New story

Nov 15, 2006 17:00

Hi guys i know its been a while. i wanted to say though that i am canceling my other fic and starting this one. i just wasnt into the other and didnt really see where it was going, so i had to end it. but without further ado, i give you....

Pairing: VAM, Alexi/Ville, Alexi/Bam
Summary: What happens when an innocent crush turns into an obsession?
Disclaimer: if i owned anyone mentioned, i wouldnt waste time with fanfics

Chapter 1

I wonder how many times I have to hit my head against the desk before I loose consciousness? It wouldn’t matter though when I woke up I’d still be here, sitting in this fucking drab classroom with these little Barbie’s and Ken’s staring at me. Amazing what hair that falls to your ass and bondage pants can do to the population.

“Alright class, welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful summer,” My little old English teacher announces. Smile plastered to her face. It sickens me. “Now I recognize most of the faces here, but I see we have a few newer ones. For those of you who are new this year, I’m Mrs. Graham and welcome to Advanced English VI.”

Well at least she didn’t ask us to-

“Why don’t our new students stand up and say something about themselves?”


She started to go down the list of people who’s name she didn’t recognize. Turns out some of them weren’t even new students, just people who chose not to kiss her ass. The blonde girl in front of me finishes her little rant about her favorite hobby (which happened to be riding her prize winning horse, fucking rich kids) , flashed a toothy grin and sat back down.

“Alright, next we have, and I’m not sure how to pronounce this, M..Mar..Markku Lihuu?”

Well we’re off to a great start. “Alexi Laiho,” I correct.

“Alright then Alexi I understand your from Finland, how exotic!” She squeals. “Why don’t you tell us a little bit about it?”

What you don’t want to hear about me? I’m hurt, but this opportunity is way to great to pass up. Just have to keep a smile on my face and she won’t know the difference.

“Te aari by ilkeä masentaa. Ja nyt kuluva eheä asia on naida haaskata -lta aika. Haluta erottaa nämä vähäinen määrä vittu jotta seis tuijottava aiemmin i-kirjain halkaista heidän kaulan etuosa.” Just smile and nod and they’ll think nothing of it.

Its hard to keep a straight face with all of the confused looks I’m getting. I just continue to grin at the teacher as she stands mouth agape, not quite sure what to say.

“What a fucking loser. He can’t even speak American!” An overly muscular blonde boy shouts, inciting the whole class to laughter. How the hell he got into an advanced literature class is beyond me.

“Oh Chase stop it!” The teacher scolds, but I can see her smirking. “He’s from a different country, not everyone can speak English.”

“But why would they stick a freak like him in an English class if he can’t speak it!?” The little blonde girl in front of me says. Good to see she’s making friends quickly.

“Um…actually,” I speak up, remembering to add the heavy accent and broken words. “I understand English, I jus no speak good.” The two blondes turn bright pink and look down.

“Well that’s alright Alexi, maybe while you’re here you can learn some new phrases and pick up on the language a little better. How does that sound?” She asks slowly and loudly.

“Vittu,” I smile and nod.

“You’re welcome,” she answers back.

I’m about to sit back down when I hear a snicker come from the front of the class. All eyes look up towards the doorway to see a dark vision. There stood a tall, beautiful boy dressed completely in black, from the dark trench coat he was sporting down to unbelievably tight leather pants. He had a black wool beanie pulled down over his long, dark curly hair. He was also sporting awesome fingerless gloves with Jack Skellington stitched onto the front, I have been trying to get some of those forever. The thing that stood out about him the most though, were his amazing green eyes surrounded by layers of kohl. Damn…

“Great pile all of the freaks in this class,” the boy I now know as Chase mutters.

The man gives him a deathly glare before turning his attention back to the teacher.

“Hello,” his deep voice sends shivers down my spine and from the looks of it, sent a few girls in the class into orgasm. “I’m Ville Valo, is this Mrs. Graham’s class?”

“Yes it is. How may I help you?” He holds out a slip of paper and sets down his messenger bag.

“Oh, you’re the new teacher’s assistant! I’ve heard a lot about you, and this is such a coincidence. It says that you’re from Finland, we have a new student Finland too and he could really use a translator.” He looks over to me and smiles.

“Sure I’ll be happy to help him.”

“That’s wonderful, vittu!” She exclaims.

Ville and I both explode into laughter as everyone stares. Hey, maybe America won’t be so bad after all.
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