Devils dance while Angels cry

Nov 16, 2006 21:31

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne, Jussi/Ville 
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…buut...I do own Kalevi. You steal him, I eat your face. Got it? Get it? Good.
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: I TOTALLY made a new banner, but it was only AFTER I made it that I realized the title I typed was WRONG! *sigh* so...the title had changed. And I like it better!

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapters Three and Four

Chapter Five:

Ville's thumb had just left the 'end' button, when a knock sounded on the door. "Kyllä?"

"Um…what did you just say?" Bam's voice sounded through the door, very frankly bewildered.

"Oh! Yes?" Ville slid off the bed, padding over to the door to open it.

"Are you alright?" Bam looked up at the Finn, a slight blush creeping across his face.

"I…yeah. Why?" Ville stepped back, allowing Bam entrance into his room.
"I heard you yelling in Finnish…I think."

Ville chuckled softly. "Yes, it was Finnish. I'm okay." He paused. "Do you go by Brandon, or Bam?"

Bam raised his head fully, meeting Ville's eyes dead on for the first time since the Finn had arrived. Ville sucked in a sharp breath at the intense gaze. His eyes. He has Jonne's eyes… "I prefer Bam. Call me whichever one is easier to remember for you. I don't really mind." Bam frowned at the dazed, slightly hurt look in Ville's eyes. "Ville? You okay, man?"

Ville nodded slowly. "I…yes. You just…you remind me of someone…"
Bam grinned good-naturedly. "It's good. I came up here with a purpose…fuck…"

Ville had recovered from the initial shock at this point, and smiled gently. "Does it have anything to do with the food cooking downstairs?"

Bam's expression brightened. "Yeah…oh YEAH! Jesus fuck, I'm a dumbass. Anyway, April wants to know if you want some chicken, or mashed potatoes, or something to eat." He frowned. "Ville…you SURE you're alright?" For Ville had just closed his eyes, swaying and looking very much like he was about to faint. "Ville?" Ville shook his head, not responding right away. "Ville, man? Do you need something to eat? To drink? Do you need to lie down? VILLE!" Bam let out a grunt as the Finn collapsed, more or less on top of him. "Ville?! GoddamnitfuckingSHIT!" In a few fluid movements, Bam had Ville, who was considerably lighter than he looked, onto the bed. He now stood there in awkward silence, observing Ville quietly. It was there, watching the rise and fall of Ville's chest, that he noticed the marks tracing their way up Ville's arms into his half-rolled up sleeves.


Kalevi frowned as Jonne stormed into the room, throwing a box laden with various articles on the bed. "Jonne? What's wrong?"

Jonne shook his head mutely, digging into the box with the energy of a man possessed. After narrowly missing his dark-haired lover with a black hardbound book, Jonne let out a strangled moan, falling to his knees next to the bed, sobbing. "It's gone. Dammit, Kalevi, I can't find it!"

Kalevi slid off the bed to kneel beside the blonde, gently taking Jonne's hands in his own. "Jonne, what are you looking for?"

"Something…something that Ville gave me…when we were dating…and I want to give it back to him…because he made it, and…" Jonne paused. "I don't want it. But I can't find it!"

Kalevi looked frankly confused at this point. "I…what? Wait…Jonne, slow down. Calm down. SOMETHING! Jonne!" Kalevi rose as Jonne got up, starting to look through the drawers of their shared room. "Calm down! What was it?"

"A music box." Jonne snapped, nearly knocking Kalevi over in his haste to cross the room. "It was here," Jonne paused to climb up onto a chair to check the top shelf of the closet. "But now it's not…" He hopped back down, lifting the pillows from the bed and tossing them aside in frustration, before dropping to the floor to check under the bed.

Kalevi stepped back quickly as Jonne shot by him again to yank out the drawers and search through them. "Jonne, is it really that impor-" He was cut off as Jonne picked up the black book on the bed, throwing it at him, whereupon it struck him in the lip. "The HELL was that for?" He snapped, picking up the book as the metallic taste of blood hit his tongue. "You…JONNE! I can't…what the FUCK is WRONG with you?!" Kalevi strode over to the still frantic blonde, grabbing the younger man's shoulders and pulling him into a very forward kiss, book still held loosely in his left hand.

Jonne pulled away after a good thirty seconds of deepening the kiss, before gently pushing Kalevi away from him, smiling slightly. "I got glitter all over you, Ka." Indeed, Jonne spoke the truth, as the glitter from his scarf had rubbed off on Kalevi's black jacket.

Kalevi shrugged, glancing at the book in his hand. "What is this?" He flipped it open, reading the first few lines. "Jonne?"

Jonne turned, snatching the book from Kalevi in the same fluid movement. "Ah…something Ville and I kept…"
Kalevi frowned. "You still care about him, don't you?"

Jonne frowned. "I…yes, but…he's so unstable sometimes…and I don't like that. He's a great friend, but not really a very good lover."

Kalevi shook his head. "I can't believe you'd say that about one of your best friends."
 "Neither can I." The pair turned to see Jussi standing in the doorway, small box clutched in his hands. "Looking for this?"
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