Behind Bars. Chapter One - Murder at Castle Bam FIXED

Feb 19, 2009 12:53

YES I RETURN! I've not got a computor anymore so I lost all of hidden. I'll continue that once I go home, but I've currently been sectioned under the metal health act, so I have plenty of free time to type up a new fic! Enjoy darlings.

Behind Bars

Rating: 13

Author: Me

Info: Bam is in prison, on trial for the murder of his beloved mother. He didn’t do it, but can his lawyer, Ville Valo prove this? And how is the case affected when they fall in love.
Content Warning: Reference to death and a body.

This story is dedicated to Franko, the man who died on our ward this morning, and to Jules and Jessy.


Bam was shaking, and he couldn’t stop. You couldn’t blame him really, not after what he’d just found. A body. And not just any body. The body of his mother. There was a single stab wound straight through her heart, and Bam felt as if the same knife had pierced his heart too. Weeping Bam dropped to his knees and cradled the body. The blood on her clothes was dry, and Rigor-mortis had set in. She’d been dead a while, but that didn’t stop Bam from trying to force the life back into her.

“Breathe dammit! Come on mom, please! Breathe for me! Please! Don’t leave me!” He cried between giving her mouth to mouth. “No! No you can’t die mom! Wake up please!” Bam was crying now, he dropped April’s body, finally giving up, and went to call an ambulance.


“I’m sorry Mr Margera, there’s nothing we could do. She died a good few hours before you found her. There was no hope for her,” Bam heard the doctors words, but they didn’t sink in. Nothing was sinking in. No matter how hard he tried, Bam couldn’t quite believe that April was dead.

“A-are you s-sure?” He whispered, still clinging onto a glimper of hope that, deep down, he knew was pointless.

“Yes Mr Margera. And I’m afraid the police are here to speak to you,” The doctor said, gesturing behind him where two uniformed officers stood. Bam simply nodded. Of course the police were there. His mother had been murdered God dammit, and he wanted justice.

“If you’d just like to come down to the station with us Mr Margera, we’d like to ask you a few questions,” The blonde haired officer said.

“Of course, yeah…” Bam said, standing and running his hands through his hair. “Do you want me to come with you or can I get my car?”

“We’d appreciate it if you came with us,” Said the dark haired officer seriously. Again Bam simply nodded.


Bam sat alone in the interview room. The only furniture was the table in front of him, and a few chairs. He could hear the officers talking quietly outside the door, but he was too broken to try and work out what they were saying. He’d just been questioned about what had happened when he found his mothers body. Again and again the officers probed him, looking for every last detail. Bam’s story changed a lot. Not because it wasn’t true, but because he just couldn’t remember. He hadn’t exactly stopped to take in the details while he tried to resuscitate his mother.

Suddenly the door opened, and the two officers that had questioned him returned to the room. The blonde haired officer sat down, and put a small recording device on the dividing table. The other officer locked the door, and remained at it, as if he was worried Bam would suddenly bolt.

“Can you tell us once more Mr Margera, where were you between 2 and 4pm today? The time your mother was likely to have died,” The blonde haired officer asked.

“I…I was…just driving home from a shoot in New York,” He whispered, not even bothering to look up.

“But Mr Margera, that shoot was last night. You left your hotel at 9am this morning, you should have been back long before 7pm, when you found your mothers body,”

“I broke down. The damn tow truck didn’t show, I had to get a cab,”

“Surely that wouldn’t have taken all day?” The blonde officer leaned forward as he spoke, watched Bam’s face carefully.

“I waited most of the day for the tow truck. You think I’m gonna leave my custom Lambo in some small town dirt road? Fuck no, it’ll be stolen,” Bam was getting angry now, and he slammed his fists onto the table as he talked.

“And what was the name of the taxi service you used?”

“I don’t know…Bobby’s Cab’s I think,”

“That’s not what you told us earlier Mr Margera,”

“How am I supposed to remember? I just got the number of some god damn sign!” Bam yelled.

“Calm down Mr Margera, we just…” But what the officer had to say, was interrupted by a knock on the door. The dark haired officer unlocked it, and a grey haired officer looked in.

“Can I have a word Greg?” He said to the blonde haired officer. Greg nodded and turned off the recording device, before following the other officer out the door. After a few minutes they returned, and both stood in front of Bam.

“Mr Margera, your prints have been found on the murder weapon,” Sated Greg grimly. “Would you care to explain?”

“How am I supposed to know? I don’t even know what the weapon is!” Bam yelled, he wanted to stand up, to walk out in disgust. How dare they accuse him of his mother’s murder! But a wave of fear stopped him. He didn’t want to spend the night in the cells.

“The murder weapon was a knife from your kitchen. There was no forced entry to your property, suggesting that your mother knew her killer, and you haven’t got a solid alibi Mr Margera,” Greg stated. This time Bam stood in anger.

“What the fuck! You have got to be kidding me!” he yelled.

“Mr Margera, calm down! I’m arresting you on suspicion of murder. You ave the right to remain silent, you don’t have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you don’t mention something you later rely on in court.” The grey haired officer was cuffing Bam now, despite his protests.

“Seriously? What the fuck? You can’t do this!” Bam yelled as he was lead away.

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