Behind Bars. Chapter 3 - Constant observation

Feb 25, 2009 19:43

Behind Bars

Rating: 15

Author: Me

Info: Bam is in prison, on trial for the murder of his beloved mother. He didn’t do it, but can his lawyer, Ville Valo prove this? And how is the case affected when they fall in love.

Warning: References to suicide.

Note: While I may be in a mental health unit in the UK, I do not know how they operate in the USA, I base this chapter on my own experience, and hope it is a accurate as possible.

      Chapter 1 - Murder at castle Bam

Chapter 2 - Ville on the case  
Bam - Constant observation

‘ARGH! How can they do this to me?’ Bam yelled as he paced in his cell. He tugged at his hair as he repeatedly banged his head back and forth against his fist in frustration. Tears leaked from his eyes, flowed down his cheeks. ‘Oh mom if only you could tell me who did this! If only you hadn’t died!’ Bam was whispering now, his head tilted towards the heavens, where he believed his mother to be. ‘I hope your okay, where ever you are mom.’ Bam began to pace, still tugging at his hair, still banging his head back and forth against his fist. ‘FUCK! IF THERE IS A GOD, FUCKING SMITE ME DOWN WHERE I STAND! DO IT NOW MOTHER-FUCKER! TAKE ME TO HER PLEASE!’ Bam screamed at the ceiling, before he collapsed on the floor, sobbing. As he curled up into a ball, something caught his eye, a pair of glasses, tucked neatly under the bed. They had obviously been left by the previous occupant of the cell. Bam grabbed them quickly, before smashing them against the floor with his fist. Blood poured from his hand as shards of glass embedded themselves into his skin. He pulled out the largest shard, and, with a deep breath, slashed his wrist, again and again. Blood poured onto the floor, creating a small puddle on the floor. ‘I’ll be with you soon mom,’ Bam whispered, as he slashed his other wrist. The blood drained from him, as slowly, he drifted unconscious.

‘Holy fuck! SOMEONE GET IN HERE, HES SLASHED HIS WRISTS!’ Bam was aware of someone yelling. An unfamiliar, yet concerned voice. A beautifully accented voice that made Bam’s failing heart race. Suddenly he was aware of many people around him.

‘Someone call an ambulance!’ said another voice, yet one he recognised as the man who had arrested him.

‘How did he get glass?’ The first voice questioned.

‘Look in his hand, a broken pair of glasses,’ came the voice he recognised. “He must have…’ But then all was quite again.


Bam opened his eyes, after what felt like the longest lie-in he’d ever had, but he closed them again almost instantly, as they met with bright white lights. Opening them again after a few seconds, he allowed them to adjust to the bright room. He was aware of a bleeping machine in the background, and the pull of stiches in his wrists when he moved them.

‘Where am I?’ he questioned, his voice dry with dehydration.

‘Hospital. You gave us a scare there Mr Margera.’ A voice to his left said, Bam turned to see the chief of police sitting next to him with a newspaper folded in his lap. ‘I’m afraid it means we’re sending you to a high security mental health unit. You’re too much of a risk to yourself to be left alone in one of our cells,’

‘Mental health unit?’ Bam questioned/

‘Yes Mr Margera, you tried, but failed, to commit suicide after we charged you with the murder of your mother,’

‘Oh…yeah…yeah I remember,’ Bam whispered. ‘When am I going?’ he questioned.

‘Tomorrow morning, they have a bed ready and waiting for you. It’s a place up in New York. While there you will be assessed, to see what kind of mental state you’re in. Your lawyer will be waiting for you upon arrival. It was he who found you,’

‘Oh god, Mr Valo found me? I bet he thinks I’m a right nutter now. Does he still want to work with me?’ Bam asked, worry lacing his voice. The chief nodded.

‘As I said, he’ll be there when you arrive tomorrow,’

‘Oh thank god, I really want this guy to be my lawyer,’ Bam sighed, relief in his voice. Ville Valo was an up and coping young lawyer with a good reputation for defending people he believed to be innocent. He had also won 74% of his cases so far, including all the case’s about murder. But he was unknown enough that the prosecution would not know his tactics, and would be unable to guess what his next move would be during the trail. Something Bam knew would secure his win.


‘We’re putting you on constant observation Mr Margera,’ a doctor informed Bam. ‘This is for your own safety, your obviously still a risk to yourself,’ Bam simply nodded, as he rubbed his sore wrists. ‘However we can leave you alone with your lawyer, we see that privacy is something you need with him,’ Again Bam simply nodded, not even glancing up when he heard someone walk into the room.

‘Shall I take over from here doctor?’ A beautiful voice asked, a voice that triggered memories of blood, pain and a racing heart. Bam still did not glance up, ashamed of himself. The doctor stood and walked out, and Mr Valo sat in his place. He extended a hand to Bam, who did not shake it. Mr Valo let the hand drop. ‘Okay then. Hello Brandon, or do you prefer Bam?’ Bam didn’t answer, after a few seconds, Ville continued. ‘Bam, I’m Mr Ville Valo, your lawyer. I’m here to discuss the case with you,’ Again Ville paused, but Bam still did not answer, still did not look up. Just rubbed his wrists again and again, harder and harder until they bleed. ‘Don’t!’ The beautiful voice cried. ‘Mr Margera, this won’t help. Please stop!’ At this, Bam did look up, ready to hurl abuse at his lawyer. He could hurt himself is he wanted to! But he stopped dead, as his eyes met the most beautiful green orbs he’d ever seen…

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