Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter 25

Jan 16, 2008 19:51

Okay I'd just like to say sorry -_- I would have had this out earlier, but when I went to post it up, I opened the Word file and discovered that although I'd clicked 'Save' before closing the file, Word had forgotten to actually save what I'd written, so I had to re-write the entire chapter. Because of this it may be slightly shorter than I intended it to be, because I couldn't remember exactly what I'd written and I swear it had been longer.

On another note though, I reached 101 pages with this last chapter. I remember when I first started writing this =) It seems so long ago now. 25 chapters covering 101 pages =P And to think it's only just getting started =)

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Prologue And Chapters 1-10
Chapters 11-20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25: A Surprise For Ville

Ville wandered the corridors, searching for Bam. The skater hadn't shown up at their spot under the bleachers, so he had come looking for him. It beat having to watch a certain blonde couple drooling all over each other. Though he was looking for Bam, he didn't actually care who he found first - Alex, Craig or Jude would be fine for him, so long as he had someone who wasn't going to completely ignore him.

He was passing the boy's toilets and he pondered whether Bam could be in there. Before he could decide whether it was worth a check, he heard a strange noise coming from within. Curious, he walked in quietly, and smirked.

One of the stall doors was closed, and judging from the gasps and moans that were coming from behind it, and the steady banging of the flimsy separating wall, someone - or more like two someones - were having some fun in that stall. Ville turned, about to leave them in peace, when the noises stopped and there was the sound of clothes being pulled up hastily. Now curious as to who it was, Ville ducked into another stall and closed the door enough so he wouldn't be seen, but left it open enough so he could see the mirror that was on the other wall.

The door unlocked and opened, and Ville's jaw nearly hit the floor. Two boys were walking out of the stall, and he recognized both of them. He watched as they shared a quick, heated kiss, had a quick conversation whilst they were cleaning up, watched as one boy took the other's hand, and left the toilets. Ville stayed where he was for a moment before leaving also. He couldn't believe what he'd just seen. He wandered around in a daze, not quite knowing where he was going or what he was doing.

"Ville?" Ville whirled around to see Bam standing behind him. "Are you okay? You look a bit… sick." Ville sighed.

"You are not going to believe this…"

Ville and Bam walked over to the bleachers, and saw that the group had expanded since Ville had left earlier. Jess, Alex and Craig were sat there now, listening to the music on Jess's iPod through a set of small speakers. Carter and Brandy were too absorbed in each other to notice the new additions.

"Hey guys!" Craig grinned. Ville wondered how long Craig would be grinning for. "What's wrong?" Craig added when he saw their faces. They sat down and Ville sighed.

"You need to hear this Craig. I was looking for Bam, and then…" He told Craig everything. By the end of it, any trace of a smile was gone from Craig's face. He sat there, silent, staring at the ground in shock. There was silence among the group. No one noticed when the current song ended and another started up. Carter and Brandy had stopped their make-out session.

"Are you sure?" Craig asked at last. Bam nodded.

"Saw it with my own eyes. Heard it, too." Ville added. Craig sighed.

"Shit." He murmured. There was silence again, only broken by the quiet music.

"Hey." They all looked up as Jude crawled under the bleachers with them. "What?" As he sat down beside Craig he realized everyone was staring at him. "Cut it out, guys!"

"You saw Jason, didn't you?" Craig asked quietly. Jude looked surprised.

"Well, I… yeah…" He replied nervously. "How did you know?" Ville leaned forward and retold the story. Once he was done, Jude frowned at the floor.

"That's not good." He murmured.

"What are we gonna do about it?" Brandy asked. "I mean, there's nothing we can do about it really. If you think about it, it's none of our business what those two get up to."

"Still, it might stir up some trouble among us and them." Carter shrugged. "I say we just let them do what they want. If it starts to involve us, then we'll decide what to do about it." Jess nodded agreement.

"I'm still disgusted by the fact they did it in a toilet." Bam said, making a face. Alex laughed harshly.

"Well they're both dirty. To them, that was the classiest place they could get." She said coldly.

"Come on, it's nearly the end of our lunch break. We'd better head to class." Jess cut in, putting away his iPod and speakers. The rest of them nodded and crawled out from under the bleachers.

They all met at the school gates when school finished. None of them were speaking, but they didn't need to speak to know what was in each of their minds. None of them could get Ville's discovery out of their heads. Jess left when Deron came to pick him up for band practice, and the silence was broken as everyone said their goodbyes to him. Before the silence could fall again, a familiar blonde boy strut over to them, smirking.

"I don't suppose you've heard, have you?" He asked in a cocky voice. Brandy rolled his eyes.

"What do you want, Gavin?" He asked, bored. Gavin scowled for a moment, before the smirk came back.

