Embrace The Dark [6.0]

Jan 15, 2008 13:10

Title: Embrace the Dark [6/?]
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: R.
Summary: They were born to destroy each other...
Disclaimer: Don't own, please don't sue. Ville and Bam own themselves, and HIM owns the title.
byond_redemptn Love.
jezebel1386 . Her comments made me giggle. :]
Author's Note: Heyhey. It didn't take too long this time? Here we go Bam...
Warnings: Supernatural themes.

[Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

No matter how many times he tried, Bam couldn't get his head around it.

The vampire, blood-sucker, monster. It just didn't seem right. Bam tried to picture him, scoured his brain for the memory and tried to remember some sort of horrible detail. He found none. The vampire had stood there, staring at Bam almost with - shock? - reflected in its eyes. Bam hadn't even seen the fangs.

Was there a chance he was wrong?

No, he was sure. The scent was strong. Instinct had flared in him as soon as the creature approached. Bam had been taught from a young age to hate the demons he was pitted against, but coming face to face with the very thing itself, was an entirely different matter.

It had seemed so... Human. It called him dog, as though Bam was the one to be feared, hated. The one to be disgusted by.

He didn't know what to make of it.

He had lain on the forest floor for an hour after the blood-sucker had left, trying to put all the pieces of his mind back together, and work out what the hell he was planning on saying to his father. Seeing as he had been ordered not to wander off in the first place, Bam knew that staying away for over an hour was pushing it, but at that moment, he didn't care.

He was transfixed.

Try as he may to focus on the fact that he just met a vampire, Bam couldn't help the way his mind wondered to certain things about the creature. Pale skin, green eyes, waves of brown hair tumbling around his shoulders. Bam wanted to run his fingers through it, tug on it, and feel those eyes on every inch of his skin. He shivered involuntarily just thinking about it, his cheeks immediately blossoming red. He was sitting, naked, in the middle of the forest, fantasizing over a vampire.

In seconds, he had stood up, brushed himself off and ran back to their temporary campsite, his embarrassment and anger fuelling the change of his body into a wolf.

When Bam arrived back, he was immediately hounded by his brother.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Bam gave a non-committal shrug, attempting to side-step his brother, but Jess wasn't having it.

"Dad's going to skin you alive, you know. You were given one instruction. Stay. Still. You can't even do that!"

Bam's eyes flickered to Jess, and he smiled wryly.

"I'll make you a deal. I met someone out there. Tell Dad that I was with you the whole time, and I'll let you in on a secret."

Jess raised one eyebrow speculatively. "I doubt anything you could say would be equal to the enjoyment I'm going to get out of watching Dad go to town on your sorry ass."

Shaking his head, Bam grinned wider. "Trust me, dear brother, this will."

Ahead of them, Bam could see Phil Margera making his way over to them, his fingers clenched into fists at his side.


Jess glanced from his brother to his father quickly, analysing the look in Bam's eyes that clearly told him this wasn't something he wanted to be left out of. Their father stood in front of them, staring his sons down angrily.

"Brandon Cole Margera, if you've been running off again, so help me God..."

Jess groaned inwardly, partially unable to believe he was going to sacrifice watching Bam get shouted at.

"... He was with me, Dad."

Bam made a noise of triumph in the back of his throat, loud enough only for Jess' ears. He looked up at his father innocently, nodding and agreeing with his brother's statement.

"We went to check out the area, you know. See what we're up against," Jess continued, the lies coming easier with every word until Phil seemed to buy it.

"Alright. But Bam, we've got a new location here; a fresh start. Don't screw it up." Phil looked Bam over once, frowning. "And go and put some clothes on."

With one last warning glance, their father strode away, and Bam turned to Jess, a grin plastered to his face.

"Thanks Jess, I'll see you later."

He made to walk away, but Jess growled low in his throat, reaching out to grasp Bam's upper arm roughly. "Oh, no you don't..."

Bam shrugged him off, turning back to face him. "Can I at least get dressed first?"

Shaking his head, Jess pushed Bam away from the rest of the pack and out of earshot. "It's nothing no one's seen before, with the amount you run. Now, spill."

With a heavy, dramatic sigh, Bam rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. I went for a run in the forest, and I was just lying by the stream, when - no joke - a blood-sucker found me."

Jess' body went rigid. "You're joking. You're so full of shit, Bam. I can't believe I just got you off the hook for that."

"No, I'm serious!" Bam insisted, his own desire to make somebody believe him taking over. "We're living in Helsinki now, Jess, what do you expect? I was just lying there, and he came up and started telling me I was going to get myself killed, and then he just... Left."

Jess smirked. "See, now I know you're lying. No vampire would have walked away without a fight. Especially if it knew what you were, which it would have. I can't believe you, Bam."

Bam groaned, crossing his arms in front of his chest angrily. "Fine then. Don't believe me. But I know what I saw. Maybe he's some kind of freak vampire, I don't know. Maybe he's a stray. But I saw one, Jess. I could feel it."

Jess frowned, seeing the urgency and truth in his brother's eyes and trying to convince himself that it was just Bam fucking around again. He'd agree, and Bam would laugh straight in his face, he was sure of it. But there was something niggling the back of his mind, something that insisted that this time, Bam was serious.

"Bam, you have to promise me you're telling the truth. If you're right, and they're this close, we could be in trouble. But if I go and tell Dad, and you're making it all up..."

Bam faltered. He wanted to make Jess believe him, he really did. There was an insatiable urge to tell somebody. He couldn't keep it to himself for long, he knew it. But he hadn't thought of the risks of bringing his father into the matter. Telling Phil Margera would mean that the rest of the pack would quickly find out, and, if they believed him about the vampire making no effort to attack, there was no doubt in Bam's mind they would try and hunt the creature down...

Which was a good thing... Right?

But it seemed as though no matter how hard he forced it into himself that he wanted them to find the vampire, wanted them to wipe him out and move one step closer to destroying the enemy entirely... He recalled those green eyes, filled with a mixture of confusion and curiosity... He wanted to protect him.

He couldn't believe the thought as it crossed his mind, but there was no denying it. He felt a sudden wave of a feeling unknown to him. It had been drilled into him time and time again that these creatures were the enemy; to be eradicated at all costs, but yet he still couldn't bear the thought of the pack killing him.

He looked up at Jess, shocked into silence for what felt like an eternity. He bit his lip, for the first time at a loss for words.


Jess waited patiently, his brow wrinkled. Bam looked down at his hands, biting down harder on his lip until he drew blood. With his eyes still on the ground, he shook his head.

"Nah. I was just messing with you."

Jess rolled his eyes, disappearing quickly, and Bam stood rooted to the spot, confusion clouding his eyes. What was wrong with him? He had just passed up his second chance at killing the vampire. And yet, he didn't feel a thread of regret. 
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