Title: Goin' To the Chapel...
Notes: You can totally blame this whole 'discussion' on
kittypoker and the fact that 7 a.m. on a Sunday at a gas station is absolutely dead. *grins*
Part 1: Sidestep,
Interlude: Possession,
Part 2: Maybe,
Part 3: Shift,
Part 4: Obvious,
Part 5: Plans,
Part 6: Dreaming,
Part 7: Almost,
Part 8: Curious,
Part 9: Beginnings,
Part 10: Routine,
Part 11: Broken,
Part 12: StartPrevious Bonus:
Bonus #1: Disagree Bonus Scene #2: Goin' to the Chapel...
“We should get married.”
“I’m serious!”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“We’ve been dating for all of three months.”
“But we’ve known each other for, like, six years.”
“So not the point.”
“Yoochun and Junsu think it’s a good idea.”
“Yoochun and Junsu are humoring you, whereas Yunho would agree with me.”
“Still three versus two.”
“Not really a democratic, majority-rules kind of decision here, Jae.”
“You’d be a pretty bride.”
“I am so not the bride.”
“But you’re the younger one.”
“I’m also the taller one. And exceptions to the height rule are far fewer than exceptions to the age rule. Besides, you’re the one who does all the cooking and cleaning.”
“Husbands do that, too.”
“Not as much as you do. You’re practically the perfect housewife already.”
“You look better in white.”
“Okay, now you’re just reaching. And rather blindly, at that.”
“What do you mean?”
“You honestly think I’d believe you saying anyone looks better than you in anything?”
“I-- Hm, yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“And yet you’re trying to call me the girl.”
“But, um… There’s another reason. I know there is. Just--”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
A.N.- Awww, how cute are they? *giggles* Hm, and I've also been thinking about writing one or two of these for my YooSu, since I totally fell in love with them during Possession. But, obviously, would not be able to post those in this comm... *shrugs* Anywayz, fun times, more distractions for y'all.