Devils dance while Angels cry

Nov 11, 2006 16:19

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.
A/N: This is an AU, for sure. I've been lurking for all of 3 months, and I'm not entirely sure what my writing style is, as I've never written Vam before. So…please tell me what to improve if I have to. Thanks! 


"Bam? Are you up yet?" April Margera's voice rang throughout the upper floor of their house, waking everybody except the intended target, who was currently burrowed under the covers of a sizeable four-poster bed. When no answer was forthcoming, April knocked sharply on the door. "Bam?"

Unseen by April, a head of messy curly brown hair poked itself from the nest of downy sheets and fluffy comforters. The boyish face broke into a yawn as April's voice sounded again, accompanied by another, even louder knock. Throwing a glance at the clock, Bam muttered a curse under his breath as the glowing red letters announced it to be 11:30. Rolling over, he cursed loudly as he fell, head narrowly missing the bedside table. "I'm UP!" He yelled irritably, dragging himself to his feet.

April sighed with relief as the door opened, revealing Bam in his boxers, brilliant blue eyes half-lidded. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

Bam shook his head, yawning. "It's the ass-crack of dawn. What's wrong?"

"Get dressed." April replied. "Phil and I want to tell you something."

Bam nodded, shutting the door and leaning against it to stare at the ceiling. Yawning explosively again, he turned, making his way to the shower. Nearly tripping over a pair of discarded jeans that was lying in the middle of the floor, he stumbled into the bathroom, just missing striking his head on something blunt of the second time in three minutes. When he had composed himself sufficiently, he stuck his hand into the shower, turning the hot water on. A knock sounded on the bathroom door and Bam started over to open it. Just as he reached the door, it swung open, hitting him squarely in the forehead. "FUCK! Who the-" He pulled the door open the rest of the way rather violently, coming face to face with a sheepish looking Jess. "Why the FUCK did you KNOCK if you were just gonna barge in?" Bam gritted out, rubbing the angry red mark on his forehead.

"Sorry." Jess replied mulishly. "You didn't answer, so I assumed you weren't in here."

Bam frowned, stepping into the shower. Jess sidestepped his boxers as they came sailing over the curtain rod, hopping up onto the counter. Bam's voice sounded from behind the shower curtain, somewhat unintelligible due to the running water. "Why the fuck couldn't you use your own fucking shower?"

"It broke. And I wanted to tell you something." Jess yawned, leaning back against the mirror. "Ape and Phil are gonna take in a foreign exchange student."


So, tell me what you think so far. I'm not sure if I should keep going. Thanks! Comments are much appreciated!

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