Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter 28

Aug 24, 2008 03:46

Okay... I know I said every Friday I'd give you a new update but... I couldn't wait until next Friday to post this chapter! Let's pretend it was meant for yesterday... XD Providing Friday is still yesterday for some of you... (it's almost not for me...) Anyway! As I once promised slasher48, Bam's birthday is going to be in so much detail, I'm posting it in three parts. Here's the first of them!  This is about 9 and a half Microsoft Word pages, which is pretty long compared to other chapters =) Hope you like it!

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Prologue And Chapters 1-10
Chapters 11-20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28: Bam's Birthday Part 1/3

Ville woke up the next day with a smile on his face. Today was Bam's birthday, and the day of his party. He checked the time on his alarm clock and realized he'd woken up an hour before he needed to. He lay there, arms behind his head, staring up at the ceiling and thinking of Bam. He knew the brunette would be terribly excited, and even more hyperactive than usual. It was going to be a long day.

His thoughts drifted to the presents he had in store for Bam. He'd give Bam the skateboard at the beginning of the night, and then when the party was drawing to a close, he'd give Bam his second present. His smile widened. He'd ask Craig to help him prepare it. It had to be perfect for his Bammie. Especially since he'd had to lie to him the previous day.

He sighed. Bam had turned up at the Hudson house about an hour after they'd returned from the mall, and he'd had to continue his lie of being ill. Thankfully, he hadn't had to make himself sick again, but he was grateful that he'd been taught how to lie properly. But he hadn't felt great while doing it - he hated the idea of lying to Bammie. Craig had helped him out in the end, telling Bam that Ville needed his sleep so he would be fine for the party the next day. Bam had instantly jumped to his feet and saw to it that Ville was tucked up in bed and getting his well-needed rest, before kissing him goodbye and telling him he wouldn't be in school the next day - since it was his birthday, his parents allowed him to have the day off.

Ville looked up when he heard movement outside his bedroom door and he got out of bed to investigate. He opened the door a crack and peered into the hall outside. Craig was making his way to the stairs, taking careful steps and avoiding places he knew had particularly creaky floorboards. Ville was curious as to why Craig was sneaking around the house, and so, once Craig had disappeared down the stairs, he followed him. From the sounds of things, Craig had gone into the large kitchen, and so Ville slid up to the door smoothly, feeling a bit like a secret agent on a mission. He was certainly doing a better job than Daniel Craig.

He watched as Craig opened a cupboard at the far end of the kitchen, and there was the sound of clinking glass. Ville smirked. He crept into the kitchen and lowered himself onto his hands and knees, crawling around the large table in the center of the room and hiding behind one of the chairs. He had to stifle a giggle at the thought of him being a Finnish James Bond, and he peered through the table and chairs at Craig. He was reaching into the cupboard, eyes full of concentration, and he would occasionally take out a glass bottle of some description. Ville smirked again as he realized what Craig was doing. He was raiding the alcohol cabinet. There were already several bottles beside him, and Ville wondered how he was going to carry them all up to his room - and then he noticed the messenger bag at Craig's side. He'd obviously picked it up on his way to the kitchen.

Craig shut the cabinet quietly and opened up the messenger bag, piling two of the larger bottles into it. Then he straightened up and took off his shirt, stuffing it on top of the bottles before placing two more in on top of his shirt. He then removed the sweatpants he'd pulled on earlier, and shoved them in the bag. The rest of the bottles followed slowly, and he hoisted it over his head and onto his shoulder. He was about to stand up and leave the kitchen when his dark emerald gaze met a jade green one through the table.

"Shit!" He yelped, sliding backwards on the kitchen floor and thanking whatever god there was that he hadn't been standing up already. "Ville!" He hissed in a quiet voice. He hoped that his previous exclamation hadn't woken up the adults in the house. If he was caught with a bag full of their alcohol, he'd be grounded for weeks. Ville crawled around the table so he was in clear view and smiled.

"Sorry. I was just wondering what you were doing." He whispered to him. Craig scowled.

"Did you have to sneak around like that? You scared the shit out of me!" He whispered back, clutching the strap of the messenger bag tightly. "And I'm carrying precious cargo!" Ville laughed quietly.

