Wicked Game : Chapter Eleven

Jul 30, 2006 18:02

Title: Wicked Game
Pairing: Eventual Vam
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: Bam has been going to the same mundane high school for the past three years, and in his final year, he hopes things will become a little more interesting. Little does he know how much his life will change with the arrival of a new exchange student.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. At all.

Prolouge to Chapter Ten


Bam’s face was pressed hard against the cold glass of the small car, causing the skin on his cheek to stick painfully to it. In his boredom, he observed dully as the thin fog from his breath would creep up and stain the transparent material and then fade away instantly the moment he inhaled. The skater had his sweaty hands twisted in a knot resting on his lap, his fingers in a fierce dance with one another in his attempt to distract himself from his situation.

His half-open tired blue eyes rapidly scanned the blurry and hazy mess of solitary trees scattered about and lonely, random speed limit signs that they passed while they drove by quickly on the empty highway. In the midst of this all, Bam could feel soft curls of Ville’s hair bouncing about on the exposed skin on his neck from the motions of the car, as the Finnish boy silently rested his head atop Bam’s shoulder. The only other sounds that could be heard were the occasional tuneless humming of the driver and the rather frequent sniffling of Ryan Dunn.

They had been driving for almost five hours straight, and Bam knew it would take a little longer to reach their final destination because he had been driven back to his home plenty of times in the past four years due to various suspensions. Bam wiggled around a bit to try to eliminate the sudden tingling numbness he felt in both of his legs, but he made sure to move rather slowly so he wouldn’t startle Ville awake.

The skater eventually managed to end the odd prickling sensations in his body and he then promptly peeled his cheek off the glass after what seemed like ages of trying. As he soothed the sore spot on his skin, and then rubbed the itchiness from his eyes, he glanced down at Ville’s silent form next to him. The Finnish boy had his eyes closed and his mouth slightly parted, his thin chest rising and falling softly with every quiet breath he took. His normally pale skin looked, if possible, even whiter than usual in the eerie, iridescent shadows given off from the overhead light of the lamps on the highway. Bam slowly pulled his hands apart and mindlessly ran one of his fingers through Ville’s curls, admiring the soft texture of the Finnish boy’s hair as he did so.

Bam checked his watch as Ville gave an almost inaudible sigh on the skin of his neck. The skater barely saw that it was nearly one in the morning before he felt Ville’s breath ghost over his skin, warming him instantly. Bam’s blue gaze snapped back over to Ville, who was now glancing up at him, a slight smile on his plush lips and his cat-like green eyes almost black in the darkness of the night.

“How was your nap?” Bam asked softly as Ville sat upright and ran both of his bony hands through his long jet black hair hair.

The Finn shrugged, still looking rather sleepy and restless at the same time.

“Pretty shitty, but I was on your shoulder so that made it better,” came his rough deep voice.

Bam suddenly became glad that the sheer blackness of the night was able to mask his uncontrollable blushing because had it been daylight, he would have been more embarrassed than he was at the moment. No one, ever, except for Ville had managed to make Bam turn red in his life. The Finnish boy grinned and chuckled to himself, internally knowing he caused Bam to blush.

Bam opened his mouth to retort but both boys were snapped out of their amusement instantly when an angry voice came from opposite them.

“How can you be laughing right now?” came Ryan Dunn’s quivering voice of irritation.

Ville, who was squished rather uncomfortably in between Ryan and Bam immediately ceased laughing at the mere sound of Ryan’s aggravated voice. The Finn suddenly had a somber and introverted look about him, as if the consequences of what had happened that night had come full blast back into his mind.

Bam groaned slightly, not wanting to think about what his mother (or father) would say once he walked into the house at one in the morning, knowing he was expelled. And the fact that he was bringing a complete stranger probably wasn’t going to hold well with his parents either, even though he wishfully hoped they wouldn’t mind.

