Behind Bars. Chapter 2 - Ville on the case

Feb 20, 2009 13:16

YES I RETURN! I've not got a computor anymore so I lost all of hidden. I'll continue that once I go home, but I've currently been sectioned under the metal health act, so I have plenty of free time to type up a new fic! Enjoy darlings.

Behind Bars

Rating: PG

Author: Me

Info: Bam is in prison, on trial for the murder of his beloved mother. He didn’t do it, but can his lawyer, Ville Valo prove this? And how is the case affected when they fall in love.

Warning: Very mild chapter, but theres a nice little twist.

        Chapter 1 - Murder at castle Bam     

Ville paced the room nervously. He had just been put on a high profile case. World-famous skater Bam Margera had just been charged with the murder of his mother. And he’d asked for Ville. Ville couldn’t turn down the case, for a start he needed the money, and there was something about the blue eyed man that mesmerized him.

“Ville, calm down!” yelled Mige, a fellow lawyer who he’d gone to university with.

“Calm down! I haven’t ever had such a high profile case! I’m shit scared, what if I fuck up?” Ville cried, raking his hands through his hair. “I can’t do this! Why did I agree to be his laywer?”

“I don’t know Ville, but you did! Mige was annoyed now, why was Ville making such a big deal out of this?

"I'm going to pull out, I can't do this. I don't want to do this...but I do! Oh god what do I do?"

"Calm down, just take the case, your a great laywer, you'll do brilliantly. Maybe you should go home? Get some rest, your not meeting with Margera till tomorrow. You look like you need it," Mige was concerned now, he'd never seen Ville so freaked out over a case. Ville nodded, and mumbled something to himself.

"Yeah, home. My mums looking after Autumn, I should let her go home," He said, thinking of his young daughter.

"Give the little 'un a kiss from me," said Mige, pushing Ville out the door. Ville chuckled to himself and headed to his car.


"Hello sweetheart, how was your day? How was school?" Ville asked 8 year old Autumn, his daughter from a one night stand with a friend 9 years ago. The daughter that he had full custody off after her mother became hooked on heroin.

"It was ok, daddy. How was your day?" The young red head asked. She had very little of her mothers looks, just her hair colour. But she could have passed for Villes double.

"Stressful darling, I've got a high profile case on at the moment. That skater, Bam Margera, who was on the news last night, has asked for me to be his lawyer," Ville picked up his young daughter as he spoke, span her round. "But now I'm back here with my favorite person in the world, so every things ok," he said, planting a kiss on his daughters cheek.

"What did Bam do?" she asked. Ville bite his lip. Autumn was a curious thing, and very intelligent for her 8 years. She'd find out through the papers he was sure, but should she know? Smart as she was she didn't understand murder, she didn't understand death.

"Well I don't know yet sweetheart, I'll have to talk to him. But they think he did something horrible to his mother," Ville worded his explanation carefully, not wanting to scare his daughter.

"Did he do it?" she questioned, curious as always.

"I don't know my love, I haven't spoken to him yet," Ville said, setting her down on the floor. "Now go on, go and watch TV, daddy has some work to do on the case," Ville said, waving his hand towards the living room. Autumn skipped off happily, and Ville let out a sigh. "Why do you have to be so damn curious?" he laughed to himself.
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