"Is that for tonight?" He asked. Craig nodded. "Need any help carrying it upstairs? I can stash some in my room or something." Craig smiled now, and took out two bottles of Jack Daniels.

"Be careful with those, it's Jude's favourite." Ville grinned.

"Then Jude is suddenly more appealing to me." He shrugged one shoulder carelessly. "I love Jacky D." Craig laughed.

"Maybe I should give you something else to stash away then." Ville smirked again.

"I won't drink them, Craig." He put a hand to his heart. "I promise." He then picked up both bottles and stood up. "Come on, we'd better hurry if we don't want to get caught." Craig nodded and struggled to his feet. Clearly the bag was rather heavy from all the bottles. "How are you going to carry that to Bam's?"

"Brandy's picking us up. We discussed it while we were waiting for you to turn up. Brandy will come by around seven, and take us to Bam's. Then he'll help us carry the alcohol into the house. Jude's bringing a ton, too." Craig grinned. "And Carter's dad is dropping him off, with about a store's worth of booze." They made their way back through the house and up to Craig's room. "Luckily, Bam said we're all staying at his house when he first told us about the party. Otherwise Brandy won't be able to drink, cause he'd be driving him and Carter home." Ville smiled. He'd hoped that they would be staying at Bam's. It all fit into his plan perfectly.

"Hey, Craig… I need to ask a favour…" He began. Craig dumped the messenger bag on his bed and turned to face him. "It's about tonight…"

School was incredibly boring without Bam prancing around the place and making his presence known. Carter and Brandy were unusually quiet all day, and the only life in the group was Craig. Ville passed the time by counting down the hours until he saw Bam. Eventually, he began counting the minutes. The day was dragging on for far too long and he was getting impatient. Eventually, lunch break rolled around and Ville excused himself from the group. He had to go and fetch Bam's board. The walk to the mall took away some of the time, and he was smiling as he entered the skate shop. Todd was sat behind the counter, an extreme sports magazine in his hands. The central part of his hair was spiked up into an impressive Mohawk, and the tips had been bleached back to his original hair colour. He looked up as Ville approached and grinned.

"Hey there! Come for your board?" He asked. Ville nodded.

"Yeah, is it ready?" Todd nodded once and got up, tossing the magazine down and ducking into the back room. He reappeared within a minute holding a slick black board, minus wheels and trucks. He placed it down on the counter.

"You want it gift wrapped? It's just a box… but it's something at least." Todd gave him a lop-sided grin, and Ville laughed.

"Sure, thanks." Todd reached below the counter and pulled out a long cardboard box, which he put the board inside. "Nice Mohawk by the way." He commented. Todd smirked.

"It's a fauxhawk, actually." Todd corrected. "I wanted a Mohawk, but I didn't want to shave my hair, so I just went with a simple fin." He touched a hand to the spikes before sealing the box. "I might bleach the rest and dye it pink or something."

"Wow, Craig wasn't kidding when he said you dye your hair all the time." Ville laughed. Todd grinned.

"Yeah, well… I like to look different all the time." He wrapped the box up in shiny crimson paper and topped it off with a gold ribbon. "Which reminds me… next time you see my little brother, tell him to come visit us sometime. The girls miss him." Ville nodded.

"I will." He handed Todd the receipt he had been given the day before and Todd scanned the barcode on the bottom. He typed a few things into the monitor and handed Ville another receipt. "Thanks."

"Hey, look after Bam." Todd smiled. "He needs someone to watch over him, y'know. Keep him in check when it's needed, and stuff…" Todd shrugged. "You seem the right person to do it. You care about him a lot." He caught Ville's surprised look and laughed. "You talk about him like Brandy talks about Carter, and you get that look in your eyes whenever he's mentioned. I knew about Brandy and Carter long before Carter told me about them, because Brandy would get this look in his eyes whenever he talked about Carter. I wish he'd told me, you know. I'm his big brother, and I'm supposed to be there to look out for him. He can trust me with stuff like that, but it feels like… well, it feels like he's drifting away from me, from all of us." Ville hesitated, and then spoke.

