Devils dance while Angels cry

Nov 15, 2006 18:55

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne, implied Jussi/Ville (but not too much. If it goes over well, it shall continue)
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…buut...I do own Kalevi. You steal him, I eat your face. Got it? Get it? Good.
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: Okay...okay. I'm not gonna post for another two days after tonight, becuase of drama shit. Just so you know. Um...thank you for the comments. Kudos to you all! know some of this seems confusing, but I SWEAR there's a storyline, and it DOES make sense after you get to a certain point. It will eventually, I promise! And I know this chapter is short, but that's b/c I'm in a bit of a rush before voice. I'll be back later, I think, with chapter five. It's all lined up to get typed, so...YAY! Um...that's it. ENJOY!

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three:

The ride home was silent, filled with stiff awkward silences. A memorable one was this.

"Bam, sweetie, why don't you tell Ville about your school?"

Bam stared at his knees silently, willing himself not to look up and meet the Finn's gorgeous green eyes. "Um…it's big…and…" He trailed off, feeling more than a little awkward in Ville's presence.

"And?" Ville prompted gently, watching the blue-eyed boy with a gentle smile on his face.

"…stuff…" Bam muttered, curling up even more in his seat.

A long, awkward pause followed this, before, "We're here." Phil announced loudly. Bam was out of the car and in the house before you could have said 'Finland'.

April turned to face Jess. "Sweetie, do you know what's up with Bam?"

Jess shrugged, getting out of the car after Ville. "I'll talk to him. Hey, do you want me to show you your room?" The second comment was directed at Ville.

Ville nodded. "Please."

Jess smiled at the shy foreigner, before leading him inside, pointing out things that were on the way. "That's the kitchen, and that's the living room." He led Ville up the stairs, pointing to the first door on the left. "That's your room. Bam's room is right next-door, and mine is across the hall, so if you need anything, feel free to knock. The bathroom is all the way down the hall on your right."

"Thank you." Ville nodded, watching as Phil lugged his suitcase up the stairs. "Do you need my help, Mr. Margera?"

Phil shook his head, making his way into the room and letting it fall with a thump. "I'm good. And please, it's Phil."

Ville nodded, feeling somewhat out of place as the door closed with a soft click. He sat on the bed, plugging his phone into the charger, before soft voices coming through the wall caught his attention. Getting up, he shifted on the bed so he could lean against the wall with a book, under the pretense of reading in case anyone walked in.


"Bam, what is WRONG with you today?"

Bam didn't answer, merely curling up more as he burrowed under the covers, shoulders shaking.

"Bam?" Jess got up from the chair he had been lounging in, going over to Bam and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Bam? Bam, what's wrong?"

"'e 'as a g'd." Came the muffled response, completely and utterly unintelligible.


"He has a girlfriend." Bam said, raising his head.

With a pang, Jess spotted the tears running down his face. "Oh." Was all he managed.

Bam lowered his head again. "I don't even know why I like him! He's even…more angelic in real life!" He began to sob again, and Jess laid a hand gently on his back.

"Shh. It's okay. It's okay, bro. I'm sorry, I really am. Do you want anything? Besides Ville…"

Bam giggled a little at that, sitting up. "Yeah. A soda?"

"Okay. Hold on." Jess exited the room, thumping his way down the stairs.

Meanwhile, in the adjoining room, Ville put his face in his hands. So THAT was why he was acting so strange. You knew that already, didn't you? NO. Ville protested to himself. I didn't. There was no way. No. You're in denial. The smug, voice replied. You like him too… I can't. I'm in love with Jonne. Right? You tell me. "Shut up, the pair of you." Ville muttered to himself, realizing how stupid that must have sounded. He needed to talk to someone. Glancing at the clock, he figured it would be about seven in Helsinki, before dialing the familiar phone number. It was picked up on the first ring.


"Hei, Jonne."

