Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter 26

Aug 17, 2008 16:05

Hi there! Yes, yes... I'm back! And with a new chapter for you all =) Sorry about the long gap, but everything is going a lot smoother for me at the moment and I managed to get out a new chapter... so here it is! Hope you all enjoy it! And a note for those who are eagerly awaiting Bam's birthday party - it's coming soon! Don't worry XD

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Prologue And Chapters 1-10
Chapters 11-20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26: Movies and Arcades

As arranged, the group met up outside the cinema at 6pm. When Ville, Alex and Craig arrived, the sight that met their eyes made them laugh. Bam was sat on the nearby steps; Jude sat behind him, fixing his hair. Brandy was on Carter's back, and the two of them were terrorizing the local people milling about. When Craig ran over to Jude, Bam jumped to his feet. If Craig was here, that meant Ville was too. He spotted the Finn next to Alex, awaiting him. Bam ran over and hugged him.

"Hey Bammie." Ville laughed, returning the hug. "Missed me huh?" Bam grinned up at him.

"Duh." He laughed. "C'mon, Brandy's getting restless. He says it's cause he wants to see the movie, but I know he only wants to get Carter in the dark back row and have his way with him." Laughing, Ville allowed himself to be led by the hand over to the others.

"Great! We're all here." Brandy grinned. "Let's go!" He jumped down from Carter's back and ran over to the ticket booth at the front of the cinema. Carter followed him, beckoning for the others to do the same. Brandy was already buying the tickets. "Yeah, we want seven of them. Back row. Yes, we're all eighteen." Here, he turned and winked at all of them. Alex rolled her eyes. Everyone put their money onto the counter and the woman behind passed them their tickets. "Alright!" Brandy took off into the cinema.

"I never knew Brandy could be so hyperactive." Ville laughed. Carter grinned.

"You've no idea, Ville." Carter watched Brandy practically dive through the doors. "He can have a ton of energy if he wants it."

They all took their seats in the back row. Jude was sat at one end, with Craig next to him. At the other end was Ville, and then Bam. Brandy sat beside Bam, and Carter sat next to him, leaving Alex to sit in between him and Craig. All of them had a mass of popcorn, soda and sweets. Brandy placed a huge coke in between him and Carter and poked two straws into the lid. Bam watched this and decided to copy it, so he could share with Ville. He turned to do it and discovered that Ville had already done so. He grinned at Ville, who merely smiled slyly.

At the other end, Alex had casually turned in her seat and put her feet in Craig's lap, getting comfortable. Craig was, of course, complaining about this. Jude couldn't contain his laughter as Craig pleaded with his younger sister. He bet himself that Craig would start pouting in the next five seconds. And sure enough, he did. Jude sipped his coke and smiled. His boyfriend could be so adorable. Soon enough the lights dimmed and the adverts and trailers began to show.

"Can we fast-forward?" Bam yelled halfway through a sissy love movie. Ville laughed quietly as the other people turned to glare at Bam. Alex got bored of tormenting Craig and swung her legs to the front and rested them on the seat in front of her. The kid sat there turned, ready to yell at whoever it was, but froze when he saw Alex glaring at him.

"Got a problem, kid?" She asked him. He shook his head and turned to face the front again. The movie began to start, and the gang settled down to watch it.

By the end of the movie, Craig was in tears. He was staring at the screen, tears slowly cascading down his cheeks. Jude smiled lightly and reached over to brush them away. That was one thing he loved most about Craig. He always put himself straight into the character's shoes, relating to them like no one else could. Jude put an arm around him and hugged him close, knowing exactly how emotional Craig could get.

Bam was busy comparing Ville to the actor playing the lead role. Though there were some obvious differences between them, Ville looked as though he could be the actor's son. Ville turned to glance at Bam with a smirk on his face.

"Enjoying the movie, Bam?" He whispered. Bam blushed slightly, but couldn't resist smiling. Ville grinned and leant over to kiss him quickly. Brandy happened to glance in their direction just as Bam deepened the kiss, and he raised his eyebrows. Clearly their relationship had definitely gone beyond friendship. Turning away to give them some privacy, he leant over and rested his head on Carter's shoulder. Alex looked around her and rolled her eyes.

"Jeez, I can't go anywhere without being surrounded by loved-up morons." She murmured to herself. The kid in front of her turned and shot her a dirty look, so she booted him in the head. "Can't even enjoy a good blood-n-guts movie." The credits began rolling and the lights turned up once more, and everyone in the theatre got up to leave. The gang in the back row waited until the rush had cleared up before they, too, made their way out of the cinema.