Ryan kept his voice to a whisper as he gabbled on about the seriousness of the situation, and how laughing at this time was truly inappropriate, while Bam tried to drown him out as best as possible. Ville had a blank stare upon his face as he unenthusiastically watched as Ryan lectured them on their wrongdoings.

Bam groaned, placing his arm around Ville’s shoulders and pulling the surprised Finn closer to him without a word.

Ryan stopped in mid-sentence, his next complaint getting strangled in his throat as his mouth opened slightly and his red hair became suddenly vivid in the newly frequent bright orange lights of the highway.

“Just shut up, will you?” Bam asked, not bothering to be polite as he glanced out the window again.

Ryan slammed his mouth shut, his teeth gritting together as he huffed out loud in pure annoyance before shuffling in his seat, turning his head to stare out of his own window and away from Bam and Ville.

The Finn took that moment to bury his face in the crook of Bam’s neck as the skater looked out the window at passing green signs hanging over their heads, while a few sedans cruised smoothly past their car and off into the night.

As Bam finally caught sight of a lonely sign on the side of the road bearing the sole word, “Exit” in huge letters, he jumped as he felt Ville snake a thin arm around his waist. The skater glanced down at Ville just as the car made a sudden sharp turn at that exact moment without any type of warning, causing all three boys to gasp in unison and causing Bam to shift violently to his spot, knocking Ville over into Ryan, who then found himself pinned to the side of the car.

Bam laughed stupidly as Ryan broke out into curses, pushing Ville off of him and directly back on to Bam. The driver mumbled something to himself as the car straightened itself out, coming to a quiet halt. Bam’s eyes flew back to what was going on outside, as he saw that they were in a silent line of cars waiting for a nearby red light to turn green. The skater’s eyes scanned the sudden array of modest houses that popped up, lining up the empty, clean streets of West Chester.

Bam sighed out in happiness, knowing he was finally back home for good.

As the car slowly gained speed again, Ville’s voice popped up.

“So this is West Chester?”

“Yeah,” Bam replied, relaxing into Ville as the Finn wrapped his arm around Bam’s waist again. “What’s Finland like?”

Ville shrugged into Bam.

“Bleak and cold,” he said, sounding a bit bitter as he spoke.

Bam ran a hand soothingly through Ville’s hair, realizing he just touched on a sensitive topic for Ville. The skater suddenly remembered all the horrific things that had happened to Ville when he was in Finland and he felt himself flinch for being so stupid as to bring it up.

Ville fell into silence once again, as if the memories of his life in Finland suddenly came flooding back into his head. Despite the absolute silence in Bam’s section of the car, in the other corner, Ryan Dunn suddenly began to twitch nervously, so much so, Bam and Ville’s eyes flew straight over to him in confusion.

For the first time, Bam caught a glimpse of sweat trickling down Ryan’s pale, rather green-tinged face, as he wrung his hands painfully. The skater wondered what the boy could possibly be thinking about to make him look directly on the verge of vomiting.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Bam asked, as the car made a smooth turn to the left, exposing more houses and emptier streets. “Do you have to piss or something?”

Ryan muttered an inaudible phrase before his voice was drowned out by a sudden announcement by the driver.

“Mr. Dunn, I’ll be dropping you off first,” he said, his nasal voice sounding rather tired in the lateness of the night.

“Oh God,” Ryan gasped, letting his body fall forward hopelessly on to the seat in front of him.

Ville sat up instantly, his back rigid as he scooted his thin body closer to Bam. Ville shot a look at the skater that told Bam he blatantly thought Ryan Dunn was losing his mind.

“These are my final moments of life,” Ryan whispered brokenly, now sitting back in his seat and clutching onto his stomach as if trying to prevent himself from fainting.

“Stop over-exaggerating,” Ville said, trying to have a soothing element in his voice despite his rather obvious annoyance with the way Ryan was acting.

Ryan opened his mouth slightly and turned his glare over to Ville as the car made another turn to the right.

“You don’t know my parents,” Ryan snarled, flustered and angered at Ville.