"What's the matter?" The blonde's voice sounded concerned, and slightly breathless. "Is something wrong?"

Ville shook his head, then, realizing that Jonne couldn't see him, spoke. "No. Well…no. Are you okay? You sound like you just ran a mile."

"I was making something to eat when the phone rang. I just got up." Jonne replied cheerfully. "How's the family?"

Ville shrugged. "It's okay." He paused here, trying to figure out how to word his question. In the next room, Bam and Jess perked up, listening intently. "Everyone is really nice."

"That's great. When are you going back to school?"

"Probably in two weeks. I think that's what April said."


"The mother. Her name is April."

There was a long silence, before, "I see. Who else is there?"

Ville frowned at the tone of voice. "There's Brandon and Jesse, along with the parents, Phil and April. That's it."

"And the hot one was Brandon?" A playful tone crept into the formerly accusing one.

"I…yes." Ville replied.

"Do you really think he's hot?" Jonne asked, a definite frown in his voice.

"Jonne, why do you keep asking me that? Yes, I do." Ville answered, starting to grow annoyed.

"What about me?"

"You…you're not hot. You're more…pretty…or sexy. Hot doesn't fit you." Ville replied, the words out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

There was an even longer, more awkward silence, before, "Really?" The tone was cold enough to freeze water.

"Well…" Ville cast around for the word, before settling on the truth. "Yes. It's just you…pretty is more you. Hot is like…Johnny Depp. You're not Johnny Depp."

"Thank you for restating the obvious." Jonne snapped, definitely annoyed.

"Jonne, you know I love you." Ville replied, becoming frustrated at his lover's obvious jealousy.

"Do I? Do I really?" There was a slightly strangled sob from Jonne's end. "Why did you leave then? Was it something I did?"

Ville groaned to himself in annoyance. "Sweetheart, I HAD to. I entered the program, and I was picked to go!"

"Didn't you have a choice?" Jonne snapped.

"Well, yes, but-"

"Ville, do you love me, or do you not?"

"I-what?" Ville asked, confused at the conversation.

"Do you love me, or do you not? It's a simple question."

"I…yes. I do love you. Why the hell would you think different?"

"No reason." Jonne replied, all traces of the cheerful blonde gone. "I talked to Jussi the other day. After you left."

Ville's mouth went dry. "And?"

"He told me something."


"You could have just told me. Why didn't you just TELL me? I asked you so many times! Why didn't you just TELL ME?" Ville didn't answer, knowing the question was rhetorical. "I can't say I love you, Ville. But I can't say I don't."

"What are you saying?" Ville asked, a tight feeling starting in his chest.

"I'm seeing someone." Was the blunt reply.


"You heard me. You knew. You told Jussi what you thought. You knew the whole time."

Vainly, Ville pushed the tight feeling in his chest away. "How long?"

"Two months. After you went all suicidal. I couldn't handle that." Jonne replied, sounding less forbidding.

"What about me? About us?" Ville whispered, hand holding the phone shaking.

"I'm sorry." Was the simple reply. With a click, the phone line went dead.
Chapter Four:

Jonne placed the phone back in the cradle, turning to see Kalevi and Jussi standing there, Kalevi looking amused, Jussi looking like he was ready to tear Jonne's throat out. "How could you do that to him?" Jussi snapped, hands curled into tight fists. "WHY would you do that to him?"

Jonne frowned. "He's too emotionally unstable. It's difficult to deal with."

"You whiny self-centered arrogant little BITCH!" In a heartbeat, Jussi darted forward, backhanding Jonne across the face as hard as he could. The force sent Jonne reeling into Kalevi's arms.

Kalevi glared at Jussi venomously. "Don't. Lay. A hand. On. Him. Again."

Jussi ignored him. "You were the only thing keeping him SANE, Jonne. The only thing that was keeping him from killing himself!"

Jonne touched his face gently, which bore the marks and cuts from Jussi's multiple rings. "My point exactly. Let him run off to that…Brandon person, or whatever the HELL his name is."