"He was scared of how you'd react, that's all. And from what they told me, Brandy moved out because of your father." Todd nodded.

"Yeah. When we went home the day Brandy left, he explained that Brandy had gone to live with Carter for a while. He didn't explain why, but we all saw the marks on his throat, and the ones on his fists." Todd sighed. "I guess he didn't want to accept that Brandy loved another guy." He shook his head and pushed those thoughts aside, and cocked another lop-sided grin at Ville. "Tell Bam happy birthday from me."

"I will." He checked the time and sighed. He had to go now otherwise he'd never get back in time for class. "I'll seeya later, Todd."

"Yeah, have fun tonight!" Ville left the store with a smile on his face. He planned to have lots of fun tonight. He started the walk back to school, still smiling. The smile faded when he had a horrible feeling he was being followed. His blood ran cold and his legs froze, causing him to stand still. He clutched at the wrapped box under his arm and looked around, trying to find whoever was behind him. A group of office workers passed him in a hurry, talking amongst themselves and making their way back to work. Ville relaxed. It was just his mind playing tricks on him because of what had happened yesterday. He continued walking, feeling at ease once again.

Some paces behind, a young man with a scarred cheek stepped out from an alley and a smile crossed his face as his grey eyes settled on the Finn's retreating back.

The rest of school passed by quickly, and Ville couldn't believe it when he was being pulled from the English room by Craig and Brandy, who were both excited about the upcoming party. They met Carter, Jude and Alex outside, and all seemed to be in high spirits. They all stood outside the gates, as they did every day, and it wasn't long before a large black SUV pulled up, and Carter hoisted his bag up.

"There's my dad. I'll see you guys later." Carter pulled Brandy forward and kissed him hard. "Don't be too long at home, babe." Brandy smiled and kissed him again.

"Brandy, put him down! You don't know where he's been!" Ville got his first glimpse of Carter's dad as the man stood beside the driver's door, a grin on his face. The similarity between father and son was unmistakable. He had the same daffodil blonde hair that flopped casually over his forehead, and the same sky blue eyes. And judging from how he towered over the car, Carter had inherited his height from his father.

"Oh, he knows exactly where I've been." Carter laughed, winking at Brandy, who grinned. Carter's dad rolled his eyes.

"Quit being horny and get in the car." With that said, he slipped back into the driver's seat. With a final kiss, Carter jogged around to the passenger side, and got in. Within seconds, the SUV had sped off down the road. Brandy sighed.

"Right, well I'm off to face my family." He slung his messenger bag on his shoulder and fished in his pocket for his car keys. "Thanks for telling me what Todd said, Ville. I guess I miss them, too, but I'm not looking forward to facing my parents." Ville smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be fine, Brandy. Todd will be there if anything goes wrong." Brandy nodded.

"I'll see you guys around seven." He strolled off towards his car. Craig leant on Jude and sighed.

"I'm glad my parents accepted my interests." He said quietly. Jude smiled and kissed him.

"Like they wouldn't." Alex laughed. "They probably expected it. One of their kids is a psychopath in training, the other one therefore must have something unusual about him. Besides, you've always been a girl."

"Hey! I have not!" Craig pouted and folded his arms over his chest. Alex grinned and ruffled his hair. "Oi! Don't touch my hair!" Ville grinned at the pair of them. Soon enough, Jude's mom came to pick him up, and shortly after that, the Hudson car pulled up and they all piled in, Ville still clutching Bam's skateboard.

"Is that for Bam?" Katri asked him with a smile. He nodded.

"Yup. I can't wait to see his face when he opens it." He grinned. Katri turned to Craig.

"I wrapped up your present earlier, since you'd forgotten all about it." Craig blushed slightly. "And I'll ignore the gap in the alcohol cabinet, shall I?" Craig's heart missed a beat and he suddenly felt nervous. "Don't worry, I know you'll be careful. I'll tell your father that I knocked some bottles over when getting myself a drink. But it's not going to happen again, is it Craig?"

"No mom." He said quietly. He was staring down at his shoes, embarrassed. Next, Katri turned to Alex.

"What did you get for Bam, anyway?" The psychopath in training smirked.

