New Fic - Give Me Your Reason to Believe 8/?

Jul 30, 2006 23:15

TITLE : Give me your Reason to Believe
AUTHOR: ladyeigh (caliburn.kira)
RATING: R (NC-17 at the end)
PAIRING: VAM (Ville Valo/Bam Margera), Waycest (Mikey/Gerard)
POV: Third person
SUMMARY: The boys play pool until nightmares emerge...
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, didn’t happen and didn’t see anything… promise

NOTES: To Mytornromance Happy Birthday!!

This is the sequel to the long fic that I wrote for hergerbabe 'Taking Back the Life you Stole', not neccessary to have read it, but it might help!

The Fic that came first...

Or else you can read it on the community from here

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

Delayed again... but yay for summer vacations... I've been writing lots so more to come...

The balls clattered together as Bam struck the cue ball with some passion and watched the neat triangle shatter.

“Nice break.”

“Thanks, so…”


Mikey stepped over and took the cue from his brother’s hands with a smile. He lined up and took the shot, missing by a country mile and pocketing the white.

“I meant to do that!”

Bam giggled slightly while Gerard pulled him close and kissed his lovers temple.

“It’s your turn next you know.”

“I know Mikes, and I’ll miss everything too!”

Bam had casually potted a stripe to claim his set and looked over to his guests.

“We can so something else if you’d like. If you’d rather not play pool…”

“Nah, it’s fine, good actually.”

“Yeah, like Gee said - we suck at this but its fun!”

Bam giggled again, this was certainly familiar. For all that there was a table in the house most everybody in the Crew sucked at pool - then again most of them could have been regularly arrested for breaking while intoxicated.

This was their third frame; three men, two cues and a lot of laughing. Periodically Bam would leave the Way brothers and go over to check on his dozing lover. Ville had laid down when they came in from the balcony and quickly fallen asleep. Bam had laid a blanket carefully over him and Mischief had jumped up alongside the sleeping singer for her own afternoon nap. Mikey and Gerard had been concerned about his fatigue until Bam had finally confessed that it was partly due to the medications he had taken for wheezing after developing a cold on tour - one that had been exacerbated by a long flight breathing re-circulated air.

The frame continued to its gentle background accompaniment, classic Rock and Roll having replaced classical orchestration. Phil’s beloved crooning ‘Love me Tender’ to the Pool boys and a sleeping Finn. Suddenly Mischief let out a screech and leapt onto the back of the couch, startled from her repose. Her yowl was followed by a bitten off ‘Bammi’ and a stream of Finnish that seemed half pleading and half snarled invective. Bam threw his cue onto the purple baize and ran to his lover, bare feet sliding slightly on the slick floor. Mikey and Gerard placed their cue down and waited, not sure if they should help or even enquire. Mikey eased himself up to perch on the railing that fenced off the Pirate bar entranceway. From his slight vantage point he saw Bam, kneeling by his lover’s side as Ville wept onto the skaters shoulder, back shaking as he sobbed. Bam’s face was wet too, sharing in his partner’s sorrow. The skater looked up and caught sight of their guests, both clearly worried but unwilling to intrude. He was grateful for their reticence; Ville was always fragile after one of his dreams, barely accepting comfort from Bam or one of his ‘brothers’ in the band. Ville shuffled back a little from Bam and scrubbed at his eyes before looking around. When he saw the Way’s he froze, a lush of sheer embarrassment flooding his face. Mikey came down and wrapped Gerard in his embrace, his older brother upset by what he had seen.


The Finn shook his head and shoved the blanket aside, fairly fleeing for the sanctuary of his and Bam’s Master Suite. Bam knelt where he was, head bowed as he inhaled and exhaled for a few moments.


“It’s OK Gee. You and Mikey aren’t the problem, aren’t any kind of a problem.”


“He’ll be fine. It’ll take a little while but… sometimes his dreams…”

Gerard let go of Mikey and went to the younger man’s side, quickly seizing him up in an embrace. Bam stiffened in surprise before relaxing into the hug, accepting the offered comfort for a minute.

“Thank you.”

His uncharacteristically small voice almost hurt to hear; the skater clearly as shocked as the singer.

“Please make yourselves… you know where things…”

“Bam, its fine - go to him.”

“Yes. Gerard is right, go and see Ville, we’ll manage, it’s not like you don’t have a Castle or anything!”

“Thank you, again. The heaters are fired up to go if you want to use the deck…”

“Excellent. Look, we’ll see you both later - however long that is... OK?”

With one last smile Bam eased himself up and headed for his room and his lover. Mikey sat on the couch next to his brother and wrapped a long arm over his shoulders. Gee sighed and nestled close, taking in his lover’s warmth.

“You alright?”

“Sometimes it’s like looking into a mirror you know? Exactly the pain I tried so hard to hide - all there. I was lucky, he wasn’t - but in so many ways the nightmares are the same.”

Mikey simply wrapped his hug tighter, sending his love by touch and not by words.


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