"I loved that movie." Carter grinned. "The blood wasn't realistic but hey - it worked so well with the rest of the… well, stuff…" He trailed off quietly, and Brandy laughed. Bam and Ville were behind them, Bam's arm around Ville's waist. Alex strode beside Bam, trying to ignore them all. Craig and Jude brought up the rear, Craig still tearing up slightly. Alex turned to glance at him and sighed.

"Dude, Craig, stop crying." She drawled. "It wasn't that sad."

"Yes it was! That ending…" He turned into Jude, who smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Shh, it's okay." He grinned at Alex's expression, watching her roll her eyes and stalk away. "You were doing so well, y'know. I suppose the hot actor was distracting you for most of it." Jude raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure whether I should be insulted that you were drooling all over him, or not." Craig looked up and smiled.

"If it was between him and you, I'd choose you." He replied. Jude laughed.

"No you wouldn't, but it was a sweet thing to say." Craig grinned and leant into him, tears gone from his eyes.

"So… what are we gonna do now?" Bam asked, already bored with standing around.

"We could skate." Carter suggested with a shrug.

"Tch, that's all we do." Alex cut in.

"She has a point." Brandy laughed. "Sometimes it can get a little tedious." Two shocked gasps resounded in the air. Bam and Craig stood side-by-side, staring at Brandy as if he were crazy.

"Blasphemer!" Craig hissed.

"Get him!" Bam yelled, charging at Brandy and tackling him to the ground. Craig joined in, all three of them wrestling on the floor, laughing. Carter, Jude and Ville all exchanged similar glances of despair. Alex merely smirked.

"You guys have fun. I'm off to buy a straight razor." She said, turning to leave.

"Are you allowed to do that?" Ville asked, slightly surprised. Jude put a hand on his shoulder as Alex lifted an eyebrow.

"You'll soon learn, Ville, never to ask her that again." He said quietly. "Where she gets her… toys… from, and who sells them to her, is strictly confidential information." At first Ville thought he was joking, but when he saw no humor in Jude's eyes, he turned to stare at Alex. The girl was getting scarier as each day passed. She smiled and turned to leave.

"These are my friends…" He swear he heard her sing as she walked off. Jude turned to the three boys on the floor and grinned.

"Alright you three, stop having an orgy and lets go play some video games." He laughed. Craig jumped up instantly.

"Video games!" He echoed with a grin. Bam picked himself up off the floor and straightened out his shirt before sending a sheepish grin at Ville. Brandy remained on the floor.

"Guys, I think you broke me." He groaned. Carter rolled his eyes and hauled his boyfriend to his feet. The gang moved on towards the arcade nearby, Craig ahead of them, intent on being the first one there. Jude strode beside Ville, smiling at Craig's antics. Behind them, Brandy was over exaggerating his injuries, while Bam laughed at him. Finally, Carter gave in and allowed Brandy to jump on his back, and carried him to the arcade. Bam leapt upon Ville's back without warning, and the young Finn nearly toppled over.

"Some warning would be nice." Ville grinned, and Bam laughed.

"Sorry Willa." He ruffled Ville's hair. Craig turned to look at them all and grinned when he saw Bam and Brandy on the backs of their boyfriends. The grin changed into a devilish smirk, and Jude sighed.

"Uh oh. I know where this is going." He muttered to the others. Craig began running back over to him, and without another word, Jude turned so that his back was facing the oncoming Craig. He prepared himself for what he knew was coming, and a few seconds later, Craig had leapt onto his back. Jude stumbled slightly from the sudden extra weight, but quickly regained his balance. "Comfortable?" He asked Craig, who simply smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Onward!" He called out loudly, causing the people around them to stop and stare. Jude laughed and began running towards the arcade, Carter and Ville following suit. Jude and Craig got there first, with Carter and Brandy close behind. After a moment, Ville joined them. "What took you so long?" Craig teased.

"Bam's heavier than he looks." Ville smirked. Bam attempted to look offended.

"Yeah, well you're just… a stick!" He retorted. There was a moments silence before everyone burst out laughing.

"Enough talk! Let's go inside!" Craig grinned, gently kicking at Jude's sides with his heels, as though he were a horse. "Full speed ahead!" Jude rolled his eyes and carried him into the arcade. Carter turned to look at Brandy, who was lifting his legs as though he was going to do the same thing.

"Don't even think about it." He warned with a smirk. Brandy tried to look innocent, but couldn't keep a straight face. Shaking his head, Carter walked after Jude. Bam jumped down off Ville's back and took his hand instead. Ville smiled gently at the brunette skater and led him into the arcade, where Craig was already situated on a dance machine. Bam laughed.