A cell phone ringing from the table interrupted them, and Kalevi, being the closest, answered it. "Hei?"

"Jussi?" Ville's voice sounded, loud enough for the entire room to hear. Kalevi pulled the phone away from his ear about a foot, before replying. "Hold on." He turned to the dark haired young man, tossing him the phone. "It's-"

"Ville?" Jussi asked as soon as the phone landed in his grasp. "What's up?" There was a series of quiet beeps as Jussi turned the earpiece down.

"Jonne…" Ville's voice murmured, sounding distinctly as though he had a head cold.

Jussi glanced at Jonne quickly, who gave him a clear 'The HELL?' look, before turning away. "I know. Are you okay?"

Ville drew in a shuddering breath, letting it out slowly. "I…I don't really…no. I don't know."

Jussi shot Jonne and Kalevi a dirty look before stalking past the pair into the next room. Jonne caught his arm as he passed them. "What's wrong?"

Jussi pulled his arm free, slipping out the doors into the next room. "What do you mean, you don't know? Ville, so help me, if you-"

"I didn't!" Ville snapped into the phone, voice nearly cracking. "I don't…why did he…" A pause. "He's such an enigma sometimes! Why didn't he just TELL me that he didn't want to go out with me anymore when I LEFT? He was acting like he still wanted us."

Jussi sighed, watching Kalevi and Jonne through the small crack in the door as he sat down at the desk. "Maybe he did."

"Then why-"

Jussi cut him off. "I don't know, sweetheart. I don't know…"

There was a length of silence, before, "Jussi?"

"Mm?" Jussi nodded, regardless of the fact that Ville couldn't see him.

"Can I come over…for…during the next break?" The older Finn's voice sounded very small, and the 17-year old's heart nearly broke at the sound of it.

"Of course you can." Jussi replied warmly, willing himself not to start crying, as Ville's soft tears were very distinct through the phone.

"Um…hey, Jussi?"

"Mm-hm?" Jussi stood as Jonne entered the room, looking very concerned, with an annoyed looking Kalevi at his heels.

"I'm sorry."


"What on earth FOR?" Ville winced as Jussi's voice came through the phone, very loud, and very annoyed sounding.
"I…I feel like I fucked up really badly somewhere…" He replied, slightly alarmed at the tone in Jussi's voice. There was a good thirty seconds of silence, during which Ville began to panic. "Jussi, I didn't mean to offend you! I-"

"Ville. Shut up. I just want to know…why do you think any of this is your fault?" Jussi's voice softened slightly, and in the background, Ville could hear movement.

"Jussi, who's with you?"

One could almost hear the frown in Jussi's voice. "You're avoiding the question."


"Ville, are they still there?"

"Are…what?" Ville asked, slightly taken aback at the abrupt change of topic. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Ville."

"Oh." Ville glanced at his arms, before answering again. "Those."

"Yes. Those. Are they still there?"

Kill me. Grant me mercy. He had carved the first into his right arm, the second into his left during one of his particularly dangerous breakdowns. If Jussi hadn't entered his apartment to find him lying on the floor, sobbing like a baby and bleeding heavily from the cuts, he probably wouldn't be there. Which was the point. Ville sighed. "Yes."

"Are they going away?" Jussi sounded concerned now, causing Ville to choke up again. "Sweetheart, are they going away?"

Ville nodded, answering. "Yes. A little." The deep cuts had healed over, leaving behind slightly raised bumps. Only a few weeks before, the cuts were liable to open and bleed at any moment. "Yes."

"Good. Ville, I know what's already there. If there are more when you come over during your break, so help me, I will never let you out of my sight again."

That earned a small hiccupping laugh from Ville. "I won't. I promise."

"Good. Now…I have to go, sweetheart. I'll talk to you later. Okay?"

Ville nodded. "Okay. Bye."
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