Devils dance while Angels cry

Nov 12, 2006 14:48


Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: So much love. And Vam cookies. I enjoyed those very much!

Chapter One

Chapter Two:

Bam let out a curse as his board slid away from him, stumbling away from the rail to avoid falling down the stairs. Sitting across from him, Jess snorted with barely suppressed mirth. "You're losing your touch, Bam."

Bam opened his mouth to protest, before April's voice sounded from the house. "Bam? Jess? You coming?"

Jess turned to yell back. "Coming!" He turned back to face Bam. "C'mon. We have to go pick up your lover."

Bam flushed a brilliant red. "Fuck you, man. Shut up."

Jess winked as Bam collected his board and started back towards the house. "You know I'm playing with you, Bam. So, is there any intention of telling April you think that Ville's hot?"

Bam then found out that it was possible to choke on air. Once he had recovered sufficiently, he turned to glare at Jess, hand on the doorknob of the back door. "No."


Ville sighed, leaning his head against the plane window. A voice came over the overhead. "We will be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts, stow all electronic devices, and return your seats to their upright positions." Another sigh escaped the Finn as he shut his book, tucking it into his bag. His head let out a protesting throb as the plane began its steady descent, and he closed his eyes, resting his head against the seat. He hated flying, that much was obvious, and he liked to avoid it when he could. However, he preferred not to take a rocking boat across the Atlantic, and it was impossible to drive overseas, so he got landed taking a plane.

Of course, this plane smelled of old coffee and stale pretzels, making the experience all the more enjoyable. A crying child was sitting next to him the entire flight, because, unfortunately at 19, there was no way he could afford a nice, cozy first class seat. The plane finally landed, not at all smoothly, earning him another painful throb of the head. When the plane at long last taxied into the gate, Ville all but leapt up, ready to get off the plane and back on solid ground.


Bam sat silently in the gate waiting area, fidgeting like a boy on a hot first date. Jess shot him an occasional look, but didn't say anything. Had he said anything, Bam probably wouldn't have heard him, plugged into his CD player as he was.

Across from him, where April and Phil had been reading, April suddenly stood up as though she had been stung, making her way to the gate entrance. Jess poked Bam's shoulder, and the pair got up, following Phil and April at a much slower pace.

Bam spotted the Finn almost immediately, very conspicuous in a deep purple collared shirt. The poor man looked as though he would like nothing better to just collapse and fall asleep. April and Phil approached the tall Finn, clearing their throats as the Finn quite literally looked over their heads. He jumped, startled, and glanced down.

At this point, Bam and Jess had joined the trio, who had stepped out of the way of the crowd. April held out a hand. "Hello, Ville?" The Finn nodded silently, shaking April's hand gently. "We're the Margeras. This is my husband, Phil, and our two boys, Brandon and Jesse. We're going to be your host family this year. You'll be attending Bam's school, as I'm sure you already know."

Ville glanced at Bam, taking in the brown hair and blue eyes silently before returning his gaze to April. Bam continued to stare at the Finn. He looked different from the photo, as his hair was slightly shorter, touching just above his shoulders. In that one glance, Bam had spotted heavily kohled eyes, with blood red eye shadow. The painted lips were lacking gloss today, ivory skin paler than what he had seen in the picture.

The Finn became aware of a pair of eyes staring at him intently, and glanced once more at the blue-eyed boy. Bam, April had said. A small smile crossed Ville's face, and he nodded slightly at Bam, still half-listening to April's speech. "Oh, but you must be tired, so I won't bore you any more. We'll go home, and you can tour the house tomorrow after a good night's rest." She picked up Ville's lone bag, starting off towards the front entrance of the airport. Ville hung back as the boys and her husband followed.

Bam glanced back. "Ville? Are you okay?" The Finn looked very dazed, seeming somewhat confused as to why he was here.

Ville nodded, smiling warmly. "Yes. It's very late in Finland right now, and I am simply tired."

Bam returned the smile, thoughts grinding to an agonizing halt. His voice. It's deeper than I expected…and his smile. The more lewd part of his mind piped up. His body… Bam shook his head, as though to clear it. "Shut up!" He hissed to himself.

Jess glanced oddly at him. "What?"

Bam shrugged. "I didn't say anything." He said, insides knotting uncomfortably, before he raised his eyes to meet Jess's. "WHAT?"

Jess shook his head, a knowing smile tugging at his mouth. "Nothing."

Ville, meanwhile, pulled a slim phone from his back pocket, ignoring the stares of the other passers by. Dialing quickly, he raised the phone to his ear, listening as it rang twice. There was a click, before a groggy, "Hei?" sounded.


"Ville? Is that you?" Jonne slurred. "It's five in the morning."

"No, it's your aunt calling from an ice-storm in Vantaa." Ville replied, grinning to himself as his lover's voice sounded from across the Atlantic. "Yes, it's me."

"You know I hate it when you do that." Jonne pouted. Ville could almost picture the stuck out lip, and the wide eyes.
"Yes, I do, rakkas." Ville stepped to the side quickly to avoid a luggage laden passenger. "I promised I'd call when I landed, didn't I sweetheart?"

There was a sigh, and a grudging, "Yes." A pause, before, "Do you like it there?"

Ville laughed. "I've only been here for ten minutes, Jonne. The family seems nice. Especially the boy."

"Who?" Jonne asked, confusion apparent in his voice.

"One of the boys. He seemed a little wierded out by me, to be honest."

It was Jonne's turn to laugh. "Maybe he thinks you're hot." A pause. "Do you think he's hot?"

Ville frowned. "Jonne, why are you asking me this?"

"Curious. That's all, I promise."

Ville nodded slowly, although Jonne couldn't see him. "A little. He kind of reminds me of Sir Christus."

Silence, before what was unmistakably laughter sounded. "Really now? That's funny."

Ville laughed as well. "It is. I've got to go, sweetheart. They're waiting for me to get in the car." And indeed they were. Ville stopped just in front of the car, where Bam was holding the door. It was then he uttered the words that made Bam's heart sink. "I love you, sweetheart."

"Love you too, Ville. Don't get lost in the US, okay?"

"I won't. Bye." Ville hung up, slipping the phone into his pocket and sliding into the car in the same movement. "Thank you."

"Welcome." Bam muttered, before climbing in after Jess and slamming the door shut, staring at his knees as tears blurred his vision.


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