Heaven Tonight (4/?)

Jan 15, 2008 04:09

Title: Heaven Tonight. (4/?)
Author: Jezebel1386.
Pairing: Bam/Ville. Bam/Missy (kind of). Others soon to be announced.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: “I’ll tell you how you can make it up to me. Let’s go to Duffers. You can buy me a drink… or six.”
Disclaimer: It's only fiction, but a girl can dream, can't she?
Warnings: Hints of m-preg. Nothing dramatic, but it's there.
Authors Notes: This chapter didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but I need it to set up all the stuff that's yet to come.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Dunn didn’t protest when Bam reappeared and asked for his help with Ville’s luggage. He wanted to ask why Ville couldn’t carry it himself, but the expression on Bam’s face told Ryan that any and all questions were best left for later.

Together the three men piled into Bam’s new silver Range Rover and drove off into the night. During the hour ride to the Philadelphia International Airport, the only sound in the SUV was the radio turned uncharacteristically low. Ryan thought he could make out Cradle of Filth, but he wasn’t sure and he didn’t dare turn up the volume.

The bizarreness continued in the terminal. Instead of the usual kisses and tear-soaked embrace, Ville and Bam coolly shook hands like two strangers that had concluded a business transaction. Dunn watched in wide-eyed amazement as Ville boarded the plane and Bam simply turned around and started back towards the parking lot.

His patience finally broke on the way back to West Chester. From the passenger seat, Dunn watched Bam pretend to watch the road. It was a good act, but after fifteen years of friendship, Ryan knew better. Bam was, for all intents and purposes, miles away. And as long as he didn’t crash the car, that was okay. What was not okay was the deafening silence.

“Bam, dude. You know I love you and whatever… and I respect your privacy… but could you please tell me what the fuck is going on?” Dunn leaned back in his seat and braced himself for Bam’s response. He was ready for an angry rant. Hell, he wouldn’t have been surprised if Bam had reached over and punched him in the balls for no good reason. He was surprised, however, when the headlights from an on-coming car revealed the tears just beginning to trickle down Bam’s cheeks.

“I fucked up, Random. I fucked up so bad.” Bam didn’t take his eyes from the road and his voice was barely audible, but he gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles blanched to white. “He’s going back to Finland… and I don’t think he’s ever coming back.” A horrible, deep sob wrenched its way from Bam’s chest, causing him to swerve into the other lane. Reflexively, Dunn grabbed the wheel and gave it a firm tug to the right, temporarily removing them from harm’s way.

“Jesus Bam, pull over before you kill us.” For once, Bam did as he was told and pulled off onto the shoulder of the rural, two-lane highway. Throwing the car into park, he buried his face in his hands and broke down. All of the emotions he’d kept at bay for the last twelve hours came pouring out of him all at once. Dunn placed a reassuring hand on Bam’s shoulder and let him cry.

Ten minutes ticked by on the glowing numbers of the dashboard clock before Bam pulled himself together. Wiping the tears away from red and puffy eyes, he looked over at Dunn and gave him a self-depreciating little smile. “Sorry, man. I shouldn’t have freaked out like that.” He took another deep breath. “But if you tell anyone…. I will have to kill you.”

Ryan laughed and gave him a playful smack on the back of the head. “Your secret is safe with me, sissy. But for real, spill it! I want to hear it all. Don’t tell me about the shit with Missy, either. I know all that. What’s going on with you and Ville?”

Just the sound of that name made Bam want to cry all over again, but he promised himself he wouldn’t. He had the opportunity to talk to Dunn like a normal person and he was determined to do so. It wasn’t the way he had planned to tell his friend about everything, but it had to come out somehow. “Do you promise not to tell anyone? I mean… I will, eventually. But for right now you have to promise to keep your mouth shut.”

“Do you even have to ask?”

“Point taken.” Bam stared out the window and groped around in his mind for exactly what he wanted to say. Absently he wondered how Ville would handle the situation. Probably a lot more gracefully than me.

“Due to Missy’s little outburst today, everyone and their mom knows that Missy is pregnant. What no one knows, except me, Ville, and now you… is that Ville is pregnant too. He told me on Christmas Eve. And I was in the process of convincing him to tell everyone when she showed up and… well, you know the rest.”

“Two people knocked up at once? That’s down right impressive Bam-Bam.” Ryan was trying to make his friend laugh, but it did not have the desired effect. So he switched gears and tried the serious route. “Why didn’t you guys just tell everyone? We would have been happy for you.”

“I wanted to. Like I said, I tried to talk him into it. But when she showed up today, I’m not sure what happened, exactly, but he snapped. He said he had to go home, that we both need some time.”

“That sounds reasonable. We all need our space once in a while. I mean, he’s coming back, right?”

Tears stung the back of Bam’s eyes as he re-lived the conversation with Ville in his head. “He… he promised that he and the baby will come back but… I don’t know if I believe him.” Bam was afraid to speak the next words, as if merely by saying them, he was allowing the possibility for them to come true. “This feels final, Ryan. I feel… empty. It’s like my wedding all over again: I’m standing at this altar with her, waiting for him to save me. And once again, he’s half a world away…”

“You’re worrying too much. If Ville promised to come back, he will. He’s never lied to you before.”

“Maybe you’re right… but you have no idea how awful it is to have the person you love go to fucking Finland to get away from you.” As soon as the words left Bam’s mouth, he would have done anything to shove them back inside. He realized he had fucked up for the third time that day when Dunn bit his lip and turned his face away. “Shit, Random, I’m sorry. I forgot about…”

“No. Don’t be sorry. It was a long time ago…

“I really am sorry. This just hasn’t been my day.”

Dunn smiled and ruffled Bam’s already messed up hair. “I’ll tell you how you can make it up to me. Let’s go to Duffers. You can buy me a drink… or six.”

Bam smiled, instantly feeling better, and put the car back into drive. You’re fucking brilliant, Random. Call Raab and Dico, tell them to meet us there.”

Sorry it's so short, the next is much longer...
And does anyone have a guess as to Dunn's mystery man???
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