"A special shirt, just for him." She shrugged. "Wasn't hard to make." Katri smiled at her daughter before turning her attention to the road, and driving them all home.

"I have a few things I want to talk to you about before you go off to this party." She said firmly. "I know Bam's parents are out for the night, but his brother has offered to keep an eye on things. Don't get yourselves into trouble, and if Jess tells you to do something, you do it, okay?" Cue nods all around. "If you're drinking, be sensible and don't get yourself plastered. I don't want to receive a phone call in the middle of the night telling me that one of you is in hospital with alcohol poisoning. Your father will not be too pleased to find out you've been drinking, either, so don't give me a reason to tell him. If you're staying at Bam's, stay there. I don't want any of you walking the streets in the early hours of the morning, especially you, Alex. Not because you're a girl, but because you're dangerous." There were smiles all round this time, including from Katri. "I know this is going to be when Craig does the whiny 'mooooom' at me, but it has to be said. If you're engaging in any sexual activity, be safe with it. Alex, Ville, I know you haven't got boyfriends or girlfriends, so this is mostly directed at Craig. And don't let anyone take advantage."

"Mooooom!" Craig whined, as expected. "Jude isn't like that!" He scowled. "And we're always safe." He muttered quietly as an afterthought. Katri smirked.

"I'm just making sure my precious children are safe. And that includes you, Ville." She smiled at the Finn, who returned it warmly. He had never expected her to refer to him as her child, but it filled him with warmth. And thinking back, she had also referred to Dave as 'your father', instead of adding 'your uncle' too. Ville felt very happy all of a sudden. He'd had his parents and brother taken away in the worst way, but now he had new parents, a new brother, and a sister to add to that. They'd never replace his original family, but they were the next best thing.

The moment they were home, Craig was running around trying to find something to wear. Ville would have helped him, like the last time, but he was fretting about the exact same thing himself. He eventually picked out a dark red dress shirt he'd bought the last time he had gone shopping with Craig, and began a search for some pants. He finally gave up and went across the hall to Craig's room. He knocked on the door and was met with a ruffled up Craig.

"Hey Ville… care to lend me a hand?" He asked with a grin. Ville laughed.

"Only if you lend me some good pants." Craig laughed and pulled him into his room. Ville then noticed that Craig was dressed in nothing but a towel. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked with a smirk. Craig looked down at his towel and blushed.

"Shut up. I'm in a mess." He gestured at his room, which was covered in clothes. "I found a shirt and a hoodie I want to wear, but I can't decide on pants or shoes." Ville laughed and sat on the bed, amidst a selection of shirts.

"Show me what you've got." Craig nodded, and fished out a bright orange short-sleeved shirt with a collar, and long black sleeves sown onto it. The sleeves were covered with buckles, and the front of the orange shirt would be laced together up the middle with black ribbon. The hoodie was black with orange laces up the outside of the sleeves, orange lining in the hood, and covered in buckles, straps and chains. The hood had extra fabric sown onto the top in the shape of bunny ears, which were also lined with orange on the underside. "I sense a theme." Ville smirked. Craig grinned.

"Well you know me, I love my bright colours." He put the shirt and hoodie down. "And I want to look good, you know…" He then picked up four pairs of pants and held them out to Ville. "I narrowed it down to four, but I can't decide." Ville looked through them. The first pair were plain black with laces all up the outside leg, and he placed those to one side. They went with the theme, and so they were a possible. The second pair were denim and appeared to be very tight. There was a bright orange stripe up the outside of each leg. Again, he placed them to one side. The third pair appealed to Ville. They were PVC and looked tight, and had zips up the outside seam, reaching knee-level. He glanced down at the remaining pair and decided that those were the ones Craig would be wearing. They were black to the knee, but then they flared out in orange. Buckles adorned each leg, along with a zip up the inside seam. Bondage straps were attached to the waistband and they were tattered along the bottom, though Ville saw that it was the design, and not a sign of well-worn pants.

"Here. These are perfect." He told Craig, holding them up. Craig grinned.

"I was thinking those, but I wasn't sure…" He grabbed them and his shirt and hoodie, before picking up a pair of orange boxers. Ville laughed.

