please don't make me do it

Feb 25, 2009 20:54

Author: Abz666

Title: Please don't make me do it (4/5)

Pairing: Vam, slight mention Novak/Ville from the past

Summery: Bam is a trained assassin. Things start to change when he meets a green eyed man

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in the story; the story is just made up.

Author notes: Italics is what people are thinking.

I must apologise for making the chapter mistake of the pervious chapter. Only one more chapter to go, i hope you like it.

When Ville feel to the ground Bam ran over to him screaming for someone to call an ambulance or do something. Jussi called the ambulance while Bam was falling apart and Jykri was trying to hold Jonne down. Jykri got that fed up that he handcuffed Jonne to the nearest lamp post and pealed Bam of Ville.

Bam refused to let go and was scared that Ville was bleeding to death. It felt like hours when it was only minutes to Bam when the ambulance came and rushed Ville to hospital and Jonne was arrested for tempted murder. Everyone argued about whop should go with Ville in the ambulance but gave up so on-one went with Ville, much to Bam’s dismissal.

After an hour of waiting Bam started pacing up and down the room which got on everyone nerves. After a while Jykri stood in front of Bam and slapped him. “Can you please stop doing that before a get arrested for murder. We are all worried about Ville and there is nothing any of us can do. So just sit down and wait.”

Bam stopped and sat down sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get on….” A nurse came into the room. Everyone rushed to their feet. “Can I please speak to Mr. Margera, please.” Bam walked over to the nurse. “I am him. How is Ville?” “Can you please follow me so we can have a privet talk.” Bam followed the nurse out and into an office just round the corner.

“Mr Valo is doing well. He has come out of theatre and is recovering in the ICU until he is fit enough to be moved to a ward. Mr Valo is very lucky we managed to get the bullet out safely and it just missed one of the main artiers in the heart.” Bam smiled for the first time. “Can I please go and see him?”

“I’m very sorry we cannot allow that. He is recovering from a serious operation and we do not want anyone to see him at the moment. His condition in the next 48 hours is crucial.” Bam looked extremely scared by the statement. “What do you mean? is he gonna be Ok? He's not gonna die, is he?” The nurse looked apologetic at Bam.

“I’m sorry but I cannot tell you that. I have no idea if Mr Valo will die or not, we do not have enough information to be able to tell you that. Only time will tell. Mr Valo is in a serious condition. The longer he stays asleep the more damage that has been done. If you need anything please don’t be afraid to ask. Like I said the next 42 hours is important.” after a few hours Ville came round and tried to moved but pain shot through his body so he gave up and just laid there.

The next day Ville asked to see Jykri which upset Bam but he refused to let it show. Jykri sighed to show relief at see Ville is Ok. He tried to hug Ville but he was in a bit of pain. “Ville what happened? Why did Jonne shoot you?” Ville looked so small and helpless in the bed. He placed his hands to his temples and started rubbing them. “Stop with all the fucking questions. My head hurts. It was a misunderstanding about Christian. What has happened to him?” Ville said in whinny voice.

“I don’t get it, Ville? How can you be like that with someone that sent someone to try and kill you, then tried himself. Are you mental? If it was me I would be out for revenge. I’m gonna kill him.” Ville was shaking his head. “I’m not you. He is a friend and it was a misunderstanding. He needs help not be punished.”

Jykri smile at Ville. “You are too much of a good man with a kind heart. What are you going to do about Bam?” “Shit. I forgot about Bam. I want to see him.” Jykri started laughting. “I think that is a good idea. He was very pissed of that you didn’t want to see him first. i looked like he gonna start crying or punch a wall.”

Jykri left and a few moments later Bam was stood in the doorway looking sheepish. Ville smile and Bam smiled back. “Come in Bam.” Bam walked in and sat in the chair by Ville bed. “I’m sorry. I should have protected you better than I did. I should have told you the truth from the start instead of lying. Although I had no idea who wanted you dead. i feel like the biggest idiot and don't disserve you.” Ville smiled.

“I don’t care about all that. I just what to know how you went from killing me to ending up in my bed?” chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 part a

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