"Typical Craig." He ran over to where Carter, Brandy and Jude were standing around, tugging Ville along with him. When they got there, Craig was scowling. "What's up Patchy?" Bam questioned. Craig sighed.

"No one will play with me." He whined. Ville smiled.

"I'll play." He said, stepping onto the platform beside Craig. Bam's eyes widened.

"Ville? You do realize that Craig is a genius on this machine?" He said to the Finn. Ville simply shrugged.

"I'm sure I'll manage." Craig's scowl had lifted, and in its place was a sly smile. They put the money into the slot and selected the two-player option. When it came to song choice, Craig stepped back.

"I'll let you pick first song." Ville grinned and stepped forward, going through the list. Craig was mildly surprised when Ville passed all of the easy songs and went straight into the more difficult ones. When he finally selected a song, he turned to Craig.

"What difficulty?" He asked. Craig smirked and leant forward, passing Beginner and Standard and selecting Difficult. Ville didn't seem fazed by this at all. Behind them, Carter, Brandy, Jude and Bam were watching in amazement. No one had ever matched Craig on the dance machine before, and they were wondering how Ville would do. The song started and Craig kicked into action, casually catching each arrow on the Perfect mark without even breaking a sweat. Beside him, Ville was doing just as well, although sometimes his mark ended up as Great instead of Perfect. But neither of them were falling behind.

"I think we're witnessing a miracle." Carter muttered. "Someone can match Craig!" They continued at the same pace until the song finished, and Craig turned to Ville. Both scores were on AA.

"You surprise me, Ville." He grinned. "I finally have competition!" Standing behind them, Jude groaned.

"Oh no… we'll never leave at this rate." He complained. "Not now he has 'competition' to battle against." Craig chose the second song, but allowed Ville to choose the difficulty. With a smile, Ville passed Difficult and hovered over Expert.

"I want your agreement on this one, Craig." He grinned. "Can you handle it?" Craig's eyes lit up and he pushed the button to select Expert as their difficulty.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" He cried, excitement written on his face. Ville laughed lightly and focused his attention on the screen. Both boys then leant back and grasped the metal bar behind the platform. If they were going to do this right, they needed some extra support. The song began, and their friends could only watch in amazement as neither of them missed a step. More people began to stop and watch them, some of them simply interested in how the results would turn out. Soon enough, the song finished and the boys took a moment to catch their breath before looking at the scores on the board. Once again, both were at AA. "This is certainly interesting." Craig smiled. "Last song, Ville. You want to choose?"

"I'll let you choose." Craig grinned and went straight for his trademark song. The difficulty was, once again, Expert. "Good choice." Ville murmured with a smile. Once again, their hands gripped the bar behind them as they prepared for the song to start. It was on this song that Ville surprised everyone watching. Craig had a reputation for getting AAA on this song, on this level of difficulty. He knew the steps so well he could probably do them perfectly without even looking at the screen. The arrows flew past, neither of them missing a step. When the song drew to a close, Craig turned to Ville in surprise.

"You're good, I'll give you that." He laughed. Ville grinned back and they both turned to look at the scores. As predicted, Craig had a triple A score. All eyes focused on Ville's score. Almost in unison, everyone's jaw dropped. Above the statistics for that song were three gleaming As. "You're very good." Craig whispered, still in shock. Ville merely smiled.

"I was the best, back home." He explained. Bam bounded over to him and hugged him.

"That was awesome Willa!" He exclaimed, pointing at the score. "You got the second highest score!" Ville laughed, remembering a time when he'd once achieved the very highest - triple A perfect. Of course, there was probably no chance of him getting it on an American machine, because that particular Finnish song wasn't on any of them.

"Looks like Craig has met his match." Brandy laughed, ruffling Craig's hair playfully. "Never thought I'd see the day when someone could achieve Craig's trademark score, on his song!"

"Shut up guys." Craig muttered, turning into Jude, who circled an arm around his shoulders.

"Aw, come on Craig, you're still my top dancer." He said to the red-haired teen. Craig smiled and hugged Jude's waist. "Besides… you and Ville are family. It's probably something to do with the blood." Ville overheard this and smiled. Jude was probably right about that. "After all, Alex is pretty damn good at it, too." Ville sighed. Jesse had been good, too, for his age. It had been one of the things they'd always done together, as brothers. A trip to the arcade and a few games on the dance machine was something they did every week. Now he'd never get to do it with Jesse again. He looked over at Craig and shook that thought from his mind. Now he had a new brother to play it with. He smiled again. At least Craig didn't throw a tantrum when he didn't win… well, not much of one anyway.

Author's Note: Hope you liked it =) And free Vam cookies to whoever guesses the movie they went to see! =) It's one of my own favourites, actually.
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