"Where the hell do you get all of your clothes?" Craig merely grinned back. "And I think you're the most color-coordinated person I've ever met, guy or girl."

"I do try." He winked, and then remembered Ville's request. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Feel free to look through my selection of pants, and just take any pair you wanna wear. We're about the same size, so they should fit fine." That said and done, he left for the bathroom. Ville was about to begin looking through his clothes, when he heard Craig's voice. "Alex get the fuck out of the bathroom! I only have three hours to get ready!" Ville couldn't help but laugh.

"Suck it up princess!" Came the reply from Alex. Ville smiled. His life was certainly going to be eventful from now on. He looked through a lot of Craig's pants before his eyes fell upon the pair he'd put to one side earlier. The PVC would definitely make him look good.

"PVC it is." He smirked, taking them and leaving Craig's room, walking back over to his own door. He glanced at the bathroom just as Alex appeared, and Craig shot inside before anyone else could take it. Alex stared at the closed door behind her and laughed.

"Jeez, I was only in there for ten minutes." She smirked at Ville. "I'm so glad you're considerably more normal than Craig." He noted that she didn't appear to be any different than earlier, but from the smell of strawberries wafting towards him, and the sleekness of her hair, she'd just come out of the shower. "If you were hoping for a shower, I'd consider rethinking it. Craig will be in there forever."

"Eh, I'm sure I'll manage with whatever time he leaves me." Ville laughed. Alex grinned, and they parted, each going into their own room. Music quickly blasted from the room beside his, and Ville smiled. Crossing the room to his own stereo, he pressed play, and turned up the volume. KISS blared from the speakers, and he couldn't resist singing along.

He was so caught up in the music and his own thoughts, he didn't noticed Craig standing in the doorway until a flash of orange appeared in the corner of his eye. He spun around and took in the sight of Craig. He hadn't put the hoodie on yet, and his hair was still un-styled, but he looked amazing. He'd put on black and orange eyeliner, and glitter was spattered beneath his eyes and appeared to be on his lips. He'd added an orange belt, and orange and black striped socks, and his hands were covered with orange and black fingerless gloves.

"Sorry to disturb you," Craig began, "but I was wondering if you'd help me pick out my shoes… and I wanted to tell you the bathroom is free." Ville grinned.

"Sure." He followed Craig to his room. "You look great by the way." Craig blushed, making the glitter stand out even more.

"Thanks." He then gestured at an array of shoes. "So… which ones?" Ville saw the pair instantly. They were big black shoes, from the New Rock collection, and Craig had laced them with orange laces. He pointed at them, and Craig grinned. "I knew I asked you for a reason! Alex would tell me to pick anything and stop wasting her time." He laughed. "Thanks Ville."

"No problem. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me." He ran to his room and collected the stuff he was going to wear, and dove into the bathroom, a bit like Craig had. He only had an hour and a half before Brandy was going to turn up, and he wanted to make sure he looked perfect for Bam.

He showered quickly, but took his time in getting dressed, making sure his legs were perfectly dry before attempting to put on the PVC. He knew from experience that PVC and water didn't like each other. Once he was done, he left the bathroom and returned to his room to add the finishing touches. His eyeliner was applied three times before he managed to get it perfect, and he hesitated only a second before adding cologne. His boots were considered, before he kicked them aside and pulled on his Converse. He even hacked at his hair with a hairbrush before giving up. He walked over to Craig's door and knocked. This time, Jude opened the door.

"Oh hey Jude, when did you get here?" He asked with a grin.

"About twenty minutes ago. You were still in the shower." He let Ville in, and Ville spotted Craig stood by his mirror, a can of hairspray in one hand, a comb in the other, and a look of pure concentration on his face. "I'd sit down if I were you. He's only just started… about five minutes ago." Jude laughed. Ville did as told. "So what are you here for? Who knows, maybe I can help?"

"I need my hair sorted." Ville sighed. "I'm hopeless with it. It never does what I want it to." Jude grinned.

"Craig's your man for that." He looked Ville over. "And I must say, you really do know how to dress. Craig told me you helped him out, and I swear… I've never wanted to rip those clothes off him as much as I do now." Ville laughed.