The Finn opened his mouth to retort but Bam cut him off.

“I think you need to calm down man-it’s one in the morning-”

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Ryan yelled indignantly.

“Look jackass, don’t give me your attitude,” Bam whispered viciously, leaning over Ville’s stiff form to stare Ryan straight in the eye. “It’s neither of our faults that you’re in this car right now so don’t take it out on us. You didn’t have to help us in the first place.”

There was a long pause after that statement in which an uncomfortable silence reverberated throughout the small car.

“Sorry,” Ryan said sadly after a moment. Oddly enough, Bam’s yelling seemed to calm him a great deal. “It’s just…my parents are really strict.”

“Well think of this as vacation time,” Bam replied as the car came to a sudden halt.

“Mr. Dunn, we’re here,” the driver announced as Ryan squeaked.

“No,” Ryan moaned, his face now pressed against the glass of the window as he stared ahead of him.

The house they had halted in front of was a rather vast one, standing at almost three stories high. To Bam, it resembled a little girl’s dollhouse, with pale pink tiles and frosting-like paint adorning the outside of the home. The skater thought it looked too perfect and too clean amongst the other plain homes surrounding it, as if it wasn’t fit for human inhabitance but instead for a bunch of Barbie dolls. The front lawn was lush and green, and even in the darkness of the night Bam could tell the grass was well trimmed and the various abundant plants were all properly cared for. It almost made Bam a little nauseous to see how Ryan was living. Ville was staring at it with his mouth wide open.

“Shit, you’re rich,” Ville muttered, staring at Ryan in a cross between disbelief and pure shock.

The boy didn’t reply as he suddenly dove for his backpack and ripped open the zipper before pulling out a small slip of paper and a pen. At that exact moment, the car moved a bit as the driver opened the trunk, the sounds of Ryan’s suitcases being pulled out odd against the silence of the small town.

As soon as Ryan scribbled something he grabbed Bam’s hand and shoved the paper in it.

“What the hell-”

“Here’s my number,” Ryan said glumly, closing Bam’s hand around the paper. “I’m going to die if I’m left alone with my parents, so for the love of God just call me sometime.”

Ville chuckled as he sat back, leaving a stunned Bam only to nod vigorously.

“See you guys later,” Ryan whispered as he opened his door and hoisted his bag before stepping out of the car and into the night.

“Bye,” Bam barely said before he caught glimpse of the front door opening to Ryan’s home in the distance.

Ville merely waved.

From where he was standing, Bam and Ville could see Ryan was now visibly shaking in the night. The front door to his home slammed open with such force the skater was convinced it would go flying cleanly off its hinges. Out rushed two people, both of them wearing their night clothes; one was a woman with identical vivid red hair like Ryan’s (presumably his mother), her grey nightdress billowing in the wind. Although they couldn’t hear what she was saying, Bam and Ville knew very well that she was screaming her head off, the rollers that were holding her hair in place falling off as she ran toward a cowering Ryan. The person following her was a tall lanky man, his finger pointed at Ryan, who was now, pressed up against the car in fear.

Seconds later, the driver jumped back in the car, slamming the door shut and breathing harshly, not expecting that reaction from Ryan’s parents at one in the morning. He started the engine as the two people dragged Ryan back into their perfect home, looking not-so-wonderful as they did so.

“Poor bastard,” Ville said sadly as the car took off, driving smoothly down the empty road.

The Finn laid his head on Bam’s lap and extended his long legs across the space in the car, while Bam took the paper Ryan gave him and placed it safely in his pocket, thinking he might just take Ryan’s offer to call him back.


A/N: I’m so sorry for taking so long to write this rather boring chapter! The new charger I brought broke down on me (again) so I returned it to get it checked and at the same time, I was stricken with a bad case of writer’s block so it took me ages to manage to get one sentence out. I apologize not only for the time it took to write this, but also the bad quality of it. I promise more soon and thanks for reading, if you still are.

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