives (Ding!)
(yes, incompetently, but incompetence is dangerous!)
o Fighting in darkness (Ding!)
o Ambushed (Ding!)
(I'm still counting the ambush, as we aggregate the entire EoF and it's clear they were under strong attack still)

Smythe Threat Levels: 4
o Character has been attacked (Ding!)
o Character has been attacked with lethal force (Ding!)
o Each injury level of worst injury (Ding!) (Ding!)

Bob Threat Levels: 1
o Friendly Casualties (Ding! DONKEEYYYYY!)

Bob's therefore now rocking 6 TLs, 3 above his CUF giving him a -3 penalty. 2 more and he'll be broken.

Smythe has 9 TLs, 1 higher than her CUF 8 (7+1 for taking down a baddie, no bonus for the fratricide). She is at a -1 penalty; things are starting to get to her.

Now, I'll make a new post to set the post-combat scene, but our PCs don't know there aren't others around...

That concludes our first firefight: An ambush, 2 exchanges of fire long and rather bloody indeed!


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