Title: Goin' To the Chapel...
Notes: You can totally blame this whole 'discussion' on
kittypoker and the fact that 7 a.m. on a Sunday at a gas station is absolutely dead. *grins*
Part 1: Sidestep,
Interlude: Possession,
Part 2: Maybe,
Part 3: Shift,
Part 4: Obvious,
Part 5: Plans,
Part 6: Dreaming,
Part 7: Almost,
Part 8: Curious,
Part 9:
Read more... )
Comments 81
[U-Know] "O"-"O"-"O" let's do this.
[Hero] If we took a step back and looked at the world today
[Micky] There's no pricipals, governing principals, no absolute truths
[Hero] Was your appearance in this world always turned around..
[Micky] The only ideal that isn't in the real world is 'ideal type' "O" " <-- as in 'ideal girl type', etc.
[Max] So Why you diggin'"
[Max] Now I'm scared. Objection made only for objection
[Xiah] "O"------
[Max] Drifting without any ends
What I'm looking for now is only effort for unity,
The same hand as mine, one shout, dream is becoming reality
Those who are eager, courage in the appearance of love..
You, Know, *doesn't know what goes here*, there is no logic in your arguments,
if one doesn't listen, doesn't open up, we can't find the answer
I have to go, I have to go.
My 'turning things around' is righteousness.
Righteousness. Until it is set right, Righteousness.
Turning things around.
Unity's effort will one day make dreams bloom on this earth
Even if the dream is small, if everyone looks in the same direction
It becomes new without an end, we can make roads that weren't there before
[Hero] "O"------
[Micky] Everything is scary. Is the road I'm walking right?
[Hero] "O"------
[U-Know] Is it not fights without any reasons?
If we can make beautiful miracles, never-ending trusts..
I'll be a tree, making a bigger forest would be worth it
We experience big difficulties.
Feels just like we're in darkness
Even if we regret, thinking it was the wrong choice, don't ever
[All] Stop.. stop
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