"That new kid, Jason?" Gavin watched as Craig's eyes darkened. "Yeah, the guy who was all obsessed with you, Craig. Well he's not so obsessed now." Gavin flicked his hair out of his face and sneered at Craig. "He's more into me now. Hah. Neither of us need a loser like you, Craig." Craig's fists clenched and he went to step forward, but Jude calmly held him back.

"He's winding you up, babe. Don't give him what he wants." He whispered into Craig's ear.

"And as for you, Jude." Gavin went on. "Threaten my boyfriend one more time and I might do something nasty to yours." He turned to Carter and Brandy. "And don't bother sticking up for him. Jason's got four older brothers who'll kick both your asses if Jason asks them to." Alex calmly appeared behind Gavin and put an arm around his neck, her hand resting on his throat.

"I'd watch that mouth of yours, blondie." She murmured coolly. "Craig's my brother, after all." Gavin stiffened up and the cocky smirk disappeared. "Here's a news flash for you, buddy. None of us care who you like to fuck in the toilets." She removed her hand and he jumped away from her instantly.

"One of these days you'll regret threatening me like that." He scowled. "All of you will." With that said, he turned and stormed over to where Jason was leaning against the fence, waiting for him. Making sure they were still watching, Gavin took Jason's hand and led him away.

"I hate that bastard." Craig hissed. Ville raised an eyebrow.

"Which one?" Craig turned to him with a smile.

"Both." He turned back to watch Gavin and Jason walking off down the street and sighed. "I don't know who I feel more sorry for. Jason has to put up with Gavin, but Gavin's dating a creep."

"Forget them babe." Jude said, pulling Craig into him. "Don't let them get to you." Craig turned around in Jude's arms and hugged him close. Ville was watching Alex, who was still glaring after the two boys. Something wasn't right. Still, he knew that Alex would slaughter anyone who dared to hurt her brother. It wasn't unusual for her to be angry with someone who'd made such an obvious threat to him.

"Hey guys, there's a new movie out now, how about we all go and check it out?" Brandy suggested, directing the conversation away from Gavin and Jason.

"Sounds good." Bam agreed. "Today?" Brandy nodded. "I'll go." Ville smiled.

"Yeah, me too."

"Well I'll definitely go." Carter laughed. "Craig? Jude? You guys wanna go?" Jude grinned.

"Sure, should be fun. What about you Alex?" The creepy girl shrugged.

"I have to teach Renner a new trick today, but if you're not going till later the two of us could meet you guys there." She smiled.

"Awesome! How about we make it about… six? That gives us all time to go home, relax for a bit, or do stuff that needs to be done and then get down to the cinema." Brandy grinned. "Right, so we'll see you guys later?"

"Yeah, seeya." They watched Carter and Brandy walk down to the parking lot to pick up Carter's car. Soon after, Katri came to pick up Alex, Craig and Ville, and Jude and Bam went their separate ways. Craig leant on the back of his mother's seat as she drove back to their house and grinned.

"Hey mom, you know that new movie that's just come out? The one you said looked cool?" She nodded. "Yeah well, we're all going to see it later."

"That's nice; it does look like a good film." She smiled.

"Oh, and we have another new student." Craig's grin disappeared. "The Daniels' family is back, mom."

"Oh no." She groaned. "If that boy bothers you again Craig, I'll see if we can get a restraining order done."

"Well he says he's changed, but Jude isn't so sure. And besides, he has a boyfriend now, so I don't think he'll be much interested in me." Craig shrugged. Katri raised her eyebrows.

"Really? What weirdo would want to date him?" Ville almost laughed. Katri was so much like Craig sometimes.

"Gavin, apparently." Craig told her. Katri laughed.

"That little bully? Figures." She grinned. "I wonder when Jason will realize just why Gavin has such a big mouth." She turned to Ville quickly. "It's to compensate for everything else." Ville gave in and laughed. Craig grinned. Even Alex smirked. Ville leant back in his seat and smiled. He truly felt at home here now. He had a great family, great friends, and even managed to meet an incredibly great guy he held dear to him. Life was going well for him now, and he was happy. His smile widened as Alex turned on the CD player and Craig began happily singing along with the band that was playing. He remembered thinking that he wouldn't get along with his cousins at all, especially the one the same age as him. How wrong he'd been. But then again, that had been before he'd got to know them. How could he not get along with Craig? He doubted that - other than Gavin and perhaps Jason - anyone could hate Craig. Alex was a little different, and he was still yet to get used to her strange and creepy ways, but he already saw her as his younger sister. He'd never had a sister before, so it was a new feeling for him, but he was glad of her. Both of them made his life so much more colorful than it had been.

They truly were his family now.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter =) Again, sorry for the delay in posting it. I severely dislike my Microsoft Word now.
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