"Don't do that… they're nice clothes." Jude joined in the laughter. Craig turned from the mirror.

"Did someone mention needing their hair sorted?" He asked with a delighted grin. Ville smiled and raised his hand like a child in school. "Then please, step into Patchy's Salon…" Ville got up and walked over to Craig, who pushed him down into a chair. "Anything in particular?"

"You're the expert. Make me look good." Ville grinned. Craig nodded.

"Close your eyes, and your mouth. Jude, could you open a window, babe? There's gonna be a lot of hairspray flying around here." Craig grinned, holding up the can in his hand. "Now, Ville… let's see what I can do."

Five minutes later and Ville was staring into the mirror in amazement. His hair was almost straight and swept back out of his face, save for a few bangs. It was slightly spiked at the back, although it didn't look spiked when he turned to get a better glimpse of it. The overall effect was just what he wanted.

"Wow. You're a genius Craig." Ville laughed. "My hair hasn't co-operated since I was three."

"Well… my hair isn't exactly easy to tame either." He grinned. "You can thank me with the details tomorrow." He winked, and Ville fought down a blush. Jude stood by, looking confused. "Anyway, go and get yourself all finished. Brandy will be here in like, five minutes."

"Yeah. Thanks Craig." Ville all but ran back to his room to make sure he still looked perfect for his Bammie. Not long after he had finished assuring himself that he looked alright, footsteps sounded on the stairs, and Brandy's voice drifted through his door.

"Is everybody ready to go?" He called out from the hall. A door opened and closed.

"You bet, blondie." Ville smiled. Alex was first to emerge then. Another door opened, creaked a little, and then closed.

"Fuck me, you look hot…" Brandy had caught sight of Craig, then. "Hey Jude." Ville checked himself one more time before leaving his room, picking up Bam's skateboard on the way out. When he saw Brandy, his jaw drop. The blonde was wearing tight white jeans and a short-sleeved black dress shirt, unbuttoned to the bottom of his ribcage, and his long hair was mostly tied back, except for the central line, which was spiked up in a familiar style that Ville had seen earlier.

"Todd help you out?" Ville asked with a smirk. Brandy grinned.

"Yup." His eyes travelled over Ville's body, and his grin widened. "You look good Ville."

"Thanks." He had to fight off a blush again. He distracted himself by looking at Alex, who had pulled her hair into another spiky ponytail. Her eyes were heavily shadowed with eyeliner, and she was dressed in a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, over a simple red shirt, and black baggy pants tucked into large, steel-plated boots which reached mid-shin.

"Right. Got everything we need?" Brandy winked, and Ville smirked. He'd given Craig the two bottles of Jack Daniels earlier, in case he forgot about them. Craig patted the messenger bag on Jude's shoulder.

"Everything's all in here." He told Brandy. "Jude offered to carry it for me." From Craig's smile, Ville could tell that Craig had whined about the weight until Jude had taken it from him.

"Right. Then let's go." They took the stairs at a run, Craig picking up his wrapped gift for Bam on the way through the hall.

"We're off to Bam's!" He called into the lounge.

"Have fun kids!" Dave called back.

"Remember what I said to you all!" Katri added. "Say happy birthday to Bam for us!"

"Bye mom, bye dad!" Craig grinned, all but leaping through the front door. "Shotgun!" He bolted to the front passenger door of Brandy's car. The blonde followed, laughing.

"Just shove the present in the boot, Jude." He said as Jude climbed into the seat behind Craig. Ville waited until Jude had done just that before climbing into the middle seat, Alex sitting in the remaining one. "Right, off we go!" Brandy reversed out of the drive with practiced ease, and took off for Bam's house. Ville admired Brandy's skill behind the wheel, like he had once done before. He wasn't a reckless driver like Carter, but he certainly wasn't a careful one either. Speed was Brandy's friend. Ville clutched the box in his hand and smiled.

He couldn't wait until he got to see Bam again.

So that's the first part of Bam's birthday! How'd you like it? Next chapter: The Party! And Chapter 30 is going to be a special one, so be prepared =P It's going to be a memorable chapter, I'll tell you that =D

Comments are love. Vam love. XD
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